You forgot about the third stooge, Booby Kennedy!

Oh well, it’s all a big show anyway.

America was founded by Jesuits and Freemasonic crypto Jews who brilliantly persuaded the slaves that they were free to live in harmony and peace with their fellow countrymen and prosper. Yeah, right. 😡

Both of my parents were born into very poor sharecropping families in the Deep South, and I am convinced their ancestors were Scottish slaves, brought here to work the plantations of British/European landowners.

Even if they were indentured, it was almost impossible to free themselves from their poverty, because the next step up from full slavery was the sharecropper, who still made very little profit, working for the owners.

Most escaped their dead end lives by fleeing to the cities for industrial jobs or to the military (some to wars). My father went into the Army, just at the end of the Korean Conflict. Little did he realize he was exchanging one form of slavery for another! Still controlled by “the man”.

Sadly, it took me many years to figure out, that the majority of humanity is deceived by the god of this world, satan. He and his minions have done a bang up job, too! Almost everything we’re taught is a lie. The whole world is being controlled by psychopaths. Even religion is manipulated, which is sad because spiritual truth is the only way to break the chains that enslave the mind.

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We're in big trouble for sure and all that stuff in the Oval Office yesterday was pure drama

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And ludicrous beyond belief.

Does any so-called awake person really believe that the Presidents of two sovereign nations would argue, insult each other and shout each down in a room full of reporters and in front of a TV camera? Pure theatrics. They are laughing at us.

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It's good enough for the 99 per cent dumb goyim.

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Oh no they're not!

Oh yes they are!

It's behind you...

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If you were awake to the narrative before COVID, including vaccines, war and invasions and the saviour narratives for decades prior, you likely saw the signs of a larger agenda at play the one that existed long before figures like Musk or the so-called "orange leader" entered the spotlight. These individuals, while influential, are not the architects of the system but rather players within it. Dictatorland, a land of AI and surveillance.

Most vaccine hesitant are aware to all of these agendas, sadly out of the control of most who are awake to them.

The agenda, as it were, was always moving in this direction, shaped by structures of power, control, and manipulation that predate any single personality. The pandemic, for those who were paying attention, was merely another chapter in a story that has been unfolding for decades.

Humanity, for the most part, operates on autopilot. We are programmed beings, conditioned by education, media, and societal norms to follow a predetermined path. Most people move through life without questioning the systems that govern them, content to play their roles in a machine they don’t fully understand. This programming keeps us compliant, distracted, and disconnected from our true potential. Yet, there is a small minority who have broken free from this conditioning. These individuals live aaswe are meant to free in mind, body, and spirit. They are the awakened ones, the ones who see through the illusions and choose to live authentically, even as they wait for the rest of humanity to catch up.

Don’t hold your breath though, waiting for the masses to wake up. Most people are too scared, too naive, and too gullible to challenge any agenda or narrative. Fear keeps them compliant and controlled, even when the familiar is stifling or oppressive. Naivety blinds them to be easily manipulated, and gullibility makes them easy targets for those in power. Changing this requires a level of courage and self-awareness that many simply do not have. The system thrives on this complacency, making sure the majority remain passive participants in their own subjugation.

There is a way to resist. It begins with living every day as if it were your last—embracing the present moment, finding joy in the small things, and refusing to be defined by the agendas imposed upon you. This is not a call to abandon hope for collective change but rather a reminder that personal freedom is the first step toward broader transformation.

By living this way, we can potentially inspire others to question the narratives they’ve been fed and to seek their own paths to liberation. It’s a quiet revolution, one that starts within and hopefully spreads.

In the end, the world may remain dominated by systems of control, and the majority may continue to sleepwalk through life. But for those who are awake, there is freedom to be found—not in changing the world overnight, but in living fully, joyfully, and authentically in the here and now. And perhaps, in time, enough people will be inspired to wake up, question the agendas, and join in the pursuit of a life truly lived. Until then, we can only hope, resist, and live as if today were all we have.

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Well said Gemma.

I have never been a fan of America, but I am now seeing Americans as a 'race', not as foolish brash, insensitive young men, but as profoundly 'inverted' evil old men. America has not aged well. I want to hear Americans saying it. I want to hear Americans, any Americans, confessing that the behavior of Trump and Vance (and Musk), since they took power, have been the actions of dictatorial madmen bent on the destruction of everything except their own profits. I want to hear Americans calling them out for their patent evil. There is nothing to analyse or discuss here. This is all patent evil! Can Americans not see it? Why can Americans not see it? What is wrong with them that they are applauding this lunacy?

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This American can see it. The profound lack of wisdom in people who believe in any politician disturbs me. The majority of my peers are unable to discern the evil that surrounds them from their own corrupted doctors, to the bioengineered sky above them, to the unified Left/Right puppetry that’s left them spellbound. They’re fat and lazy in the grey matter.

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Thank you

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The Palestinians say that we're a failed state (it's precisely what you said; it's not so much the government, it's the citizenry here). At least they recognize that, it must give them some comfort.

When you're not wasting your time holding out hope against hope and you've absolutely given up on the United States of America, you can move ahead!

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In America money trumps everything else.

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I think that many genuinely awake people are desperately clinging to Trump (against their better judgement and in spite of all the contrary evidence) in the forlorn hope that he is their last chance.

They are making a terrible mistake.

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Similar to freemason Farage in the UK.

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In a way, he's like a modern day William of Orange. And the rest of us are (I guess) are modern day Jacobites. Let's mull that over. BTW, did you know Anne and Henneage Finch were huge Jacobite supporters?

.. from Winchilsea England. 'the Count & the Countess'

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No one is coming to save you FYI.

This is the total demolition of society as we once knew it. I personally am not going to conform nor will I take a knee.

You better get the ducks lined up because this trashfire is out of control.

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"Whenever the people need a hero, we shall supply him" - Albert Pike, 33rd degree freemason.

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Pure theatre, scripted.

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Peace.. But not at ANY price.. We don't want injections, which are the surest way to anaphylaxis allergies.

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government is already corporate check dun and bradstreet

as are all courts police and your local authorities

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It's the old thing, that if the government (or WEF) proposes something, it will be decried as "socialism" by centrists, conservatives and right wingers; yet if a few charismatic individuals propose exactly the same thing (or act as frontmen for it), it's lauded by the same sceptics as the "free market", the transparent will of the universe.

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Those are my initials w e f

My mom wanted me to have my middle name as her maiden name

k e c k

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Here they are all working hard.


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I expect absolutely nothing from America or it’s citizens and I’m never disappointed

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Don’t forget about the “Universal School Choice” that’s being pushed by this administration.

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Who is speaking in the video at the end of the post? I can’t see the link for it. Thank you

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