Washington Air Crash Hoax: Trump Fakery On Speed
You have to hand it to the Crisis-Actor-In-Chief for keeping a straight face when they rolled out his first big psyop in office. It's one of their worst yet!
The Washington plane crash hoax of Wednesday takes some beating when it comes to in-your-face fakery. They know the lobotomised masses will swallow any old tripe at this stage so they don’t even try to make their psyops remotely credible any more. They’re pretty much showing them it’s theatre to test levels of stupidity in the herd, but no, the lemmings still buy it because they saw it on TV.
As always with these staged MCIs, we’re expected to abandon all reason, logic and common sense, and believe an absurd media narrative involving a mind-bending script and hired performers who can never conceal their duping delight. Can’t they find any crisis actors who don’t start smiling mid fake cry?
As if a military helicopter would be allowed to perform a training exercise smack in the middle of a restricted flight landing path at one of the busiest airports in the world. Oh yeah, like that’s really going to happen.
And no matter how many trannies or lezzers might be manning Air Traffic Control (ATC) or a cockpit of a modern aircraft at any given time, mid-air collisions are virtually impossible nowadays because early warning systems simply do not permit them, unless all of those on duty are in a comatose state. Aircraft flying below 29,000 feet have to maintain a separation of at least 1,000 feet.
In order to swallow this farcical tale, we’re expected to believe that the pilots in the cockpits of both planes simply ignored their aircrafts’ anti-collision warning systems and that ATC were all off duty as well. That’s three separate cohorts of highly skilled aviation professionals dozing off at the same time - two of them willing to plunge themselves into the depths of the Potomac River with their passengers, and those on the ground prepared to lose their jobs and face possible criminal charges. They’re laughing at the useless goy.
What you actually saw was a flash of light in the sky made in a Hollywood studio a la 9/11/Sandy Hook/Manchester/Christchurch and on and on and on.
You can always smell a TV hoax when the media come out with way too much detail in the immediate aftermath such as video footage from some randomer and dry-eyed vicsim families telling nauseating scripted stories about how ‘amazing’ their loved ones were: have you ever noticed that the RIPs are always the most incredible people in the world? Funny that. And whenever you see Z-list sports actors with crazy names (in this case from the seedy world of figure skating) along with ex-military taking part in a disaster event, it’s another dead giveaway.
With all of these psyops, the agenda is always central. And quite a few boxes were ticked with this one. Firstly, the global tyrants are determined to stop the masses flying so they’ve been rolling out lots of terrifying fake crashes like this to put them off ever boarding a plane again. The scarier the better and there’s nothing like a night-time plunge into freezing water to put the fear into the sheep. An added bonus with these dramatised TV events is they put eyes on mainstream media giving them a badly needed boost in audiences.
Then there’s the DEI box ticked: Trump is going to fire all the queers and illegals from aviation. And put the blame on Biden and Obama of course (snore.) Trump Cult screams with joy. Ha! Another stake in the hearts of the leftards. Because that’s all that matters, isn’t it? Keep the division going. So juvenile. So predictable. So boring.
And Trump’s AI surveillance grid (see Day 1 in Office) will soon be taking over aviation as well as every other sector as he underlined in his post-hoax speech where he implied humans are simply not up to the job of controlling air traffic any more. As mass tourism is phased out to save the climate, airport staff will be too: just look at the number of facial recognition systems being installed in European airports replacing officers at passport control.
In my latest stream, I debunk the comedy crash with Phil Crane. You can watch back here: https://gemmaodoherty.com/friday-night-live-dc-crash-hoax-debunked-and-latest-trump-fakery-with-phil-crane/
In these times, you need to operate on the basis that any viral media event is fake and driven by an agenda: ie Problem, Reaction, Solution. Become an auto-hoaxer and they won’t fool you for long.
I have to say, as soon as I saw that former figure skater speaking, my crisis actor alert went off and I said to the hubby, I’m pretty sure it’s a hoax. And this was from just one short clip on YT as I don’t have a TV and I hadn’t watched anything else about the ‘crash’. So yes, you’re right - it’s a shocker 🥱🙄
Is this like someone joking around having fun? I'm all for sense of humor but the point of humor is to be funny, which is what confuses me. This article isn't funny, unless it went over my head. However, I can't take it seriously as it does not contain one single fact nor piece of evidence. Though you folks are reacting as if she is serious.