Were it not for the brave whistleblowers in Beaumont Hospital, we would not have a full picture of the blackmailing operation that went on there and in other HSE hellholes to force staff and patients to take the poison injection.
Heartbreaking, infuriating . . . the vid of neurologically injured vaxxed should be shown daily like a commercial loop nation-wide to mobilize the Irish people.
The Vaccine Criminals figured out their win-win strategy = vaxxed sudden death AND injured health care = big profits.
Ireland, for such a relatively small populace, is obviously getting intensely zapped from all angles by the Jew World Order.
Could JWO all this time be targeting foremost Irish Christian v a l u e s?
I say punishing the Vaxx Criminals is crucial for justice but that is a myopic goal.
If the Irish as a Christian culture are being extinguished . . .s l o w l y, they have a far bigger threat to stop.
Thank you dear Friend. Your active dedication to classical journalism as I understand it, as well as preserving it's purpose as originally intended for the next generation is positively making a continual difference.
Safe and effective To suddenly and unexpected
Thank you Gemma for persistently highlighting the TRUTH
Heartbreaking, infuriating . . . the vid of neurologically injured vaxxed should be shown daily like a commercial loop nation-wide to mobilize the Irish people.
The Vaccine Criminals figured out their win-win strategy = vaxxed sudden death AND injured health care = big profits.
Ireland, for such a relatively small populace, is obviously getting intensely zapped from all angles by the Jew World Order.
Could JWO all this time be targeting foremost Irish Christian v a l u e s?
I say punishing the Vaxx Criminals is crucial for justice but that is a myopic goal.
If the Irish as a Christian culture are being extinguished . . .s l o w l y, they have a far bigger threat to stop.
Redux Crusades . . .
A special thanks to the majority, who aided and abetted Satan and still are,thanks for being coward's!
Thank you dear Friend. Your active dedication to classical journalism as I understand it, as well as preserving it's purpose as originally intended for the next generation is positively making a continual difference.
Pantomime Gerry, they have the power to arrest EVERYBODY,but it's not in the script, controlled opposition, everywhere...