Catholicism is the enemy’s greatest threat. Return to the Faith of your ancestors which sustained them above all else in times of trouble. It is the only shield of protection and truth we need.
Thanks Gerry, waiting almost five years to do this, life stripped away on a pack of lies, business destroyed with a point blank NO when forced to apply for emergency payment, go away and die job!
...well, that's mighty considerate of u!... Raymond!...ur welcome to do so in 'the quare place' any time...i'm on my last comments on Oirish plankforums...i'm wary of possible manipulative and even 'agreeable' 'bots' on streams also... i don't have time to do it, however i suspect that there are or soon will be subtle algorithms underlying the natures of apparent chats, and contributing to their tone... eg the last stream had new tags, yet there appeared to effect among the participants the same sense of familiarity as previous streams, and adapted to a pattern...i only occasionally look at the chat, but it would be interesting to examine to some extents the patterns as they emerge... much the same patterns on occasions emerging, different tags or whatever...i'm only got my smart 'phones last three years or less, so i don' t know if
i may have a valid point on this...(edit: i don't mean this as a plankforum, however, right now certain motives among others 'presentations' through whichever relevant media are becoming increasingly apparent)...
Read this and you will understand why you are not supposed to read IT……The Jew steadily works to ruin women and girls so that he can break down the barriers of blood on an even larger scale. It was the Jews who brought the negro to the Rhine. The motive behind this is clear and his intention is always the same.
He wants to destroy the hated white race through bastardisation. He continues to bring negroes in as a flood and force the mixing of races. This corruption puts an end to white culture and political distinction and raises the Jew up to be its masters.
A racially pure people, which is conscious of its blood, can never be defeated by the Jew. In this world, the Jew can only be the master of bastards. This is why he continually tries to lower the racial quality by poisoning the blood of individuals among the targeted peoples.
The Jew begins to replace the political idea of democracy with that of a dictatorship for the working class. In the organised masses who follow Marxism, the Jew finds he is holding a weapon that allows him to do without democracy and permits him instead to conquer and rule the people through the iron hand of a dictatorship. The Jew works systematically in two directions for the revolution: economically and politically. Any nation that violently resists his internal attack is surrounded by a net of countries which fall more easily. This ring forms a network of enemies around his target and incites the nation into war, and finally, if necessary, when the troops are on the battlefield, he raises the flag of revolution, right when the country is least prepared.
Economically, the Jew shakes the State until its social services begin to sway.
They become so costly that they are transferred away from national control and put under his financial control. Politically, he blocks funding and denies the State access to the resources it needs for self-preservation, he destroys the foundations of any national resistance or defence, he destroys faith in the government leadership, he ridicules the nation's history, and he drags everything that is truly great into the gutter.
...the Albignesians would go along with that...or else...actually, also known as 'Cathars' had been genocided...aided by the so called founder of the Rosary, i throw in several decades for them even as I tend to pray it, they who's approach had been subsequently contorted into all manner of lies and vile misinterpretations to satisfy the ambitions of the 'Material Order of the Day' and it's man made dogma subject to their rule over human kind and the earth, that has morphed into today's trinity of Rome, Washington DC and London...and that's to merely merely consider the 'head of the snake' a bit of real research on these matters, learn how to at least consider between the lines (lies?!) work on our souls as we must and are intended, some truth may be revealed to us on the basis of our real efforts, in terms of our 'working out', allow Jesus his due, don't we contaminate his name with that of the anti Christian...there is a price put on that!... ...
... ...notice the land and properties grab!..presents a regular theme, it 'appears'... that is the 'real vision' that inspires the's easy for their constructing a case against the had done the aptly named Pope Innocent III, who gives the lie to his 'holy' name, to this day...(edit: Matthew 7:16 'You will know them by their fruits'... it's not that difficult surely!)
... prayer's and thoughts for u tomorrow Gemma and always regardless, and someone in England is also, lots of good will and love goin ur way doubtless... btw this is the scripture i think u read 'blessed are the meek, they will laugh'...😂😂😂... assuming i heard right...(edit: apologies, u had the verse correct, u hadn't used inherit the earth in the context, reading from Luke; i was and am half asleep at this time, when u prefaced the verses with "The Beatitudes' that's usually Matthew 5, which is more complete and that's what i expected, and the wording in similar contexts are slightly different, anway, the modern tendency is to over simplify the language in many versions!)
The Irish have been attacked by the jew for centuries. The Irish were the first slaves in America, courtesy of the jewish slaveowners. The Irish were attacked by the jewish controlled british and they stole all of their food and spread the lie in their jewish media that it was a "potato famine". We will not be free until we remove the enemy. keep up the fight!!
"One Day, through the Rosary and the Scapular, I will save the world"- Our Lady to St Dominic Guzman in the hearing of St Francis of Assisi.
"As for the Holy Rosary, Father, in these last times in which we are living, the Blessed Virgin has given a new efficacy to the praying of the Holy Rosary. This in such a way that there is no problem that cannot be resolved by praying the Rosary, no matter how difficult it is - be it temporal or above all spiritual - in the spiritual life of each of us or the lives of our families, be they our families in the world or Religious Communities, or even in the lives of peoples and nations. I repeat, there is no problem, as difficult as it may be, that we cannot resolve at this time by praying the Holy Rosary. With the Holy Rosary we will save ourselves, sanctify ourselves, console Our Lord and obtain the salvation of many souls."- St Sr Lucia to Fr Augustine Fuentes, Dec 26th 1957 (Shortly before she was probably murdered by Pius XII).
To paraphrase Vince Lombardi, Our Lady of Fatima is not everything. She is the ONLY Thing.
They have taken our Mass, they have taken our Sacraments, and they have taken our Pope. But they cannot take our Faith nor our Beads.
The Most Holy Rosary is my Mass, my Office, my Rule, and my Enclosure.
This FJ he's got a circular argument it's the circles that brought homosexuality and forced it on innocent priests. Like everything that's evil it's always put to the front of the mind. They don't f*** boys they f*** other homosexuals. I was delivered by a Catholic that family and my family were very close that family escaped from the gulag and came to the USA. All my friends from college were exclusively Catholic. I was brought up Prussian Lutheran with a dad that came from hold your nose and Anglican background okay if you can let go of your nose now. You don't want to end up like me. Now I'm a Cathar. If I'm wrong I'm going to pay dearly if you're wrong that's dynamic ignorance. You're doing everything that you know is right you're good people you need to go back to the church. And don't trust anyone from England even though that's where my ancestors came from on 50%. The 1/8 of me that's the Hungarian male is reaching out with my Doom and gloom black pill advice. Go Gemma!!!
It's obvious that you worship Satan. I tell you the truth and you say I need prayers but not the priests that rape young boys. True religion and faultless in the sight of God is to care for the widows and orphans in their affliction. Do you even read the Bible?
You have fallen for the jewish psyop of "catholic priests are pedophiles and rape little boys". The reality is that there are sodomites who entered the priesthood illicitly under false pretenses and engaged in pederasty, as is their wont. Then hundreds upon hundreds of "accusations" were leveled at good priests, yet 90% of them were quietly cleared. But the damage was done. Look up current jewish PA governor Josh Shapiro as Exhibit A.
...six mins in, 'in a word' great video Raymond!...
Thanks Gerry, waiting almost five years to do this, life stripped away on a pack of lies, business destroyed with a point blank NO when forced to apply for emergency payment, go away and die job!
I can't say here what I really think...
...well, that's mighty considerate of u!... Raymond!...ur welcome to do so in 'the quare place' any time...i'm on my last comments on Oirish plankforums...i'm wary of possible manipulative and even 'agreeable' 'bots' on streams also... i don't have time to do it, however i suspect that there are or soon will be subtle algorithms underlying the natures of apparent chats, and contributing to their tone... eg the last stream had new tags, yet there appeared to effect among the participants the same sense of familiarity as previous streams, and adapted to a pattern...i only occasionally look at the chat, but it would be interesting to examine to some extents the patterns as they emerge... much the same patterns on occasions emerging, different tags or whatever...i'm only got my smart 'phones last three years or less, so i don' t know if
i may have a valid point on this...(edit: i don't mean this as a plankforum, however, right now certain motives among others 'presentations' through whichever relevant media are becoming increasingly apparent)...
Read this and you will understand why you are not supposed to read IT……The Jew steadily works to ruin women and girls so that he can break down the barriers of blood on an even larger scale. It was the Jews who brought the negro to the Rhine. The motive behind this is clear and his intention is always the same.
He wants to destroy the hated white race through bastardisation. He continues to bring negroes in as a flood and force the mixing of races. This corruption puts an end to white culture and political distinction and raises the Jew up to be its masters.
A racially pure people, which is conscious of its blood, can never be defeated by the Jew. In this world, the Jew can only be the master of bastards. This is why he continually tries to lower the racial quality by poisoning the blood of individuals among the targeted peoples.
The Jew begins to replace the political idea of democracy with that of a dictatorship for the working class. In the organised masses who follow Marxism, the Jew finds he is holding a weapon that allows him to do without democracy and permits him instead to conquer and rule the people through the iron hand of a dictatorship. The Jew works systematically in two directions for the revolution: economically and politically. Any nation that violently resists his internal attack is surrounded by a net of countries which fall more easily. This ring forms a network of enemies around his target and incites the nation into war, and finally, if necessary, when the troops are on the battlefield, he raises the flag of revolution, right when the country is least prepared.
Economically, the Jew shakes the State until its social services begin to sway.
They become so costly that they are transferred away from national control and put under his financial control. Politically, he blocks funding and denies the State access to the resources it needs for self-preservation, he destroys the foundations of any national resistance or defence, he destroys faith in the government leadership, he ridicules the nation's history, and he drags everything that is truly great into the gutter.
...the Albignesians would go along with that...or else...actually, also known as 'Cathars' had been genocided...aided by the so called founder of the Rosary, i throw in several decades for them even as I tend to pray it, they who's approach had been subsequently contorted into all manner of lies and vile misinterpretations to satisfy the ambitions of the 'Material Order of the Day' and it's man made dogma subject to their rule over human kind and the earth, that has morphed into today's trinity of Rome, Washington DC and London...and that's to merely merely consider the 'head of the snake' a bit of real research on these matters, learn how to at least consider between the lines (lies?!) work on our souls as we must and are intended, some truth may be revealed to us on the basis of our real efforts, in terms of our 'working out', allow Jesus his due, don't we contaminate his name with that of the anti Christian...there is a price put on that!... ...
... ...notice the land and properties grab!..presents a regular theme, it 'appears'... that is the 'real vision' that inspires the's easy for their constructing a case against the had done the aptly named Pope Innocent III, who gives the lie to his 'holy' name, to this day...(edit: Matthew 7:16 'You will know them by their fruits'... it's not that difficult surely!)
... prayer's and thoughts for u tomorrow Gemma and always regardless, and someone in England is also, lots of good will and love goin ur way doubtless... btw this is the scripture i think u read 'blessed are the meek, they will laugh'...😂😂😂... assuming i heard right...(edit: apologies, u had the verse correct, u hadn't used inherit the earth in the context, reading from Luke; i was and am half asleep at this time, when u prefaced the verses with "The Beatitudes' that's usually Matthew 5, which is more complete and that's what i expected, and the wording in similar contexts are slightly different, anway, the modern tendency is to over simplify the language in many versions!)
The Irish have been attacked by the jew for centuries. The Irish were the first slaves in America, courtesy of the jewish slaveowners. The Irish were attacked by the jewish controlled british and they stole all of their food and spread the lie in their jewish media that it was a "potato famine". We will not be free until we remove the enemy. keep up the fight!!
Outsiders, who stole the corn from the field's while the potatoes went rotten in the ditch.
Ireland for the White Irishman, the rest must go!
"One Day, through the Rosary and the Scapular, I will save the world"- Our Lady to St Dominic Guzman in the hearing of St Francis of Assisi.
"As for the Holy Rosary, Father, in these last times in which we are living, the Blessed Virgin has given a new efficacy to the praying of the Holy Rosary. This in such a way that there is no problem that cannot be resolved by praying the Rosary, no matter how difficult it is - be it temporal or above all spiritual - in the spiritual life of each of us or the lives of our families, be they our families in the world or Religious Communities, or even in the lives of peoples and nations. I repeat, there is no problem, as difficult as it may be, that we cannot resolve at this time by praying the Holy Rosary. With the Holy Rosary we will save ourselves, sanctify ourselves, console Our Lord and obtain the salvation of many souls."- St Sr Lucia to Fr Augustine Fuentes, Dec 26th 1957 (Shortly before she was probably murdered by Pius XII).
To paraphrase Vince Lombardi, Our Lady of Fatima is not everything. She is the ONLY Thing.
They have taken our Mass, they have taken our Sacraments, and they have taken our Pope. But they cannot take our Faith nor our Beads.
The Most Holy Rosary is my Mass, my Office, my Rule, and my Enclosure.
Returning to the faith is the ONLY way.
I couldn’t agree more. Be like little children, and pray the Rosary!
Looks more like submission to me.
This FJ he's got a circular argument it's the circles that brought homosexuality and forced it on innocent priests. Like everything that's evil it's always put to the front of the mind. They don't f*** boys they f*** other homosexuals. I was delivered by a Catholic that family and my family were very close that family escaped from the gulag and came to the USA. All my friends from college were exclusively Catholic. I was brought up Prussian Lutheran with a dad that came from hold your nose and Anglican background okay if you can let go of your nose now. You don't want to end up like me. Now I'm a Cathar. If I'm wrong I'm going to pay dearly if you're wrong that's dynamic ignorance. You're doing everything that you know is right you're good people you need to go back to the church. And don't trust anyone from England even though that's where my ancestors came from on 50%. The 1/8 of me that's the Hungarian male is reaching out with my Doom and gloom black pill advice. Go Gemma!!!
Priests fuck altar boys. Fuck your religion.
Frank needs prayers and a lot of them.
You need God.
It's obvious that you worship Satan. I tell you the truth and you say I need prayers but not the priests that rape young boys. True religion and faultless in the sight of God is to care for the widows and orphans in their affliction. Do you even read the Bible?
You have fallen for the jewish psyop of "catholic priests are pedophiles and rape little boys". The reality is that there are sodomites who entered the priesthood illicitly under false pretenses and engaged in pederasty, as is their wont. Then hundreds upon hundreds of "accusations" were leveled at good priests, yet 90% of them were quietly cleared. But the damage was done. Look up current jewish PA governor Josh Shapiro as Exhibit A.
Schools are government indoctrination camps. All schools are freemason schools designed to brainwash children. And it worked on you and Gemma.