Sleazemeister Trump Shares His Grotesque Vision For Gaza
Trans bellydancers, golden statues of Don, Musk luring children with cash, sunbathing with Satanyahu: a veritable Epstein Island. Just what you'd expect from the degenerate Crisis-Actor-In-Chief
My apologies for posting the video below. But it proves that Trumptards are exactly that, as well as lacking all class.
You’ll be subjected to bearded bellydancers, Orange Don and Satanyahu sunbathing with bloated bellies, Musk luring children with cash and other vile Epsteinesque scenes.
The video depicting the future of Gaza is not some sick parody from a triggered leftist. It was posted by Trump’s handlers.
If it doesn’t shake the MAGA cult out of their brainwashed obsession with the biggest crisis actor in the world, nothing will.
We thought the woke brigade had it bad, but compared to this lot? It might be time for Orange Daddy to roll out his AI cancer shot and let them roll up their sleeves. Boosters, anyone?
Maybe he's doing some trolling with this....
He's wiping DEI off the board.
Increasing transparency.
Has many in the Deep State in disarray.
Swamp draining underway. It's a process.
Much is happening.
We are in new and tricky territory to be sure.
Continue to hold his feet to the fire and broker no bs.... well maybe some trolling.
Cabinet meeting on youtube - EO's floated before being signed, interesting times.
I’m not a Trump fan, but I do think he’s the trolling king. IMO the video is telling the Middle East to sort their sh/t out, or he will. NO ONE in the Middle East want Miami on the Med run by the Americans. C’mon! Bearded belly dancers, 50ft statues of Trump. It’s not even plausible. We’ll see🤷♀️