Gemma O’Doherty: Alternative Media As Bad As Mainstream
UK Column, Richie Allen and the rest of the gatekeepers have sucked fools in but they are nothing more than another wing of the establishment whose function is to keep the status quo in place
I’ve been calling out The JewK Column for quite a while now after they blanked our legal action against the lockdown, which was one of the earliest and most significant in the world especially since we had forced the regime to admit there was no deadly virus on the loose.
What do these articulate men of military background prescribe to resolve the existential risk to our freedom today? Keep feeding the beast system and expecting it to change.
Keep writing to your politicians - the same people who committed mass murder through their promotion of the poison jab and who should be locked up for life. As if that’s going to make any difference. Why would you beg these monsters for justice? That’s a recipe for disaster and the definition of insanity.
Keep going on protests (data collection events). Keep voting in the rigged system (nothing will ever change). More pointless exercises designed to waste people’s time, wear them out and inevitably demoralise them. Isn’t that a tactic of military warfare? Just saying.
The function of alternative media is to keep the status quo in place. Because they are the status quo. Until the State and its rotten anti-human institutions are razed to the ground, we are on a hiding to nothing. This is not achieved through violence but by walking away from the State in all of its guises and making its arms of tyranny redundant. Then it will collapse. But these lapdogs have been put in place to keep you deluded into thinking reform is possible. It is not.
In my latest stream, mathematics teacher and broadcaster Sarah Plumley and I discuss the lawfare harassment of British investigative journalist Richard D Hall by a team of actors who took part in the Manchester Arena Non-Bombing in 2017 and how the alternative media have effectively turned their backs on him when they should be running with the story every day.
Nothing is more important right now than exposing how governments and media use fear to keep the masses in line through staged terror drills, fake diseases or the climate hoax. Imagine the change in the public mindset if they discovered that the attacks on their streets, trains and buses were carried out by crisis actors working for government to justify more controls over their freedom and an even bigger police state? Then we really could start to see real change and a rejection of the powerful elite by the 99%.
In Ireland, there’s no shortage of so-called alternative players such as Gript and The Irish Inquiry, who are making fools of Irish people who call themselves awake, along with goons like Dwyer, Blight and Hermann Kelly who are fake boosted on Twitter to lend credibility to them. And now we see Aontu vaccine pushers running racism courses for the Irish natives to ‘teach’ them to accept the invaders.
A lot more discernment is required on the part of ‘truthers’ to seek out the wolves in sheeps’ clothing who claim to be challenging the establishment. They are nothing more than Pied Pipers keeping you in a holding pattern, collecting your data for the State and leading you on a merry dance.
You can watch our conversation here:
Imagine if all of the self-proclaimed 'alt media' journalists wrote as forthrightly as you do? What a difference we would see. When will the alt media give it to people straight and stop cosseting and spoon-feeding them something you wouldn't expect a baby to swallow?
THE truth is THE TRUTH.
It is about time the alt media either pissed in the pot, or got off and out of the way, so that a new kind of journalism - one of integrity and fearless pursuit of truth and justice - could emerge from the shadows of the MSM and increasingly the MAM (Mainstream Alternative Media).
Well written and well done!
It’s so confusing because there seems to be no one to trust. 99% of the population (including the awake,) will always think there is a political solution. I was a big Richie Allen fan from 2014 to 2023. I noticed that he started to shy away from or act the “cute hoor” over certain subjects last year and I quit listening, unless he has John Waters on.