Garda Mafia Ronan Lupton, Kieran Kelly, Stephen Rae And Paul Williams: A 12-Year Campaign To Destroy Gemma O'Doherty's Good Name And Investigative Journalism
The Garda operatives who have spent more than a decade engaged in a smear campaign against Gemma O'Doherty because of her work exposing Garda corruption
Ten years ago, in January 2015, Independent News And Media issued an apology to Gemma O’Doherty in front of the President of The High Court. It read as follows:
After almost 20 years working as a journalist for The Irish Independent, within months of Denis O’Brien taking over the company in 2012, she was ordered to stop her work exposing Garda corruption.
O’Brien had installed Garda sycophant Stephen Rae as editor of the paper - a move that would guarantee its ruination. Former editor of the Garda Review, Rae was always known within the industry as a Garda lackey who would follow their orders obsequiously. This was partly because he had been granted unlawful favours from them which Garda HQ used as leverage against him to order Gemma’s unlawful firing after she discovered that the then head of the force Martin Callinan had abused road safety laws for his own personal gain.
In 2012, when her work on the Fr Niall Molloy Garda cover-up led to the ‘reopening’ of that case, she was approached by Maurice McCabe’s father who asked her to meet his son. He told her she seemed to be the only journalist willing to expose the rot in the force.
Gemma took up his son’s cause. After examining the evidence of corruption they had compiled, she put her full support behind Maurice McCabe and John Wilson, and started to investigate the VIP elite who were receiving illegal favours from the guards and allowed to speed on the roads of Ireland without consequence, getting points wiped left, right and centre. This included Garda spokesman/ ‘crime reporter’ Paul Williams, a close crony of Rae’s and servant of the force well accustomed to getting dubious favours from them including penalty points quashed from his licence.
Williams was part of the Garda cabal who set out to destroy Maurice McCabe. He promoted the individual known as Miss D who made grotesque and false allegations against McCabe as part of the Garda smear campaign against him.
At the Charleton Tribunal - which fully vindicated Maurice McCabe - Paul Williams and Ms D were represented by rogue solicitor Kieran Kelly.
Another Garda asset, solicitor Kelly was brought into the Irish Independent when Rae took over as editor in 2012. Callinan - who despised McCabe and Wilson and called them ‘disgusting’ for exposing the criminal abuse of the speed points system - ordered the removal of Gemma from the paper unless she agreed to stop writing about corruption in the force. Because of her unblemished and well-recognised award-winning career at The Irish Independent, they could not be seen to dismiss her, so Kieran Kelly concocted the idea that they would get rid of her job title - Chief Features Writer - and make her compulsorily redundant.
Gemma O’Doherty took three legal actions against the company for unfair dismissal, personal injury and defamation - following a tirade of abuse against her by Stephen Rae because she dared to challenge Callinan on his speeding wipe (Rae who had been guilty of the same abuse of the law).
After a year and a half of obfuscation and delays by the company led by Kieran Kelly, her cases were eventually settled in 2015 and she received an apology and compensation for what she had been put through. But the campaign of vilification against her by Kelly continued - despite a legal agreement signed up to by the company that they would desist from any further attacks on her reputation and work.
Kelly sought out individuals whom Gemma had worked with smearing her good name to them, telling lies about her and breaching the terms of the legal agreement entered into by The Irish Independent.
In 2018, when Gemma spoke to a large audience in Waterford about her investigation into the murder of Veronica Guerin and her belief that Guerin was murdered with the involvement of the Gardai, Kelly’s campaign against her intensified and he joined forces with Guerin’s brother, corrupt Fingal councillor Jimmy Guerin, in a vicious and targeted fashion.
Gemma was once again grossly defamed as Guerin sought to threaten and silence her from speaking about his sister’s murder again. Instead of inquiring into the evidence Gemma had acquired as a well-respected experienced journalist, he attacked her from the floor of the council chamber calling her ‘poisonous’ and telling a litany of other lies about her. He did this purely because she had stated what many journalists before her had said: that Veronica Guerin was murdered with the assistance of the Gardai.
Guerin, who bizarrely found ten million euros in his shed, then moved to begin a malicious and absurd legal action against Gemma with Kieran Kelly, claiming that when she wrote about his paedophile brother Martin Guerin walking free from court in 2019, she wanted her readers to believe she was talking about Jimmy Guerin.
Kieran Kelly - now working for Flynn O’Driscoll Solicitors - has been the driving force behind this shambolic case sending thugs to Gemma’s home in a bid to threaten her and committing perjury, fraud and attempted extortion in the court. He has verbally abused Gemma while in court using expletives against her. He is also partly to blame for another major event in Gemma’s life which she will speak about in an upcoming hearing.
In a desperate effort to persecute Gemma, the case has been dragged on for almost six years and it is believed that somebody other than Jimmy Guerin is funding it. Both men are working for corrupt gardai who would do anything to silence Gemma especially since she began defending and speaking out on behalf of innocent man Aaron Brady.
Barrister Ronan Lupton is also part of the mafia who have been ordered to take Gemma down. He has told lie after lie about her in court concocting a litany of fraudulent statements against her and is in breach of his regulatory body’s rules in his disgusting treatment of her. He also works for the government in their efforts to control speech and has called for a ‘Minister for the Internet’ to stifle free speech and journalism in Ireland.
Gemma was in court yesterday seeking to have her motion heard to have the fraudulent Guerin case struck out. In very dubious circumstances, her application was adjourned by Judge Paul Coffey until March 5th. She has already seen down four judges in this vexatious case - the greatest miscarriage of justice ever perpetrated against a journalist in Ireland by the legal profession.
Last night, Gemma discussed the background to this campaign against her by some of the most immoral and cowardly men in Ireland working for shady gardai to try to destroy what is left of independent investigative journalism in Ireland.
They are destined to fail in their shameful efforts. This will be their legacy. In the long run, all they are doing is strengthening Gemma and making her more determined to continue her work uncovering the criminal activity the gardai, law and media are engaged in.
If you wish to support the investigative work of Gemma you can do so here: or
Please share this information widely and let people know what is done to journalists in Ireland who try to defend the public interest and uphold the law. Gemma’s life has been put in danger over and over by this wicked gang. When journalists are attacked for doing their job, it is an attack on every single member of the public and should not be tolerated.
You can watch Gemma’s latest stream here:
or here:
Is deprivation of rights under color of law acceptable, or conspiracy against right?
Your steadfast and courageous stance is helping others whose lives have been demonized, to stand up too for true justice Gemma. The day will come when all of these corrupt people will have to admit to their serious degradation of themselves: to admit that they have done their utmost to destroy someone’s life and reputation which actions also degrades the entire island of Ireland and on the world stage