At this point a person has got to be beyond brain dead to accept not only the quaccine narrative, but the whole germ theory narrative. Louie Pasteur made up his scientific results from whole cloth after gruesome experiments on dogs. He never proved that any micro-organism causes or spreads disease.

Tests done during the "Spanish Flu Pandemic" found that disease could not be transmitted even by intimate physical contact, such as french kissing. Most people do not know this.

The fact that "modern science" would have you believe that mankind evolved from Green Monkeys should tell any intelligent person everything they need to know.

Shame on all the kings and popes who have been pushing this guff for over five generations. They are going to have hell to pay!

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The brainwashing was massively successful in Ireland.

Even though this news is getting out there, parents are burying their heads in the sand, too afraid to face it.

I understand that fear, when a psychologist writes the report to state that one’s child has autism. There is so much involved in that word.

But all is not lost. The sooner a parent begins healing the gut microbiome of the child, the better chance the child has of recovering. But the doctors don’t offer this advice to parents, they continue to push toxic vaccines on children and causing more harm.

The sadness I feel when I watch the many young teenage boys with big earphones on, walk behind their parents, often in their own world, is overwhelming.

Shame on these criminals doing this to innocent children.

It is the hand of Satan for sure.

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Vaccines and Autoimmune Diseases - Vaccines potential link to autoimmune diseases cannot be dismissed - https://talknet.substack.com/p/vaccines-and-autoimmune-diseases

And… FYI “flu shot” suggests it’s injecting the flu - so it’s accurate - it injects toxins and the body responds (if too toxic) by detoxing, yielding flu symptoms.

On the other hand, an “anti-flu shot”, if one existed, would kill you because it would stop you from detoxing as needed, so you would eventually die of toxicity. Unless you think a million years of evolution simply forgot to develop a system of detoxing.

Any Dr that thinks otherwise is too stupid to be a Dr; a brainwashed moron that needs to climb a mountain to look for some logic and common sense and purge the big-pharma indoctrination lessons learned at drug-dealing school.

FYI… In the late 1700s, another moron Dr. decided evolution did a million-year back-step to suddenly crippled the immune system, so this mental midget, Dr. Edward Jenner, with his advanced 1700s drug-dealing education, injected kids with infected cow pus to fight small pox, which was actually caused by commonly used toxins in the darker dark ages, such as lead and arsenic, but the self-proclamations of vaxx-success launched a plethora of insane toxic injections, creating one of the most profitable and corrupt industries on the planet that brought us THE most damage generation of children we’ve ever seen… because so many medical drug dealers think they are “too smart” to look past their indoctrination… to the bloody obvious!

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Create a name create an industry, that one is called Munchausen by proxy.

Beyond belief that all the parents are in on it.

Be unseen and undiscovered, by all those who come and go, wandering the wastelands of life, and stay hidden, until an older earth births generations worthy of your wisdom...

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