Maybe he's doing some trolling with this....

He's wiping DEI off the board.

Increasing transparency.

Has many in the Deep State in disarray.

Swamp draining underway. It's a process.

Much is happening.

We are in new and tricky territory to be sure.

Continue to hold his feet to the fire and broker no bs.... well maybe some trolling.

Cabinet meeting on youtube - EO's floated before being signed, interesting times.


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The Trump Show is just as fake and ghey as the Biden Show was. The only difference is it has deeper roots, because Trump is the sleeping gas while they get ready to bring the house down... Debt collapse, anybody??

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Will be interesting to learn with 'NGO's' operating in Ireland received funds

from USAID and what for.....

What media received funds during the FraudPlanScamdemic...

What Political operatives received backing?

DOGE tax savings now up to $65 billion bucks - details to be published in user friendly format shortly - plus DOGE the States!!!


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I’m not a Trump fan, but I do think he’s the trolling king. IMO the video is telling the Middle East to sort their sh/t out, or he will. NO ONE in the Middle East want Miami on the Med run by the Americans. C’mon! Bearded belly dancers, 50ft statues of Trump. It’s not even plausible. We’ll see🤷‍♀️

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It'll end up to be a grotesque Dubai or Abu Dhabi, very far away from God's intention for us

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Its flippin believable!!!!! Can they not see the pied piper rounding them all up!!!! 😳

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Of course you know the Israel Children's Choir sang "SuperTrump" for Trump's first term in office. This is the sequel.

The MAGA Hats should be running for the exits. Instead, I think they are cozying with the Zionist Evangelicals.

Our Lady of Fatima warned us that these people are going to get a whole lot more Armageddon than what they ever bargained for. "Various Nations will be annihilated".

Meanwhile, the Pope Frantic road show seems set to ratchet things up to the next level.

The Grand Convergence is in full swing on the Grand Chessboard.

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I hope I don't get arrested I know this guy is going to have a heart attack I hope it's on camera I'm hoping against hope I see it it's going to be so funny I'm going to have some beers and watch it over and over again hopefully like I said it's on TV and we can all watch him die in pain

Forgive the run on I was having a Louis Ferdinand Cèline moment

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The sick feeling this ugliness gives you in the stomach just goes to prove the beauty of God's creation.

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I pray for you that you find peace sister.

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Lyrics sound Freemasonic. Shining bright, brand new light (or is that life?) and the statue reminiscent of the Golden Calf. as fakeNukes Phil points out, it is very odd to be even talking about redeveloping it as it is supposedly the mass grave of thousands. (why not build a shopping centre at Auschwitz?)

As Phil points out, we have the following proofs the Gaza war was faked:

Famine - I saw lots of people in the videos who looked over weight.

Rubber babies

Missile (or whatever) strikes on buildings; hundreds captured with the camera pointing at just the right building at just the right moment

Good clean clothes.


Cars still driving around

Palis allowed to post their fake videos to YT without Israel blocking it.

There are other points too, I made a list last year.

Last spring, after people on line kept telling me to 'do your research' and find out for myself that these atrocities were really happening I took them at their word and spent an hour trawling YT.

Finally I found something, a video on BBC News channel on YT I think about an open letter sent by all the top foreign correspondents in Britain, plus a couple of Americans, to both Israel AND Egypt complaining that they were not being allowed "free and unfettered access" to Gaza. I saw two or three visits by hand picked Western visitors (journos, doctors, etc) who were tightly chaperoned and obviously in on it. There was also a news story a little later about control of aid convoys being given to a different organisation. All evidence that info about Gaza was very tightly controlled.

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Pictures are photo shopped for starters, (now I will be blocked)

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I do not think we know who made it but whatever the case, Trump re-tweeted it afaik.

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5D chess.

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