Yet Another Study Reveals The Link Between Vaccines And Autism
Yet more research finds that childhood vaccines are likely to be responsible for almost 80% of cases of autism: hardly surprising when you inject heavy metals directly into their bloodstreams
The mainstream media have known for decades about the link between vaccines and autism but have gone to strenuous and sickening lengths to hide it because their paymasters are the pharma companies that manufacture the toxic jabs. Just think how many children might not have ended up with autism and other debilitating illnesses if journalists had been doing their job scrutinising these giant corporations - many of which have criminal records.
But the evidence that vaccines cause autism continues to pile up despite their desperate attempts to cover it up. Another new study has found that childhood injections are likely to be responsible for 80% of cases of autism. The study ( which was carried out using the Medicaid database of Florida, found that vaccinated children have a 170% higher chance of being diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder compared to unvaccinated children. They also have a 212% greater chance of developing a range of other neurodevelopmental disorders including attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), epilepsy/seizures and learning disorders. The details of the study are below:
The risk of developing a neurodevelopmental disorder grew relative to the number of doctor’s visits that included vaccinations. Children with just one vaccination visit were almost twice as likely to have been diagnosed with autism compared to those who were unvaccinated.
Children with 11 or more vaccination visits were 340% more likely to be diagnosed with autism compared to unvaccinated children and 89% more likely to be diagnosed with autism compared to children with one vaccination visit.
Vaccinated children were 419% more likely to be diagnosed with encephalopathy (brain inflammation), 525% more likely to develop tic disorders and 581% times more likely to have a learning disability, compared to unvaccinated children.
The study found that 85% of children's learning disabilities in the US are caused by the CDC’s vaccination plan, which the new Health Secretary Robert F(raud) Kennedy Jr fully supports.
Even though governments, manufacturers and the medical profession are unwilling to acknowledge it, every single study ever published in the literature peer-reviewed by experts has shown that unvaccinated children are healthier in all areas than their vaccinated peers.
That’s hardly surprising given that a vaccination involves a shot of foreign matter directly into the bloodstream. Vaccines contain aluminium which numerous studies have found have a neurotoxic effect on the brain and cause neurodevelopmental disorders. If your GP said to you, I’m going to inject your newborn with aluminium and aborted foetal cells now, how many parents would agree? Likely very few, but hardly any take the time to research exactly what is in a vaccine.
Injecting such toxic ingredients into small infants whose brains are so vulnerable is a recipe for disaster. The repeated nature of vaccination during childhood can lead to chronic repeated inflammation in the brain and impair critical pathways for cognitive and behavioural functions. Exposure to heavy metals is linked to mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, and impaired detoxification pathways.
Mass vaccination of children will one day be seen as the greatest crime ever committed by governments against the most vulnerable and innocent people in society. That day is coming sooner than they realise. Don’t say autistic. Say vaccine damaged. Please take the time and courage to have this conversation with young parents and show them the evidence. You literally could save a life.
Here’s just a sample of some of the studies linking heavy metals and vaccines to neurological disorders:
Causal relationship between vaccine-induced immunity and autism
Subtle DNA changes and the overuse of vaccines in autism
(These studies were compiled by Warrior Mom on Substack)
At this point a person has got to be beyond brain dead to accept not only the quaccine narrative, but the whole germ theory narrative. Louie Pasteur made up his scientific results from whole cloth after gruesome experiments on dogs. He never proved that any micro-organism causes or spreads disease.
Tests done during the "Spanish Flu Pandemic" found that disease could not be transmitted even by intimate physical contact, such as french kissing. Most people do not know this.
The fact that "modern science" would have you believe that mankind evolved from Green Monkeys should tell any intelligent person everything they need to know.
Shame on all the kings and popes who have been pushing this guff for over five generations. They are going to have hell to pay!
The brainwashing was massively successful in Ireland.
Even though this news is getting out there, parents are burying their heads in the sand, too afraid to face it.
I understand that fear, when a psychologist writes the report to state that one’s child has autism. There is so much involved in that word.
But all is not lost. The sooner a parent begins healing the gut microbiome of the child, the better chance the child has of recovering. But the doctors don’t offer this advice to parents, they continue to push toxic vaccines on children and causing more harm.
The sadness I feel when I watch the many young teenage boys with big earphones on, walk behind their parents, often in their own world, is overwhelming.
Shame on these criminals doing this to innocent children.
It is the hand of Satan for sure.