Sure their nursing correspondent Debbie Evans pushes pharma drugs, (toxic poison) talking to so called doctor experts live on the programme.

Also, Katie Jo Murfin was doing little snippets for them from her bedroom, weird, but Richie Allen had interviewed an alleged NHS executive that seemingly knew about the hoax of the 2020 psyop. Bloody hell, it was 100% Murfins voice!

The footage they showed of the Ukraine war and the battles was laughable, not believable at all but their reporting was oh so serious.

Alex Thompson visiting Georgia just before the outbreak of the "Ukraine war" and reporting back to the studio from there with his local Georgian mate beside him. Was that his handler?

I waited so long for them to call out the virus hoax, but it was never going to be. They're as boring as hell and too many red flags now.

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Feb 8Liked by Gemma O’Doherty

I stopped listening to them.

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Feb 8·edited Feb 8

That makes sense to me Gemma. I used to follow the UK Column in the early days, I was thirsty for knowledge back then. Mark Windows called Gerrish out a few weeks ago too when talking about the controlled op. Could you get Richard D Hall onto your show soon. I really like him

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Feb 8Liked by Gemma O’Doherty

All I know is that the UK Column didn't appear on my radar during the Covid operation resistance period. It's a given that Psychological Operations units would start with a 'news' outlet to control narratives.

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God Bless you and your love of our country Gemma.

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While I don't entirely accept all your criticisms of UK Column---who I do not write for btw---I think your broader points are well made. Especially with regard to the Richard D. Hall exposure of Manchester. Thanks for focusing on it in this discussion and others. - https://www.bitchute.com/video/09E6YvQhWP9c/

For what it is worth, I do not think UKC are controlled opposition. I know they hope to reach out to what they call "middle England Telegraph readers." This is why people like Mallet "fit" with there their objective to convince the middle class they are "serious."

They advise their audience to engage in politics because they believe that the system can be changed from within. Like you, I have never agreed with them on this point, but it does explain their coverage in my view.

I believe that objective informs the judgment they make on what they report. I also know how annoying it is to be criticised for what you don't report. We all have to pick our battles. But that approach has massive pitfalls in my opinion.

I suspect this is why they rarely touch false flag operations. They fear it would be a step too far for their target audience. Consequently, I think they sometimes fail to report on the really big issues that expose the State for what it is. Largely ignoring Richard D. Hall's excellent investigative journalism being a massive oversight on their part imho. I agree with you, this is a big problem when they draw so many viewers. It is no real help at all.

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I was a subscriber to Uk Column, but soon became disillsioned with them. They never replied to emails regarding the Covid lie and their seems to have been trolls waiting in the wings when I complained in a comment.

I did think it was odd that people who were secret service and career officers should be running such a channel, and now you say that they have a new establishment recruit seems the icing on the controlled opposition cake. I know Brendon OConnell had misgivings about Brian Gerrish. They will probably give credit to the 77th Brigade next for their stirling work on keeping the British public informed of dodgey goverment dealings.

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I agree UK column are controlled. I have continually tried to point out to people about Alex Thompson being an obvious agent (he has all the credentials for military intelligence) including speaks many languages but people worship him because they have fallen for the 'christian' thing. I have had some odd dealings with Brian Gerrish where he asked me to write an article on a certain subject , and research certain subjects, but then was inconsistent in responding . Eventually he wanted to speak to me on the phone but when he realised I would only speak on a landline or old style mobile (ie not a video smartphone call) he didn't respond. I got the feeling he wanted to get a video recording of me and that is the only reason he wanted a phone call. Absolutely 100 percent agree on Charles Malet, so bloody obvious. But its not just them. I am glad when Richard D. Hall spoke to the shill James Delingpole, he made it clear he did not trust JD. Rightly so. JD apparently only woke up with covid. Yeh right. Malvern , Oxford, MSM fully fledged member of the establishment, mates with Boris , Carrie and Michael Gove and the little clique from Private Eye, and continually puts down his followers treating them like doormats and keeping only sycophants on his telegram channel whilst making it clear he is a 'shark' as he calls his followers 'sharklings'. He is there to push any deviants in the same direction the establishment have pushed the masses for the last two thousand years to prevent them actually fighting back, ie Greek Judaism (Christianity). And to promote religious division and exclusion. Anyone who does not do his groupthink is chucked off his channel. When he chucked me off his channel he then went on to tell everybody I was possessed and decided to diagnose me with a certain mental health condition. HOwever he has never met me and if he was truly awake he would know that (1) he is not a shrink and (2) even if he was, shrinks are full of establishment crap. Just a quick search through his old articles and you will find he is a zionist (contrary to the impression he is trying to give at the moment) and in true establishment fashion has viciously attacked those who oppose zionism. Funny how overnight he has gone from being a fully fledged MSM member of the elites to flat earther , Taylor Swift is a man, universe controlled by large insect being type of things - you know what I mean. Just doesn't kind of ring true really . He is laughing and mocking those who follow him . Here is one of his pro zionist articles https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2018/05/16/the-west-should-not-believe-hamas-dead-baby-propaganda/

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A news story from 2017 stuck with me regarding the Manchester event. There was a guy who claimed that he took it upon himself to move the body of the alleged bomber out of sight. I looked it up and it turns out he served 22 years as a staff sergeant in the Royal Military Police. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/hero-dad-hid-manchester-bombers-10517374 The photo of the alleged bomber 'moments before' the event conceals everything around him with black censorship editing, WHY? https://i2-prod.mirror.co.uk/incoming/article10512764.ece/ALTERNATES/n310p/THP_MDG_270517Greater_270JPG.jpg

If anyone has any doubts about the use of children for false flag violent events , here's some classic examples. This little guy was daubed with stage make-up and placed in an ambulance https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3VPBtorifU These children were abused for a staged chemical attack https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNIp1lZwJts One of the abused kids spoke about it later https://youtu.be/Kpv0K90t4lI I feel bad for these two boys being used but their performance is obnoxious https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SklfRU8_J8k

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