Imagine if all of the self-proclaimed 'alt media' journalists wrote as forthrightly as you do? What a difference we would see. When will the alt media give it to people straight and stop cosseting and spoon-feeding them something you wouldn't expect a baby to swallow?

THE truth is THE TRUTH.

It is about time the alt media either pissed in the pot, or got off and out of the way, so that a new kind of journalism - one of integrity and fearless pursuit of truth and justice - could emerge from the shadows of the MSM and increasingly the MAM (Mainstream Alternative Media).

Well written and well done!

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I loved the interview you did with John Waters a year or two ago Sarah, well done

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Thanks Fionnuala, I'll have to get John back on - been crazy busy is all. He's a fine orator and I love his writing equally.

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I really liked you being a guest on Gemma's platform. You're informative, witty, and easy to listen to.👍🏼

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Ms. Plumley, Thank you for your humanity, and the refreshingly succinct manner in which you articulate yourself: at this late hour verbosity is rapidly wearing out its welcome, so I commend your prudent attention to proper timing.

Contextually I don't recollect who coined the now more than ever (clarion call?) query, "Who will fact-check the fact-checkers?" Notwithstanding its unknown origin I think you would agree how well it speaks to the salient crux of the problem(s) besetting Journalism. From my standpoint we have an obvious loss of confidence or trust with this critically imperative discipline. Here in the now there is a real existential threat to Journalism, notwithstanding this conceivably encroaching finality I am encouraged to find you and other sincere individuals striving to improve true journalism's chances of a promising recovery.

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It’s so confusing because there seems to be no one to trust. 99% of the population (including the awake,) will always think there is a political solution. I was a big Richie Allen fan from 2014 to 2023. I noticed that he started to shy away from or act the “cute hoor” over certain subjects last year and I quit listening, unless he has John Waters on.

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There can be no 'political solution', its politics that causes all our problems, so politicians are hardly going to help us out, are they?

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But protesting and writing to them at least makes them aware we're angry

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COMPLETE AND TOTAL WASTE OF TIME. They want to kill you. They hate you. They feed off your anger and it empowers them even more. You are stupid goy to them.

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They don't care though! There is a very good reason for that, any politician who has attended the WEF meetings is compromised. This explains why politicians seem to bring in legislation that is anti-national and hurts the people by destroying their freedoms. https://www.theepochtimes.com/epochtv/blackmail-system-used-to-corrupt-and-control-politicians-5580520?utm_source=enewsnoe&utm_campaign=etv-2024-02-05-2&utm_medium=email&utm_content=upvideo1&est=MMwmsSCdInKAeqSY3QgLGuH69uSor91sYWUzJUDjJT0%2BoHs%2BIj9ANwQAulrPNmfl9cIsADg%3D

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I think protesting just makes them speed up their plans. However, I have made connections at rallies/protests, for beef, eggs, honey, veg, a mechanic, herbal medicine,etc. Maybe if we are self sufficient, we can stay outside their prison system longer. Protesting has its uses.

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Trust God and your Christian faith that built Western civilisation. Anyone pushing political reform is a dead duck. It’s not going to happen. They control every aspect of power and the State. We cannot break through into their system. They want us dead. All that is wrong with our lives is government. Anyone telling you it can be reformed is lying.

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Yes something odd about Richie these days, but I'll always listen to his JW interviews. They're the barricade crowd. They go so far and no further

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I was paying him for a couple of years too but something happened and I went off him. He's now a barracader

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I also used to be a frequent listener and something changed towards the end of last year that I can’t quite put my finger on. Either he was gotten to, or is now receiving a tidy sum from his sponsors/platforms and he doesn’t want to rock the boat… or he just can’t keep the act up anymore…

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I watch quite a bit of David Clews on UNN, who I think is a genuine guy. As far as I know, he and the rest of UNN were very against the vax and call out the you-know-whos.

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Who's UNN Howard?

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Unity News Network. They have a channel on Rumble.


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Brilliant Gemma, yes I’ve been saying for ages the same thing, all paid for shills to keep us quiet and distracted like pathetic sheep.I will never vote ever again, I’ve smashed my tel-lie-vision as well and feel much better by far. Keep up the good work.

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Brilliant of you for doing that which is necessary and right We should pray that your wise resolve reverberates ubiquitously and unceasingly, and carries over to the dissolution of other devices and vices. May courage and peaceful resolve abide in you unfalteringly.

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My question then is who do we follow, all of those people and groups and alt media helped me to come to the understanding of how the world is run and how upside-down things really are. If we don't write to TDs, Counsellors, Radio stations, and if we don't have protests or peaceful assemblies, how will they know we're dissatisfied with their policies and how they're running the show. Who is safe to listen to besides your channel. There must be some. I'm still on the fence and do follow and listen to lots of differing views. It helps me form my opinions. It makes me anxious if I distrust all of the alt

Gemma, can you get Richard D Hall on your show please. I really really like him and only came to know him on the James Delingpole channel. He's done a lot of work on UFOs as well as the false flags and staged events

Also I wish we could get them talking about that Parnell event again, because I think they got away with it, nobody talking in public about it, which makes me livid, where have all the players gone

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James Delingpole is a freemason. I saw him giving a masonic handshake on his channel and mentioned it in the comments, after which he banned all comments.

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I like Richard D Hall and Delingpod did a good one today with David Scott from UKC, he's left them. Come on, you have to trust someone Henryetta

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Ah I was looking forward to another episode. Maybe Gemma will do one

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For some time, I have been questioning alternative media. My upcoming short story revolves around alternative media and how a blind trust and adoration ends up trapping those who thought they could escape. It is part of my Exile series and is called The Harvest. It could be very possible, that certain alt-media is as the mainstream media put it, "misleading people."

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I’m just wondering how do we drop the government. I thought voting would help.Now I’m wondering what the next move should be. I do think we are being corralled into a false sense of security. I’m completely at a loss now. I felt a sense of hope yesterday today I’m not so sure. I always thought we had the right people in power to run the country. I don’t think it’s fair that we have to play devils advocate.Clearly something is wrong.if those in power are not upholding the constitution surely there’s is a process in place in the event of that happening.

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I've begun wondering if the Bunreacht 1937 yellow book could have the answer, they're on Youtube, check them out. I had scorned them but they're doing some good works lately (in my opinion) I think the blue book might be wrong, some of the clauses are deleted in the blue one

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I think I have said this before, on many occasions. Politicians and the media, mainstream and alt, can tell you anything, it may be true, it may not be. The only thing that is going to get western society out of the mess its in is for people to take full responsibility for themselves, refuse to comply with any decree from politicians. The biggest chance we had was with LPT and the people blew that chance. Had we defeated the political class on that one, they would never have dared try 'water charges'. People must stop letting the State infantilize them, time to grow up!

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Hello, Gemma. On what basis do you call us “the JewK Column”?

As we’ve said publicly before after you levelled the same accusation publicly, UK Column didn’t blank your lockdown court case. We mentioned it approvingly, as we always do when constitutional matters are raised well.

This latest blog of yours came out the very day after I urged our viewers to rally behind John Waters’ defence in his new lawsuit: https://www.ukcolumn.org/video/uk-column-news-5th-february-2024

We at UK Column, and I personally very much, do all within our ability to defend freedom in Ireland and to preserve Bunreacht na hÉireann unadulterated. That was the first point I made in the first episode of what might be our most significant podcast series: https://www.ukcolumn.org/series/a-dissidents-guide-to-the-constitution

Those of military background at UK Column are only Charles Malet, who is a very recent joiner (since your High Court and Supreme Court case over lockdown) and Brian Gerrish. I am ex-intelligence, not ex-military. The other UK Column staff and contributors have no military background. Brian and I specifically drew audience attention to the demoralisation techniques practised by some militaries in a two-episode broadcast that gained wide traction shortly before our YouTube ban: https://www.ukcolumn.org/search?keywords=psychological+attack

We bear you no malice at all, Gemma.

Kind regards,

Alex Thomson.

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Of course you’re worthy of the title, Alex. You will not call out the Jews even though you know they are the drivers of everything destructive of the West: LGBT, usury, Pharma, wars, pornography, mainstream media and on and on. The Holocaust - the religion that keeps the Jews in power - has been exposed as a massive lie but you don’t have anyone on talking about that - example Dr E Michael Jones whose new book on the fraud is a bestseller within alternative ranks. Is it because you are concerned about the repercussions for the British military intelligence complex which is/was a big part of your life and what it would mean in general for the British State and its utterly disgraced armed forces throughout history? You say you have an ‘Intelligence’ background. That is a wing of military, to the average Joe - in other words - spying. As a journalist of several decades, I don’t believe it is appropriate that somebody with such close ties to government should reinvent themselves as a member of the media. If you have a vocation for journalism you must possess contempt for politicians and all things State related on the basis that they are going to screw over the public, which is what they do 99% of the time. You constantly promote Russia and Syria as the good guys. That is not your job. As reporters, you should be politically blind and hold all power to account DOGGEDLY. You are more like a diplomatic agency rather than a hard-nosed media operation putting the public interest above all else. You are coaching people to write letters to puppeticians who are stealing their speech, wealth and freedom and tried to kill them with a poison jab. That is a complete waste of time and both morally and mentally deranged. The definition of insanity. You are trying to keep the rancid institutions of the State like the wicked MRHA propped up by commenting on what they are doing, giving them respectability. You know the government and its institutions are beyond repair and the only way we can redeem our freedom and way of life is by walking away from the State and watching it collapse - as we in Ireland did to the Crown - but you continue to prop it up ergo you have not left your jobs in British military/intelligence. The intro to your programme says it all: why would you want to show pictures of the maniacs who have destroyed our world as your frontmen? As for mentioning the cases against real journalists who are being tortured by the State - ie me, RDH, John Waters, it’s a case of blink and you’d miss it. 1.30 minutes with RDH outside the courts. A joke. Why not have him in studio? Why not show his brilliant documentaries? Not only about the Manchester hoax but Jo Cox, Madeleine McCann, Jill Dando and Assange? Why not interview me about the BBC being in cahoots with the IRA and Marianna Spring coming to Dublin to harass me? A hugely relevant story for your viewers but you turned down the offer because you are controlled. I will tackle this entire subject again in my next livestream. I have to say I have received a very positive response to my last stream about JewK Column and the rest of the ‘alternative’ media who are warping into the mainstream. People recognise real journalistic courage when they see it and the people who are paying a heavy price for telling the truth. It’s extremely disappointing that you are not supporting reporters like us who have put everything on the line for our profession and most importantly the Truth. A few crumbs here and there does not cut it. This is nothing to do with malice on either part - it is about calling you out for what you are: not journalists but government apparatchiks who have been part of the most murderous duplicitous military/intelligence regime on the planet. That makes you entirely unsuitable to be anywhere near a profession dedicated to freedom of expression and the fact that you have all but ignored the most outrageous cases being taken against those trying to protect it vindicate my position. As I say, I will return to this soon.

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Hugo Talks channel is just Eastenders actor Karl Howman reading out a script written for him by his MI5 handlers. His daughter, actor Katy-Jo Murfin, works as a presenter on JewK Column. She is also co-leader of my local controlled opposition organisation, Hope Sussex.

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Alex Thomson wrote; "I am ex-intelligence...."

Whether Mike Robinson said the following ironically, I don't know;...

"once an intelligence officer, always an intelligence officer" @ minus 11 mins 20 sec (aprox 51mins 30sec in) https://www.ukcolumn.org/video/uk-column-news-9th-june-2023

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I still like Richie Allen. He does takle most topics with a fairly even hand. Seemingly not all? Why do u lot find him wanting? It seems a bit of a stretch to call him a gatel keeper. Am I missing something or does he just have a few personal biases like all of us??

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Funny watching alternative jackals worm in and out, majority are dragging us down, without them, they win, the end.


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I started listening to Richie Allen in 2020 and loved his content. Something changed. I always wondered why he didn't bring Gemma on and why he wouldn't allow criticism of certain things. It's a valid question; why can't he talk about it?

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Now that’s real journalism I share the good News Gemma

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