You have to hand it to the Crisis-Actor-In-Chief for keeping a straight face when they rolled out his first big psyop in office. It's one of their worst yet!
I have to say, as soon as I saw that former figure skater speaking, my crisis actor alert went off and I said to the hubby, I’m pretty sure it’s a hoax. And this was from just one short clip on YT as I don’t have a TV and I hadn’t watched anything else about the ‘crash’. So yes, you’re right - it’s a shocker 🥱🙄
Is this like someone joking around having fun? I'm all for sense of humor but the point of humor is to be funny, which is what confuses me. This article isn't funny, unless it went over my head. However, I can't take it seriously as it does not contain one single fact nor piece of evidence. Though you folks are reacting as if she is serious.
Very reminiscent of the hero pilot brought down by Canada geese who landed his plane on the Hudson River. In England most of the moronic dumbed down people here believe the "Southport killings" are real. They found the three cutest photos possible of young girls and created a ridiculous crazy AI photo of the "killer".
...i couldn't agree more if ur referring to the author above, considered from the following perspective... ur accurate beyond ur conception... "Etymology
The word "idiot" ultimately comes from the Greek noun ἰδιώτης idiōtēs 'a private person, individual' (as opposed to the state), 'a private citizen' (as opposed to someone with a political office). .. (Wikipedia) "...the irony being that in fact, stretching the foregoing point to even more realistic proportions she is in fact opposed to corrupt political 'officers'... i appreciate ur maturity in our collaborating on the matter!...
No those deaths were real. The psyop regarding that is different here. This was deliberate to create unrest among the 'far right' and bring about stricter controls on knives and Internet access. But not immigration strangely.
Ok what's your evidence? I'm all in on conspiracies and I like a rabbit hole. I'll stick with my theory because the evidence is quite obvious to me and a great many people.
A Rwandan warlord tied to herr Stamper who let him, and two others in to the country when he was head DPP at the time.. I'd edge that the kid killer was a 'sleeper' and got activated!
San Diego, and much of California, has become Sino-Hindu land, intentionally accelerated greatly since 2020. It's highly disturbing.
Regarding the PSA 182 crash in San Diego in 1978: It was definitely not faked. My mother worked a few blocks away from the crash. Many people saw the planes go down in real time. There were body parts all over North Park. It was a disgusting mess. Whatever happened,, many people died and the planes definitely crashed. Very traumatizing.
I have to hand it to you.. I fell for the 'transgender-losing-her-job-playing an Aaron Bushnell-imoliation-self sacrifice-public-display-of contempt' PSYOP. But seeing the zombies in that video (what was UP WITH ELON!?) .. brings back the 15 years of 'crisis actor' files I've assembled, and it was like BAM.. OMG, not again!? I wondered.. what could be the motive,? the 'cui bono' of a plane crash.. no TWO plane crashes? (I confess to be waiting for another plane crash as in... Trump is president, another day another plane crash).. But I see it now.. Get people to stop flying. This is an oscar winning piece (another hoax I never watch), and wish to express my thanks for your clear thinking, and hard work.
There have been lots of faked crashes, like 911, but this one looks real, and does not traumatize anyone to "not fly anymore." Even much worse air crashes did not stop the aviation industry, but the fake pandemic did, for a couple of years. Why stage a relatively minor crash, when they could have done another TW800?
It’s an interesting theory, but how about supplying 1 ounce of proof. If the entire thing was faked, this should not be that hard to do. A few snarky comments aren’t enough. I’m open to anything, but show me the evidence.
Thanks for informing me about the plane crash psy-op I had not even heard about, because I am so far removed from the news cycle and please God within the depths of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and rely on people like you to keep me up to speed on the theatre. Yes indeedy, the lamestream news cannot even keep up with the scheduled weather, because the HAARP/Chemtrail Boyz sometimes changes the script while other times Almighty God moves the clouds to remind them He is ultimately in charge of the Cosmos and the Heavens, despite their machinations. (Although the perverts do succeed in ruining a great many snowstorms, much to my chagrin. Because there is nothing quite like the silence and serenity that descends upon Creation when it is blanketed by three feet of snow, and the shipping industry can just be damned.)
Fortunately we are, with the Orange Messiah and the MAGA Hats, at peak stupidity, peak cronyism, peak economic distortion via government subsidies and socialism, peak heresy, peak perversity, and peak cowardice. All for the saints to do now is wait the herald of the Antichrist, and rejoice like St Andrew in the Cross of Execution Our Lord is pleased to send in His due time.
But we shall re-entered the scene, at the First Resurrection, shouting "Viva Cristo Rey" with the betrayed Cristeros, betrayed by Pius XI and Freemasonic America, most likely the Harlot and Scarlet Beast of the Apocalypse.
Interesting take. I’m glad you referenced 9/11 but there are a lot of differences between these two incidents.
1. On 9/11 no wreckage was recovered, there is visible wreckage here.
2. On 9/11 no black boxes were recovered but they have been here.
3. On 9/11 the “airplanes” that hit the WTC were traveling well beyond what they were capable of traveling at sea level both from the ability of the engines to power the planes to travel that fast and the ability of the planes to maintain structural integrity.
4. Airplanes could not have penetrated the reinforced steel exterior of the WTC towers as they appeared to nor could an airplane cause that kind of damage to the pentagon.
In this incident both vehicles were traveling at a normal rate of speed. A collision would produce the effect we’ve seen. There was a wreckage and the black boxes have been recovered.
The only theory I’ve seen that is even plausible is that the helicopter was being controlled remotely. Okay, but why? Qui bono? I’ve not seen good explanations for those.
Everyone should always question everything, we are living in that kind of world. But not everything is a PSYOP. Not every streak in the sky is a chemtrail. Not every bad weather event is HARP. People suggesting these things are either confused or disinformation agents/plants.
I’m one of the biggest conspiracy theorists out there but I’m with you on not everything is a psyop! I tend to believe the plane was hit by the helicopter and people died. But why? I always ask “who was on that plane?” There have been planes brought down to kill specific people, sometimes several people holding truths they don’t want exposed. It happened about a year and a half ago with some researchers that thought they had discovered a cure for the bioweapon shots. We’re being run by criminals and I think there are things we’ll never know and I just can’t drive myself to believe every conspiracy story out there. ONLY God knows what is happening and I’m glad He holds the reins. I’m not convinced this was a psyop but I do believe something nefarious took place!
Have you ever seen the video of Obama speaking at the Stanford Cyber Policy Center a few years back? There’s a part where he comes right out and says that “You just have to flood a country’s public square with enough raw sewage. You just have to raise enough questions, spread enough dirt, plant enough conspiracy theorizing (sic), that citizens no longer know what to believe”.
With our certifiably insane federal government, this is actually the most credible explanation of last week's crash between the commercial jet and the Blackhawk helicopter.
I have to say, as soon as I saw that former figure skater speaking, my crisis actor alert went off and I said to the hubby, I’m pretty sure it’s a hoax. And this was from just one short clip on YT as I don’t have a TV and I hadn’t watched anything else about the ‘crash’. So yes, you’re right - it’s a shocker 🥱🙄
Thank you Chronicles, my sentiments exactly, and I didn't even see the video you're referring to. It's all lies all the time.
Is this like someone joking around having fun? I'm all for sense of humor but the point of humor is to be funny, which is what confuses me. This article isn't funny, unless it went over my head. However, I can't take it seriously as it does not contain one single fact nor piece of evidence. Though you folks are reacting as if she is serious.
It looks like you're in the wrong place so. Back to Magaland with you...
I knew it was when i noticed some of the numerology of this psy-op lol.
Very reminiscent of the hero pilot brought down by Canada geese who landed his plane on the Hudson River. In England most of the moronic dumbed down people here believe the "Southport killings" are real. They found the three cutest photos possible of young girls and created a ridiculous crazy AI photo of the "killer".
You're actually an idiot.
...i couldn't agree more if ur referring to the author above, considered from the following perspective... ur accurate beyond ur conception... "Etymology
The word "idiot" ultimately comes from the Greek noun ἰδιώτης idiōtēs 'a private person, individual' (as opposed to the state), 'a private citizen' (as opposed to someone with a political office). .. (Wikipedia) "...the irony being that in fact, stretching the foregoing point to even more realistic proportions she is in fact opposed to corrupt political 'officers'... i appreciate ur maturity in our collaborating on the matter!...
No those deaths were real. The psyop regarding that is different here. This was deliberate to create unrest among the 'far right' and bring about stricter controls on knives and Internet access. But not immigration strangely.
For God's sake, grow up.
Ok what's your evidence? I'm all in on conspiracies and I like a rabbit hole. I'll stick with my theory because the evidence is quite obvious to me and a great many people.
The "killer" was a BBC child actor and his father was either one of the wanted Rwanda killers or his relative. Quelle cohencidence!
A Rwandan warlord tied to herr Stamper who let him, and two others in to the country when he was head DPP at the time.. I'd edge that the kid killer was a 'sleeper' and got activated!
Evidence? Getting bored with asking.
What is your evidence?
San Diego, and much of California, has become Sino-Hindu land, intentionally accelerated greatly since 2020. It's highly disturbing.
Regarding the PSA 182 crash in San Diego in 1978: It was definitely not faked. My mother worked a few blocks away from the crash. Many people saw the planes go down in real time. There were body parts all over North Park. It was a disgusting mess. Whatever happened,, many people died and the planes definitely crashed. Very traumatizing.
Not all crashes have been faked especially back then but since they got away with 9/11, it’s become a regular thing with them - trauma ritual etc.
Love your work. You are awesome. Thank you.
Thank you! At least we can console ourselves that no-one dies in their fake shows.
Remote controlled Black Hawk
I have to hand it to you.. I fell for the 'transgender-losing-her-job-playing an Aaron Bushnell-imoliation-self sacrifice-public-display-of contempt' PSYOP. But seeing the zombies in that video (what was UP WITH ELON!?) .. brings back the 15 years of 'crisis actor' files I've assembled, and it was like BAM.. OMG, not again!? I wondered.. what could be the motive,? the 'cui bono' of a plane crash.. no TWO plane crashes? (I confess to be waiting for another plane crash as in... Trump is president, another day another plane crash).. But I see it now.. Get people to stop flying. This is an oscar winning piece (another hoax I never watch), and wish to express my thanks for your clear thinking, and hard work.
There have been lots of faked crashes, like 911, but this one looks real, and does not traumatize anyone to "not fly anymore." Even much worse air crashes did not stop the aviation industry, but the fake pandemic did, for a couple of years. Why stage a relatively minor crash, when they could have done another TW800?
It’s an interesting theory, but how about supplying 1 ounce of proof. If the entire thing was faked, this should not be that hard to do. A few snarky comments aren’t enough. I’m open to anything, but show me the evidence.
Thanks for informing me about the plane crash psy-op I had not even heard about, because I am so far removed from the news cycle and please God within the depths of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and rely on people like you to keep me up to speed on the theatre. Yes indeedy, the lamestream news cannot even keep up with the scheduled weather, because the HAARP/Chemtrail Boyz sometimes changes the script while other times Almighty God moves the clouds to remind them He is ultimately in charge of the Cosmos and the Heavens, despite their machinations. (Although the perverts do succeed in ruining a great many snowstorms, much to my chagrin. Because there is nothing quite like the silence and serenity that descends upon Creation when it is blanketed by three feet of snow, and the shipping industry can just be damned.)
Fortunately we are, with the Orange Messiah and the MAGA Hats, at peak stupidity, peak cronyism, peak economic distortion via government subsidies and socialism, peak heresy, peak perversity, and peak cowardice. All for the saints to do now is wait the herald of the Antichrist, and rejoice like St Andrew in the Cross of Execution Our Lord is pleased to send in His due time.
But we shall re-entered the scene, at the First Resurrection, shouting "Viva Cristo Rey" with the betrayed Cristeros, betrayed by Pius XI and Freemasonic America, most likely the Harlot and Scarlet Beast of the Apocalypse.
In the Holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
Timber Wolf, excellent comment. Peak idiocracy these days. Scottie, please beam me up!
Thanks for the support. In the Holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
Interesting take. I’m glad you referenced 9/11 but there are a lot of differences between these two incidents.
1. On 9/11 no wreckage was recovered, there is visible wreckage here.
2. On 9/11 no black boxes were recovered but they have been here.
3. On 9/11 the “airplanes” that hit the WTC were traveling well beyond what they were capable of traveling at sea level both from the ability of the engines to power the planes to travel that fast and the ability of the planes to maintain structural integrity.
4. Airplanes could not have penetrated the reinforced steel exterior of the WTC towers as they appeared to nor could an airplane cause that kind of damage to the pentagon.
In this incident both vehicles were traveling at a normal rate of speed. A collision would produce the effect we’ve seen. There was a wreckage and the black boxes have been recovered.
The only theory I’ve seen that is even plausible is that the helicopter was being controlled remotely. Okay, but why? Qui bono? I’ve not seen good explanations for those.
Everyone should always question everything, we are living in that kind of world. But not everything is a PSYOP. Not every streak in the sky is a chemtrail. Not every bad weather event is HARP. People suggesting these things are either confused or disinformation agents/plants.
I’m one of the biggest conspiracy theorists out there but I’m with you on not everything is a psyop! I tend to believe the plane was hit by the helicopter and people died. But why? I always ask “who was on that plane?” There have been planes brought down to kill specific people, sometimes several people holding truths they don’t want exposed. It happened about a year and a half ago with some researchers that thought they had discovered a cure for the bioweapon shots. We’re being run by criminals and I think there are things we’ll never know and I just can’t drive myself to believe every conspiracy story out there. ONLY God knows what is happening and I’m glad He holds the reins. I’m not convinced this was a psyop but I do believe something nefarious took place!
Have you ever seen the video of Obama speaking at the Stanford Cyber Policy Center a few years back? There’s a part where he comes right out and says that “You just have to flood a country’s public square with enough raw sewage. You just have to raise enough questions, spread enough dirt, plant enough conspiracy theorizing (sic), that citizens no longer know what to believe”.
No I’ve never seen or heard about it but it doesn’t surprise me! They’re all sick!
"Everyone should always question everything, we are living in that kind of world. But not everything is a PSYOP"
THATS the psyop.. gets to the point that critical thinking points everywhere!
A society of sheep eventually breeds a government of wolves. E.Morrow
What Dale said
With our certifiably insane federal government, this is actually the most credible explanation of last week's crash between the commercial jet and the Blackhawk helicopter.
Not buying that
So ru saying nobody died in the crash.?
Who’s ru?
Are you. It's lazy millennial or zoomer speak.