UK Column Are Controlled Opposition Duping ‘Truthers’ And Propping Up The Establishment
Their latest recruit is an ex detective and ‘former’ guard to Queen Elizabeth.
We covered this topic recently and it was refreshing to see how many people felt the same way. I told you how JewK Column ignored our court case against the lockdown despite numerous requests by me asking them to cover it. They have also blanked the two farcical legal actions being taken against me - one by an IRA solicitor in bed with the BBC, a matter which is surely newsworthy to their British listeners.
When we called them out last week for their failings in relation to the litigation against Richard D Hall, they promptly jumped onto my website to gaslight me, telling their listeners to go to an exact point in a conversation I had with John Waters about his Kitty Holland litigation, mentioned it and that pertaining to Richard very briefly and completely ignored the cases being taken against me.
John is a respectable pair of hands for the likes of JewK because he doesn’t name the Jew (yet!) and still believes the State and elections can be salvaged. I don’t, which is why I am ostracised and savaged by the fake opposition.
The bottom line with this operation is that the main frontmen Brian Gerrish and Alex Thompson have long military/intelligence backgrounds. This is an absolute NO NO as far as being anywhere near journalism is concerned. Giving one week of your life to the murderous regime that is the British Army which has killed millions of innocents over centuries and destroyed entire nations is one thing, but devoting your career to it must call your moral compass into question if you have one at all.
And you don’t have to be Irish to make that observation.
As for their content, it’s an endless stream of pontificating about ‘defence’ and ‘global politics’, batting for Russia and Syria (what a joke) and encouraging listeners to write to their mass murdering puppeticians, go to protests, and ‘get involved in politics’ - all tactics designed to keep people on the hamster wheel so that nothing ever changes. Telling people to vote is akin to telling them to take part in fraud.
Just when you thought it couldn’t get any creepier, the JewK’s newest recruit Charles Malet (above) is a former copper who worked directly for the Queen as an officer in the Coldstream Guards. Yes, you read that correctly. You don’t get to that level in the paedo regime unless you are dedicated to the State and Her Majesty’s Government and willing to fawn over it night and day. It’s as simple as that.
Gerrish obviously no longer cares about the optics of his ‘media’ organisation. Why does he offer membership? It’s unusual for a media operation to collate viewers’ data in this way. Since when do you ‘join’ a media outfit? Could it be they are processing your information for GCHQ?
Their treatment of the Richard D Hall litigation has been particularly galling. They’ve thrown a few crumbs at it but have barely touched his groundbreaking work exposing the Manchester Arena Hoax which a judge today has said was a real event. Pull the other one.
The JewK should be up in arms over this because it means that the jury will be restricted from hearing the defence’s entire body of evidence. This is an absolute travesty of justice and completely illegal.
Here’s a video of some of the Manchester fraudsters with a short intro from hoax creator Peter Power telling us how it’s done. Will JewK Column share it? Will they show their subscribers Richard’s brilliant documentary on the Manchester false flag?
If not, why not?
The last thing journalism needs right now is assets coming out of State surveillance agencies and murderous military regimes deciding what we can and cannot be told. There are so many questions about JewK Column emerging at this stage, we are only touching the surface. But Gerrish gave the game away on his show this Monday when he asked whether his audience wanted him to be diplomatic or honest. The fact that he had to ask that question at all tells you all you need to know. Back to GCHQ with the lot of them.
Join me tomorrow night for more on this subject and the general theme of deep entryism, controlled opposition and how it keeps us in the mess we are in.
Sure their nursing correspondent Debbie Evans pushes pharma drugs, (toxic poison) talking to so called doctor experts live on the programme.
Also, Katie Jo Murfin was doing little snippets for them from her bedroom, weird, but Richie Allen had interviewed an alleged NHS executive that seemingly knew about the hoax of the 2020 psyop. Bloody hell, it was 100% Murfins voice!
The footage they showed of the Ukraine war and the battles was laughable, not believable at all but their reporting was oh so serious.
Alex Thompson visiting Georgia just before the outbreak of the "Ukraine war" and reporting back to the studio from there with his local Georgian mate beside him. Was that his handler?
I waited so long for them to call out the virus hoax, but it was never going to be. They're as boring as hell and too many red flags now.
I stopped listening to them.