What Real Resistance Looks Like
Catholicism is the enemy’s greatest threat. Return to the Faith of your ancestors which sustained them above all else in times of trouble. It is the only shield of protection and truth we need.
During the Penal times in Ireland, when it was illegal to be Catholic, the faithful clung to their Rosaries and refused to cave.
On failing to subdue them in the 17th century, Oliver Cromwell wrote to his superiors: “All is not well with Ireland yet. You gave us the money. You gave us the guns. But let me tell you every house in Ireland is a house of prayer. And when I bring these fanatical Irish before the muzzles of my guns, they hold up in their hands a string of beads and they never surrender.”
It was the power of the Holy Rosary that kept Ireland Catholic in spite of centuries of persecution. And it will again.
(Courtesy: Sensible Catholicism)
Attend Holy Mass. Receive the Sacraments. Prepare for Lent. Live your Faith. It is the only remedy.
Read this and you will understand why you are not supposed to read IT……The Jew steadily works to ruin women and girls so that he can break down the barriers of blood on an even larger scale. It was the Jews who brought the negro to the Rhine. The motive behind this is clear and his intention is always the same.
He wants to destroy the hated white race through bastardisation. He continues to bring negroes in as a flood and force the mixing of races. This corruption puts an end to white culture and political distinction and raises the Jew up to be its masters.
A racially pure people, which is conscious of its blood, can never be defeated by the Jew. In this world, the Jew can only be the master of bastards. This is why he continually tries to lower the racial quality by poisoning the blood of individuals among the targeted peoples.
The Jew begins to replace the political idea of democracy with that of a dictatorship for the working class. In the organised masses who follow Marxism, the Jew finds he is holding a weapon that allows him to do without democracy and permits him instead to conquer and rule the people through the iron hand of a dictatorship. The Jew works systematically in two directions for the revolution: economically and politically. Any nation that violently resists his internal attack is surrounded by a net of countries which fall more easily. This ring forms a network of enemies around his target and incites the nation into war, and finally, if necessary, when the troops are on the battlefield, he raises the flag of revolution, right when the country is least prepared.
Economically, the Jew shakes the State until its social services begin to sway.
They become so costly that they are transferred away from national control and put under his financial control. Politically, he blocks funding and denies the State access to the resources it needs for self-preservation, he destroys the foundations of any national resistance or defence, he destroys faith in the government leadership, he ridicules the nation's history, and he drags everything that is truly great into the gutter.