Is deprivation of rights under color of law acceptable, or conspiracy against right?

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Your steadfast and courageous stance is helping others whose lives have been demonized, to stand up too for true justice Gemma. The day will come when all of these corrupt people will have to admit to their serious degradation of themselves: to admit that they have done their utmost to destroy someone’s life and reputation which actions also degrades the entire island of Ireland and on the world stage

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Everyone cites the usual dark money source as being, George Soros. He's the poster boy, fall guy name they use as a smokescreen.

Other names that seem to get you more targeted hate, and who seem to fund a lot of the corruption in high places, are, Hansjörg Wyss and Pierre Omidyar.. Both are worth a peep, with the right journalistic chops doing the digging..

🕳 🐇

Another one?..

Down we go..

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