As with everything I do, the counter intelligence pros are now jumping on my Substack and using it to troll me and spread misinformation so they will be blocked from following me here.

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Hah!  When you are being blasted by shills, trolls, and 'bots that is when you know you are over the target.  I always let their pathetic posts on my substack, because they speak for themselves.  They stand out like a timber wolf in a flock of white sheep, and usually get schooled by my followers.

I see Ireland is a microcosm of the Hell that has been exported by the USA, made in the USA.

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56 yrs of age,never voted in my life.I always knew it was a racket.God bless Gemma🙏

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Fair play.

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Ms. O'Doherty, you may well be the bravest individual I have yet to find amidst the incessant din and deceit. It is nothing less than pitiful that the masses delude themselves to the degree they do, with regard to elections, anywhere in the western world. May Our Lord bless you always and strengthen your hand!

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She is not brave, the brave people are those who risk their immortal soul by bowing down to the satanists.

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Gemma, I've listened to your Murderers in White Coats episode; another fantastic one thank you. I believe you're exactly right regarding pain. My own experience bears that out and more.

After being poisoned, then diagnosed with MS, taking the 'painkillers' including lots of morphine, for several years, suffering badly where I was lucky to sleep for 1/24 hrs. Finally gave up, thought I was going to die (as did everyone around me), so being a stubborn begger who hates big pharma I wasn't going to die on the drugs. Went cold turkey; several weeks of terrible withdrawals then...I started to improve including improved pain (the body is an amazing organism).

Oh, and I was prescribed midazolam...while I was on the morphine. Didn't take it, but...murderers in white coats. Thanks again.

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So glad to hear that. God gives us pain for a reason. It is the equivalent of the Cross. Masking it only worsens the problem. Dealing with it makes us stronger. Keep us posted on your progress. Don’t let the label they gave you define you.

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Roll back the corporate blanket that's stealing everything,layered over Ireland smothering everybody,to enrich a few!

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Bang on the money as usual Gemma.

Those who believed they were awake can now go back to sleep, safe and secure in the knowledge that Varadkar and Co just got a bloody nose from the electorate. Sad, gullible, naive fools.

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Any attention is good attention to the narcissists posing as a legit governments. The only response is to go 'No Contact' and heal from their abuse.

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Burden of proof, show me the contract is checkmate.

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Your point stands but I meant 'no contact' in terms of cutting off abusive people in your life. It's a psychotherapy term for cutting someone loose for your sanity.

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I have two different words for those situations ,lol.

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Nice to see the British accredited register thank the people for helping them, where were they for conjob 19, they came out in force to protect themselves, not the people, which is fully evident as they made huge money out of the four year conjob.

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I’m old….voted once for Reagan who said he was Christian and ‘pro-life’. Nothing but a political scammer. Decades later I got the case of the heebie-jeebies over the Hillary monster looming over our country and ran to the polls and voted the Trump tyrant in! My bad! I fell for the bait! It matters NOT who they give for the ‘selections’. They’ll all bow to the zio-bolsheviks with their headquarters in Moscow and their Israeli satellite to snow the West. Phook em!


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some great arguments here. I'm not sure I agree, following this logic Gemma you wouldn't have lodged your challenge to the covid scam with John, however that was worthwhile to do, surely. Even if it was a rigged game, your appeal brought the issues to a wider circle, and I think the same arguments apply to the referendum.

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Following this logic, John and I would never have lodged our challenge which only served ultimately to prove everything in this article and that the courts are run by criminals. It was a futile exercise.

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yes I see your point, and agree of course that it was on the face of it, unsuccessful. But I also think that it was a hugely important thing to do. It stands there now in the history books, as a marker of the craven nature of the political and intellectual class and is a crucial reveal of the nature of the task that awaits if we want to turn this around. Your accusation of the whole class being guilty of a betrayal of the Irish people has so much more weight when you can point to the fact that none of them supported you in your fight against this tyranny.

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No regrets. At least we proved the courts are corrupt from top to bottom and no justice is available there

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Might want to read this…. The rot set in long b4 v2, although v2 was the nail in the proverbial coffin. https://archive.org/details/FreemasonryAntiChristianMovementCahill_201905

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Hah!  When you are being blasted by shills, trolls, and 'bots that is when you know you are over the target.  I always let their pathetic posts on my substack, because they speak for themselves.  They stand out like a timber wolf in a flock of white sheep, and usually get schooled by my followers.

I see Ireland is a microcosm of the Hell that has been exported by the USA, made in the USA.

Congratulations, Ireland- the Gospel of Progressivism which you dressed in Catholic garb when you emmigrated to the North American Continent is now consuming your country.  The Chicklens have come home to roost.

The solution, of course, is to return to Faith, restore the Family, and, above all, heed and fulfill the requests of Our Lady of Fatima, who warned us of this coming Apocalypse.

And there is no need to feer.  The Triumph of the Immaculate Heart is coming.  Ireland may have sunk beneath the waves, and the United States will go the way of the Carolingians and and the Empire of Alexander, but that glorious day will dawn.

The Vatican will be reduced to ruins, London will become a heap of ashes, but the Holy and Apostolic Faith will never die.

The Saints go marching on.

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Yeah exactly right, and when you do try and engage with the system and bring them evidence and facts they just gaslight you or ignore you completely in hope you go away. I personally enjoy heckling them and seeing what kind of responses I get =) they're all in on it though, like you said it is about creating the illusion of choice and 'democracy' whatever they define that as nowerdays... welcome to the post-industrial soon to be post-consumer era woohoo....

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Gemma. How does not voting get rid of the political elite? What does the alternative look like? By not voting are you not just giving them a free hand?

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Did you ever get another lawyer Gemma? How can we help fund you? Always ask for funding when you can.

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No need to attack Gemma. Her thesis is a good one with ample evidence. Ireland is in a state of anarcho-tyranny. Vote rigging is a part of that. The sheeple were played like fiddles. The regime gave them the false impression that the State is an honest entity that respects their will. Just look at what they said after their 'loss'. The Indian sodomite said the regime didn't brainwash the people enough to give them what they demanded, not that they respect the will of the people.

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That is a lunatic troll, demented MI5 operative and agent of the cabal.

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The passive-aggressive verbal diarrhoea was a clue. A clean-up was needed.

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As long as extremist fringe Green Communist policies are standard fare in the coalition of traitors, we are in serious danger. As for independent TDs, where were they when our elderly were mass murdered or when our economy was sabotaged or when we were mass poisoned or when the Gardai violated their oaths for Covid or when our borders were collapsed? They weren't protesting with the people, they were being jobsworth whores like all the business owners that were bribed with our tax money to lockdown. Actions speak louder than words. Screw them all.

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