Sorry. I Thought We Were Against Vaccines, Digital Slavery And Billionaires
Must have misread the signs...
I was sure that those who stood with me in 2020 and throughout the Convid scam were diehard anti-vaxxers who understood the harm lethal injections cause.
I was sure they were against tracking and surveillance and all things AI. I thought they were anti-transhumanist and technocracy and ardent enemies of the billionaire class who have got us into this monumental mess.
I was sure they stood against the invasion and takeover of foreign countries. I believed they shared my pro-life, pro-family Catholic values but instead they slobber over two men who fawn over Jews at every opportunity.
I was wrong. Very wrong. Because even though they know that on Trump’s first day in office in January this year, he promoted his latest killer jab - an AI version this time - they had nothing to say but applaud like clapping seals.
They seem to have nothing to say about the fact that since he took office, all he has done is interfere in other nations’ affairs as if he is President of the World.
I forgot. He is. The One World Government. But the so-called ‘truthers’ of Ireland seem to have no problem with that.
They support his sidekick actor Musk who’s implementing the digital slave system on behalf of his orange master and has proudly boasted his support for carbon taxes, the climate hoax, brain chips, universal social payments, more Asian immigrants and an AI system of governance.
Apologies again. I thought we were supposed to be against all of those things. But when Trump and Musk support them, obviously not. I must have misread the situation. Seems like all of the components of the digital slave system are benign as long as those two are promoting them.
Not to worry. Good luck with it all.
I won’t say I told you so when it backfires. But this is what you can expect…
Catch up with my latest streams here: or on my Bitchute channel
You forgot about the third stooge, Booby Kennedy!
Oh well, it’s all a big show anyway.
America was founded by Jesuits and Freemasonic crypto Jews who brilliantly persuaded the slaves that they were free to live in harmony and peace with their fellow countrymen and prosper. Yeah, right. 😡
Both of my parents were born into very poor sharecropping families in the Deep South, and I am convinced their ancestors were Scottish slaves, brought here to work the plantations of British/European landowners.
Even if they were indentured, it was almost impossible to free themselves from their poverty, because the next step up from full slavery was the sharecropper, who still made very little profit, working for the owners.
Most escaped their dead end lives by fleeing to the cities for industrial jobs or to the military (some to wars). My father went into the Army, just at the end of the Korean Conflict. Little did he realize he was exchanging one form of slavery for another! Still controlled by “the man”.
Sadly, it took me many years to figure out, that the majority of humanity is deceived by the god of this world, satan. He and his minions have done a bang up job, too! Almost everything we’re taught is a lie. The whole world is being controlled by psychopaths. Even religion is manipulated, which is sad because spiritual truth is the only way to break the chains that enslave the mind.
We're in big trouble for sure and all that stuff in the Oval Office yesterday was pure drama