Were it not for the brave whistleblowers in Beaumont Hospital, we would not have a full picture of the blackmailing operation that went on there and in other HSE hellholes to force staff and patients to take the poison injection.
When I started to support these nurses and healthcare workers in 2021, Beaumont went straight to court and slapped a gag order on me, which I broke.
They said on oath that they did not punish staff for refusing to take the jab but we had evidence from secret recordings and nurse testimonies that they clearly had. Management and senior medical consultants had lied over and over again.
Note that none of the fake controlled media like Gript and Irish Inquiry touched this groundbreaking story, in the same way they have ignored many others.
The criminal vaccinators think they have got away with mass murder. They knew all along the injection was dangerous. It is their job to know. They are paid to know. They were told it over and over by staff who had done their due diligence. But they went ahead and carried out the crime.
We must never forget. We must never let them forget. Justice will be done some day but in the meantime, we have to keep the pressure on and waken up the Irish people to the terrible crimes that have been committed against them. When they come out of their stupor, real change could finally be within our grasp. These people must be jailed for life.
This below is just the tip of the iceberg and represents less than 2% of overall vaccine damage in Europe.
Safe and effective To suddenly and unexpected
Thank you Gemma for persistently highlighting the TRUTH