Funny how so-called ‘free speech advocates’ have nothing to say about Holocaust revisionists being jailed for merely questioning the official narrative. In a word, cowardice.
That was a great crash course on the lucrative Holocaust™ racket. I thought I'd heard it all when I learned that Dr Mengele's smile was loved by the camp residents then I saw this account of the girls having a major crush on him Roseanne Barr said that her Ukrainian Jewish older relatives used to say to her as a child that 'little girls just like you were hung on meat hooks' in the camps. It's no wonder she's a total kook now.Hitler adored his German Shepherd Blondi but we're supposed to believe that his SS selection process involved raising a Shepherd pup for 6 months before slashing it's throat to show callousness. Is there any end to the contradictions of the WWII story written by the victors?
Excellent article, but I think we should stop calling the Ashkenazi Khazars Jews, they are not Jews, nor Semites, nor do they come from Abraham, they are descendants of Japheth and related to Gog and Magog, they are a Tartar people who comes probably from Siberia. Their claim to consider themselves the chosen people is ridiculous and the source of all the evils that afflict us. And this statement does not imply racism, I do not believe that all Khazarians are evil, they can be even saints if they convert like Edith Stein, who by the way died of typhus like so many others during the second world war and was not assassinated as some claim, but many Khazarian leaders in the Rothschild entourage (and their gentile minions, many of them aristocrats who have sold their souls to the devil in order to preserve their status), have fallen into satanism and intend to drag all humanity down with them. The Khazars should discover their true origin and reconcile with it.
Has anyone compiled a list of UK, USA, German prisoners? or formed a group, as your guest suggested. Thanks for keeping up the flow of truth about the Biggest Lie much appreciated
1940 Pinocchio?jaywalker?, was someone telling us the plan? , using a fake entity equivalent to a birth certificate,who has a big nose from telling lies, x legalese, x colour of law + MSM (All alphabetagents) = a way to steal everything,"legallyillegally"with SwiSSy hiding the loot, expand the money supply contract the supply, print a trillion OPMs, steal 750 billion thru derivatives, BIS, load countries with fake debt, but what they steal is real,as they rise like a phoenix from the ashes of the goyim, the star of rephaim embedded in everything, pentagrams, hexagons, heptagrams, octagons, nonogons all made from pyramids, pharaoh, different angles different positions,and always inverted!
They're the hyksos pharaohs from the lower house , Akhenaten & co, they were exiled from Egypt, that was probably the exodus, they then parted ways into a sea of people but remained loyal to their religion, Balak Balaam high priest's of Baal ...
That was a great crash course on the lucrative Holocaust™ racket. I thought I'd heard it all when I learned that Dr Mengele's smile was loved by the camp residents then I saw this account of the girls having a major crush on him Roseanne Barr said that her Ukrainian Jewish older relatives used to say to her as a child that 'little girls just like you were hung on meat hooks' in the camps. It's no wonder she's a total kook now.Hitler adored his German Shepherd Blondi but we're supposed to believe that his SS selection process involved raising a Shepherd pup for 6 months before slashing it's throat to show callousness. Is there any end to the contradictions of the WWII story written by the victors?
Here is a good writeup about Mengele from Germar Rudolf,
in short its all a creation, demonization of Mengele to carry the lies.
Excellent article, but I think we should stop calling the Ashkenazi Khazars Jews, they are not Jews, nor Semites, nor do they come from Abraham, they are descendants of Japheth and related to Gog and Magog, they are a Tartar people who comes probably from Siberia. Their claim to consider themselves the chosen people is ridiculous and the source of all the evils that afflict us. And this statement does not imply racism, I do not believe that all Khazarians are evil, they can be even saints if they convert like Edith Stein, who by the way died of typhus like so many others during the second world war and was not assassinated as some claim, but many Khazarian leaders in the Rothschild entourage (and their gentile minions, many of them aristocrats who have sold their souls to the devil in order to preserve their status), have fallen into satanism and intend to drag all humanity down with them. The Khazars should discover their true origin and reconcile with it.
Has anyone compiled a list of UK, USA, German prisoners? or formed a group, as your guest suggested. Thanks for keeping up the flow of truth about the Biggest Lie much appreciated
WWll 1939
1940 Pinocchio?jaywalker?, was someone telling us the plan? , using a fake entity equivalent to a birth certificate,who has a big nose from telling lies, x legalese, x colour of law + MSM (All alphabetagents) = a way to steal everything,"legallyillegally"with SwiSSy hiding the loot, expand the money supply contract the supply, print a trillion OPMs, steal 750 billion thru derivatives, BIS, load countries with fake debt, but what they steal is real,as they rise like a phoenix from the ashes of the goyim, the star of rephaim embedded in everything, pentagrams, hexagons, heptagrams, octagons, nonogons all made from pyramids, pharaoh, different angles different positions,and always inverted!
1-308 ARR...
All the old Disney characters had big noses. Walt was an anti Semite. All the old drawings of the devil had big noses too. No coincidence there
Sorry meant to say all the evil Disney characters
They're the hyksos pharaohs from the lower house , Akhenaten & co, they were exiled from Egypt, that was probably the exodus, they then parted ways into a sea of people but remained loyal to their religion, Balak Balaam high priest's of Baal ...