I’ll say a prayer for you Gemma. 💕🇨🇦

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All the best tomorrow Gemma, routing for you from Canada!!

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Gemma you are a true shinning light of democratic values and I stand behind in your fight against this corruption , injustice and just pure evil that is attacking you from all sides .

When I look at the Statue of Liberty ..... I see you Gemma O Doherty . Stay strong there are many people that support. you here in America .

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Great work you're doing Gemma...wishing you all the best every day....the Cabal is crumbling rapidly, albeit we would like it to happen quicker...hope you are aware of the works of Pat Clohessy who singlehandedly has proven without a shadow of a doubt that the Courts of Ireland have been operating in Fraud. since 1924...They have No jurisdiction!

And yesterday we found this snippet;

Secret court hearing again approves surveillance for next 12 months

Secret court hearing again approves surveillance for next 12 months

A secret court hearing overseen by an anonymous judge has again approved mass surveillance of the Irish public for the next 12 months.

A High Court order obtained by justice minister Helen McEntee requires communications service providers to retain certain data — including user, traffic and location data — for a period of 12 months for the purpose of safeguarding the security of the State.

The application was made to the designated “relevant judge” on Friday 21 June under section 3A of the Communications (Retention of Data) Act 2011, the State’s legal framework governing the retention of, and access to telecommunications data.

As required by the legislation, the application was made on an ex parte basis and was heard in camera.

This was the second such order for retention of such data, following an order granted in June 2023 following the commencement of legislative changes responding to the ruling of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) in the Graham Dwyer case.

At the time, digital rights campaigners criticised the legislation and promised to challenge it in the EU courts.

Mrs McEntee said: “I made an application for an order requiring the retention of data, having assessed the threat to the security of the State and having satisfied myself that there exists a serious and genuine, present or foreseeable threat to the security of the State and that such threat is likely to continue for at least the next 12 months.

“In doing so I had regard to the necessity and proportionality of the retention of the data concerned and took account of the impact on the fundamental rights of individuals as required.”

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Something you might consider reporting on in the Irish Light.

Blessings and Best Wishes

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Good Day Ark,

I'm not in the habit of sharing links that promote redundancy or idiomatically speaking, sing (dirges) to the choir, however the "affirming information" inside I estimate will likely resonate with your presumed interests in understanding cognitive warfare (CW- gathered under the umbrella of digital surveillance and more importantly (?) human cooperation. Kindest Regards.


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Julian Assange s release will bode well for your hearing Gemma. I am sure. The judicial system has realised they are next on the menu. I pray you win the arguments and your lawyer wins the case for you. "Freedom of speech is not a crime "- Julian Assange

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