A stomach-churning turnaround from one of the world's most outspoken opponents of vaccines the moment he gets into 'power', RFK is nothing more than a limited hangout muppet for the AI billionaires
The whole Kennedy clan has been groomed from the Pit of Hell.
Joe Kennedy was a member not only of the Deep State, but also of the Deep Church. With Cardinals Pacelli and Spellman, he plotted the demise of Fr Charles Coughlin. While Fr Coughlin was not perfect and not onto the Freemasonic Nature of the American Revolution, he was a courageous man dedicated to truth.
Joe Kennedy's eldest son was being groomed to be a meteoric politician, but during his "heroic stunt" a complete idiot loaded the explosives on the wrong plane, and so it was he, rather than his wingman, who perished when the incendiaries were lit during WW2 Theatre, during his "heroic mission".
Luckily, they had a backup in his son John, who had already survived his PT-109 stunt at Japanese WW2 Theatre (The Gold Heist was much better exposed on that side of the world, the Yamato Regime was rather sloppy...). He could not keep his pants zipped, but all his affairs, from the Swedish Reporter in Hawaii to Marylin Monroe??? were kept under the hood.
Robert was likewise led to a cryptic demise, which fueled the Kennedy cult following, with people thinking these people are actually heroes.
Teddy Kennedy was the swampiest of creatures in the 1970, a rabid Pro-Abort and the prototype liberal politician. And only come Judgment Day will we really know what happened at Chappaquiddick.
John Kennedy Junior completely disappeared after his most mysterious plane crash. Was he even on the plane, or did he simply go to the Great Jaccuzi to join his relatives and cronies.
Anybody who ever thought Robert Kennedy was the real McCoy has not been paying attention.
Many of your heroes, Gemma, including Bishop Richard Williamson, were not the people you think they were or are. The Deep Church and the Deep State are much deeper than many would care to know.
But do not be discouraged. Keep the Faith of Our Fathers.
Our Lady of Fatima, Pray for us!! You are our only hope!!!
He seemed to think it was a good thing for himself and his children to be “compliant”, so I am not surprised at anything he would do or has done re: jabs. He can know all the stats, but his actions tell the story.
I really don't know why people are surprised by this especially given that despite all he says about vaccines he NEVER said he was against them he simply said he wants "proper testing" for them!!!??? Who should carry this testing out?! Dr F/Gallo/Salk institute perhaps?! How does one go about "testing" deadly toxic bile?!
You are a very genuine gal with an honest soul that I respect; how disappointing that Robert Kennedy Junior turned out to be a red coat and tarnished his spirit. I presume their philosophy is : I am running low of fiat, funny monopoly money and if you can``t beat them I will join them..
Who will buy these lies and die. little do they have any moral God beliefs....
Great work showing the world what a POS RFK is. Your work is very much appreciated.
stop all injections period mate
I have Kennedy ancestry, but even I can see what Democide looks like in all its various guises. Bobby is what I call a verbal prostitute.
His drowning repellent late Uncle Teddy would be proud of him.
The whole Kennedy clan has been groomed from the Pit of Hell.
Joe Kennedy was a member not only of the Deep State, but also of the Deep Church. With Cardinals Pacelli and Spellman, he plotted the demise of Fr Charles Coughlin. While Fr Coughlin was not perfect and not onto the Freemasonic Nature of the American Revolution, he was a courageous man dedicated to truth.
Joe Kennedy's eldest son was being groomed to be a meteoric politician, but during his "heroic stunt" a complete idiot loaded the explosives on the wrong plane, and so it was he, rather than his wingman, who perished when the incendiaries were lit during WW2 Theatre, during his "heroic mission".
Luckily, they had a backup in his son John, who had already survived his PT-109 stunt at Japanese WW2 Theatre (The Gold Heist was much better exposed on that side of the world, the Yamato Regime was rather sloppy...). He could not keep his pants zipped, but all his affairs, from the Swedish Reporter in Hawaii to Marylin Monroe??? were kept under the hood.
Robert was likewise led to a cryptic demise, which fueled the Kennedy cult following, with people thinking these people are actually heroes.
Teddy Kennedy was the swampiest of creatures in the 1970, a rabid Pro-Abort and the prototype liberal politician. And only come Judgment Day will we really know what happened at Chappaquiddick.
John Kennedy Junior completely disappeared after his most mysterious plane crash. Was he even on the plane, or did he simply go to the Great Jaccuzi to join his relatives and cronies.
Anybody who ever thought Robert Kennedy was the real McCoy has not been paying attention.
Many of your heroes, Gemma, including Bishop Richard Williamson, were not the people you think they were or are. The Deep Church and the Deep State are much deeper than many would care to know.
But do not be discouraged. Keep the Faith of Our Fathers.
Our Lady of Fatima, Pray for us!! You are our only hope!!!
He seemed to think it was a good thing for himself and his children to be “compliant”, so I am not surprised at anything he would do or has done re: jabs. He can know all the stats, but his actions tell the story.
NONE of them deserve your trust or attention!
It's all about bumping us off, because the globalists are skint and the West is drumming up the most debt. Allegedly.
I really don't know why people are surprised by this especially given that despite all he says about vaccines he NEVER said he was against them he simply said he wants "proper testing" for them!!!??? Who should carry this testing out?! Dr F/Gallo/Salk institute perhaps?! How does one go about "testing" deadly toxic bile?!
A shame I had hoped he would be honest https://thefreethoughtproject.com/new-study/jaw-dropping-study-finds-vaccinated-children-have-170-higher-risk-of-autism
You are a very genuine gal with an honest soul that I respect; how disappointing that Robert Kennedy Junior turned out to be a red coat and tarnished his spirit. I presume their philosophy is : I am running low of fiat, funny monopoly money and if you can``t beat them I will join them..
Who will buy these lies and die. little do they have any moral God beliefs....
Do not lie. cheat, steal or murder..
I'm getting a 404 no access on your video link, Gemma