Hell Secretary Robert F Kennedy Jr: Hypocrite-In-Chief
A stomach-churning turnaround from one of the world's most outspoken opponents of vaccines the moment he gets into 'power', RFK is nothing more than a limited hangout muppet for the AI billionaires
I interviewed Robert F Kennedy Jr in 2019, before the Covid scam and before I was wise to the Kennedy Family Acting Troupe and the fact that they’re a bunch of degenerate fakers. Back then, I was one of the most vocal opponents of vaccines in Ireland, at a time when being an anti-vaxxer was a desolate place. The mainstream media attacks against me were beginning - in retrospect, their handlers were preparing for the mandated vaccination programme that was coming in the years ahead and didn’t want any awkward journalist raining on their diabolical plans. If I wasn’t before, I became a marked woman then.
As a journalist, I’ve been writing and warning about the dangers of childhood vaccines for almost 30 years. Early on in my career, I investigated the links between the MMR and autism and interviewed many families who were able to verify in horrific detail how their infants changed following the injection. I did not doubt their graphic and painful testimonies and the scientific proof was there to support their claims except Big Pharma, governments and the media were doing everything in their power to brush it under the carpet and ignore them.

So I obviously welcomed the opportunity to interview a high profile person like Robert F Kennedy Jr. I hoped it would lead to an awakening of sorts among Irish parents and teenagers who were being bombarded at the time with government messaging blackmailing them to take the deadly HPV jab ‘to protect themselves’ from the non-existent threat of cervical cancer.
He seemed very passionate about the dangers of vaccines and struck me as genuine and a man of integrity in his mission to expose them. I have no doubt that his appearance on my channel stopped many people from giving their children vaccines and that he inspired many, which makes his recent duplicitous 180-degree turnaround even more galling.
Having gone from being an ardent campaigner against vaccines, he’s now pimping for Big Pharma as the frontman of the criminal DHH - Department Of Health (Hell) and Human Services. Turns out he was nothing more than a limited hangout all along, herding, misleading and lying to vulnerable parents of autistic children to raise his profile and then stabbing them in the back as soon as he got close to power. He’s suddenly a big supporter of jabs and everything Big Pharma, transhumanist and AI. It’s politics. How could anyone be surprised? They’re just reading from a script.
And still there are those deluded and gullible MAGA heads who cling to the belief that these treasonous turncoats are the good guys. Ah yea. It’s a game of 5D Chess. Trust the plan. Who cares about all of the children who’ll be harmed because the so-called ‘truth movement’ has suddenly decided to ‘trust the science.’
This political flip-flop is one of the most grotesque we have seen in American politics because we’re talking about the lives of millions of innocent children who will be tainted and destroyed by toxic jabs.
If you believe that vaccines are harmful and responsible for the many many sudden deaths we have seen in recent years, then in all conscience, you simply cannot continue to support The Trump Muppet Show. It could not be any easier. They are actors. They are frontmen. They’re evil to the core and working on behalf of the most dangerous people on the planet. It’s staring you in the face. It’s time to swallow hard and admit that you’ve been fooled.
You can watch my latest video on the subject here: www.gemmaodoherty.com.
Great work showing the world what a POS RFK is. Your work is very much appreciated.
stop all injections period mate