Gemma O’Doherty: Voting Is Participating In Organised Crime
Urging people to vote is no different to encouraging your daughter to go back to a man who is abusing her. If voting made a blind bit of difference, the criminals in government would not facilitate it
You do know the government has been murdering Irish people in their thousands using poison vaccines. You know it is killing the elderly every day in nursing homes with ‘Death Row’ sedatives. You know it is ripping unborn babies to pieces in the womb in its hospitals. You know it is sexualising Irish children in its schools and encouraging them to cut off their reproductive organs.
You know it is trafficking hordes of African and Asian invaders to our shores to cause mayhem on our island and bring about a demographic replacement which will leave Irish children in a tiny minority and in grave danger. You know that everything the government does is about robbing you blind, trying to shorten your life and stealing your freedom. You know that the government has a more permanent plan to lock you down, take away your car, heat, meat, cash and privacy using net zero policies, which really mean net you. You know that politicians in Ireland do not get into ‘power’ unless they are completely compromised and blackmailed. You know the government is run by outsiders who have left Ireland unrecognisable and whose sole objective is to crush it into oblivion.
But despite all of this, you still participate in their voting charades. That makes a lot of sense!
What we witnessed in the last few weeks was a nasty episode of Stockholm Syndrome on the part of many people we thought were wide awake but who jumped back into bed at the first opportunity with the most evil people that ever set foot in Ireland to take part in their staged referendum sham.
For many of us who are encouraging people to abandon the State, its whore media, and all of its insidious campaigns to destroy Ireland, it was a surprise, but one which is explained by sociopathic trauma bonding. Once we understand this, we understand why people abandon their self-respect at times like this and go running back to their abusers.
We must surely have learned by now that politics and politicians have never solved any of our social or economic ills. They are the cause of them.
If you want to make life better for the people, you’ll never get anywhere near the toxic corridors of power. The system is designed so only blackmailed or brainwashed dregs get in. Take a look at Dáil Eireann. The answer is staring you in the face.
There’s a cohort of people in Ireland who claim to be on the political ‘right’ (another divisive fiction) and want to keep the sick system in place despite everything we have learned about its real intentions in recent years. There isn’t a shred of logic as to why they might do this. It can only be explained by the psychosis which maintains the dynamic between the abuser and the abused, and renders victims incapable of breaking free from the chains of servitude.
The best comparison is a domestic abuse situation where we see victims staying with someone who physically and mentally tortures them. Why do they do this? What can possibly be in it for them? To understand the condition, we need to understand the nature of psychopathy and how it requires an enabler as well as a perpetrator in order to achieve its goal of destruction.
In many ways, the enabler who tolerates the abuse is more to blame than the abuser because they put up with systemic violence and injustice against them just as the deluded voter does every time they participate in a sham election run by their smiling abusers.
This type of relationship is based on a trauma bond: a chemical addiction whereby the perpetrator of the abuse must carry out acts of apparent remorse and kindness periodically in order to keep the victim in their clutches. After a violent row, for example, the abuser might storm out but come back the next day with flowers and chocolates having cheated on their partner the night before. Instead of kicking him out for good, the victim, lacking self-confidence and dignity following the assault, gets a booster shot to the brain of the happy chemical dopamine which deludes her into thinking the evil she sees before her is benign. Let’s give it another try and get back on the self-destructive merry-go-round
The earlier violence creates a surge of the stress hormone cortisol which when combined with bursts of dopamine renders the victim no better off than a drug addict waiting for the next fix. In fact, abusive relationships can be even more addictive than cocaine or heroin because of the highs and lows those entangled in them experience.
This weekend’s sham ‘victory’ has left the ‘NoNo’ far right side in this same state of delusion and on a fake high. They are experiencing a rush of dopamine to the head. They naively believe they have scored a goal against Big Daddy Government and that Big Daddy Government has given them a symbolic box of chocolates by allowing them to win. Their trust has been restored. Big Daddy does run fair elections after all even though he has killed granny and is sexually abusing their children. Let’s keep playing the game. Let’s keep the State, its fake alternatives, and its lying presstitutes in business by giving them credence and engaging with them.
Don’t you see the trick at play? If the government wanted ‘Yes’ they would have got ‘Yes’ but they needed to give the increasingly seething public a vehicle though which to express their anger and this was it. Giving them a ‘No’ was a means of appeasing them and keeping them in the twisted game. Keep voting and it will bring about change. Not a chance in hell. It never has, just varying degrees of terrible and disastrous.
Some of these deluded ‘No’ voters say they gave the government the kicking it needed but that is to misunderstand once again the purpose of what has just taken place. The best way to deal with a psychopathic bully is not to engage with them at all or bully them back, but to completely ignore them.
Take the example of the most narcissistic nation on earth: Israel. Bibi and Co don’t care if they are loved or hated - they just crave your attention. They love to see the pain you experience on behalf of Palestinians when they bulldoze their homes and murder their children. They feed off it. They love to see how helpless it makes you feel. The best way to deal with this level of evil is to switch off and ignore it. There is nothing you can do about it. Once the bully is ignored, he will crawl back under his rock. Don’t ever feed the beast.
The purpose of the recent referendum in Ireland was to create more division in society in order to weaken it further: that is the Hegelian method - which allows communist regimes to embed themselves in a nation as they did with family breakdown, children’s rights, gay marriage and abortion: all evils that no right-minded, intellectual or moral people could want for themselves or their nation.
Waste people’s time and energy in a futile political exercise to distract them from the real issues going on around them: that a criminal gang in dark suits and gowns has taken hold of every aspect of Irish life and is burning our country to the ground.
The Constitution of Ireland was shredded a long time ago. Certainly once the legalised killing of babies was inserted into it, and more recently, when we discovered it could facilitate the lockdown of people in their homes and force deadly masks and vaccines upon them. We know what the moral law is and it is no longer found in the pages of Bunreacht Na hEireann. And the wigged ‘guardians’ paid lavish salaries to protect it are part of the criminal gang. There is only one book we can rely on now - also beginning with B - and we know where we stand with it. Its law does not change.
The regime has created a controlled opposition in the form of Michael McDowell, Maria Stein (!!), Mattie McGrath and others it allows onto its airwaves whose role is to keep the system intact: keep voting, keep forming parties, keep running candidates, keep propping up organised crime, keep believing politics is going to save you. There is not a chance in hell these people would get near the corporate media if they were any threat to the establishment. They have been rolling out the same actors for years to give you the illusion of choice when there is none.
Ireland Inc. is a private corporation. It is not a sovereign republic and never has been. It is run by outsiders. The gardai and judiciary are a private business staffed by clowns in fancy dress who answer only to the local lodge. Taxation is theft. Consumerism is slavery. Education is indoctrination. Healthcare is murder.
We know all of this but some of us still do not want to face it, delaying the healing process for all of us and the salvation of our nation and people. Until they do, there’s no escaping the evil that envelops us.
If there’s one sentiment I’d like to you to take away from this article, it is the following: if voting made a blind bit of difference to your lives or was designed to improve it, there is no way the powers-that-shouldn’t-be would allow it. As Lenin said: it’s not your vote that counts but who counts it.
Your trauma bond with government is preventing you from seeing that.
As we approach the four-year anniversary of the scamdemic, we should remember we have climbed a mountain in terms of educating Irish people about the gangsters who govern us and what their real objective is. We are making real progress. That’s why the government rigged Friday’s vote to a ‘No’. But telling people to take part in their elections is a major step backwards. The beast system cannot be reformed because it is run by beasts. Walk away from it and watch it collapse. That is what they fear most. Only then will we experience true freedom, morality, health and wealth in our nation. Trying to do business with criminals and psychopaths is a losers’ game.
As with everything I do, the counter intelligence pros are now jumping on my Substack and using it to troll me and spread misinformation so they will be blocked from following me here.
56 yrs of age,never voted in my life.I always knew it was a racket.God bless Gemma🙏