Beginner’s Guide To WWII (Part III)
Funny how so-called ‘free speech advocates’ have nothing to say about Holocaust revisionists being jailed for merely questioning the official narrative. In a word, cowardice.
The answer: Those who gain the most from perpetuating the establishment's version of the Holocaust™.
Those who have reaped billions of dollars in reparations from Germany for the Holocaust™.
Those who collect billions of dollars in "loans" from the U.S. - "loans" that are NEVER repaid.
Those who use those funds to keep other groups of people, including the Palestinians, the Iraqis, and soon to be many other countries, under totalitarian control and in abject poverty.
Only the "Chosen Ones"can breach the laws of the Geneva Convention with impunity. How does such a tiny speck of land wield so much power and influence?
Who are these people? The Zionists Jews! Note that I stated the "Zionist" Jews, NOT Jews in general. Zionism is a political movement and involves Christians and other faiths. There are many Jews who do NOT agree with what the Zionist Jews are doing, but the media, which is controlled by the Zionist Jews, rarely allows the opinions of their fellow disagreeing Jews to be publicized. What is the difference in demanding a "Jewish state" (with governance dominated by an ethnic group) to the KKK demanding that Alabama be a "White state"?
Ironically, the racial description "Semite" can refer to a number of ancient peoples, including Asians and Arabs, and the fact is, Palestinians have more claim to being Semitic than most within modern Jewry who trace their lineage back to the ancient Asiatic kingdom of the Khazars. (Ashkenazi non-Semitic Jews) It's another deception perpetrated by those who want to control your thoughts and your actions.
"The word anti-Semitism is another word which should be eliminated from the English language. "Anti-Semitism" serves only one purpose today. It is used as a smear word. When so-called or self-styled Jews feel that anyone opposes any of their objectives they discredit their victims by applying the word anti-Semite or anti-Semitic through all the channels they have at their command and under their control. I can speak with great authority on that subject. Because so-called or self-styled Jews were unable to disprove my public statements in 1946 with regard to the situation in Palestine, they spent millions of dollars to smear me as an anti-Semite hoping thereby to discredit me in the eyes of the public who were very much interested in what I had to say. Until 1946 I was a little saint to all so-called or self-styled Jews. When I disagreed with them publicly on the Zionist intentions in Palestine I became suddenly Anti-Semite No. 1." — famous Jewish businessman and writer Benjamin H. Freedman. (Facts Are Facts, 1954)
“Believe me, America accepts all our decisions. The Obama Admin will put forth new peace initiatives only if Israel wants it to.” – Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman [quoted in Haaretz
From One Jew To Another
The following is a letter that Brother Nathanael Kapner of "Real Jew News" received from a Jewish scholar regarding his reasoned doubts of the Holocaust™ as presented by Jewry. With his permission to publish the Letter along with his full name, herein is presented a convincing refutation of the Holocaust™ Hoax.
“DEAR BROTHER NATHANAEL… My name is Robert Litoff. I have been following your site for many years. You may publish this Letter and my name.
I was born in New Haven, Connecticut in 1945 of two Jewish parents but am now a non-practicing Jew. As far as I can trace, all my ancestors are Jews.
I graduated Phi Beta Kappa in psychology from the University of Connecticut.
The claim that 6 million Jews died during World War II is wrong.
During the war period, before and shortly afterward, 5 million Jews went to Israel, and the Jewish population of North America increased from 4 million to 6 million.
Jews also went to Brazil, Argentina, Australia and other nations. This accounts for the decrease of millions of Jews in Europe.
The world Jewish population was 15 million circa 1929 but it reached an estimated high of 18 million in 1989, an increase of 16%, which would have been impossible if 6 million Jews died in World War II.
The rabbi of my synagogue was Rabbi Andrew Klein who was a Hungarian Jew. He was interned in Auschwitz during World War II. His wife and 2 sons, Theodore and Lester, were interned in Bergen-Belsen.
One of the stories you hear about the Nazis is that they killed all the Jews who could not work. But, Theodore and Lester were both children who could not work when they were at Bergen-Belsen but they were not killed.
Soon after the end of the war, there were a few different stories of how the Nazis committed mass murder. One was that the victims were put in water and an electric current was sent through the water electrocuting the victims.
Another was that the victims were thrown in great fiery pits. Yet another was that the victims were driven in trucks which had their exhaust fumes channeled into the compartment in which the victims were placed, thereby killing them.
Finally, there is the story about the victims ‘taking showers’ in gas chambers which is the one claimed today. I take issue with this claim for the following reasons.Zyklon-B was invented in America, not Germany. It was first used in Texas to disinfect the clothing of Mexicans crossing the border.
In the German work camps, Zyklon-B was used to disinfect the clothing of the internees to stem the tide of typhus.
Perhaps you have heard the story that the internees were led into a room in which they were told that they would be given showers and then they were gassed to death.
In reality, the doors of a real gas chamber would have to be airtight and look something like an airplane door. Otherwise, the gas would seep out and kill those operating the gas chamber.
In employing a gas chamber for an execution of one person, (as it was once done in America), a method used was to have potassium nuggets dropped into sulfuric acid by a lever. This would result in the production of hydrogen cyanide which would kill the person being executed.
Before the doors of the gas chamber could be opened—post-execution—another gas, anhydrous ammonia, must be injected into the chamber to react with the poisonous gas to make it a less lethal resulting gas.
Even so, anhydrous ammonia being poisonous, it would react with the gas used and would have to be scrubbed away. All of this would have been a long, dangerous, inefficient and toilsome task for the Nazis to destroy ‘millions’ using gas chambers.
If Hitler wanted to kill as many Jews as he could, he would have had them shot by machine guns and automatic rifles. This would have been the least expensive and quickest way to commit mass murder. And, tragically, there were many mass murders in World War II by soldiers using machine guns and automatic rifles.
I first read Elie Wiesel’s “Night” when in it was an earlier publication. In this early edition, Wiesel does not mention any gas chambers but states that mass murder was committed by throwing Jews of all ages into great fiery pits.
When I ask various Jews why did Wiesel not mention gas chambers if they existed, and, if great fiery pits were used to kill people, then why are people not talking about the great fiery pits now like people are always talking about the gas chambers?
The usual response is that the victims were killed by both methods and that Wiesel’s failure to mention gas chambers is not proof that the gas chambers for killing people did not exist. This answer is not convincing since Wiesel purports to be giving an eyewitness account.
Weasel (misspelling intentional…for the man is a deceiver and a sneak) wrote about the internees taking showers, being shaved of all body hair, and being covered with disinfectant which would be consistent with a program to prevent typhus and other diseases from killing the internees and not consistent with a program which wanted the internees to die.
In the earlier edition of “Night,” Wiesel wrote that he had surgery on one of his feet at a “well equipped hospital” in Auschwitz before taken to other camps. In the newer editions of “Night” this has been changed to an “infirmary.”
Yet, in both editions, he states that he was given two weeks off from work after his surgery which is inconsistent with the claim that all internees who could not work were killed.
Wiesel wrote that while he was recuperating the Russians were approaching Auschwitz and the Germans knew that they could not hold out in Auschwitz any longer.
So, they offered all their internees who were in the hospital that they could decide whether to wait for the Russian soldiers to come or leave with the Germans. Wiesel decided to leave with the Germans who were supposedly committing genocide against the Jews instead of waiting for liberation by the Russians.
Perhaps, you have seen pictures of piles of dead and walking skeletons of a liberated concentration camp.
But, by the end of the war, all Germans were having difficulty feeding themselves.
Also, the American and British air forces were bombing all the railroad tracks making it impossible to bring sufficient quantities of food into the camps. So, America and Britain share most of the blame for the starvation in the camps at the end of the war.
Jews need to keep bringing up the Holocaust so they can extort billions of dollars from America and its most advanced weapons systems for their Zionist program in Israel.
Jews own and control America’s mainline media, so that they can control most everything Americans hear and see.
While Americans argue about what to do about medical care and how much it will cost, Israel has a much more generous medical care program for its citizens and does not need to worry about the costs because it’s paid for by tax-paying American citizens in the aid we give to Israel.
Since the last 1960's, hundreds of films and documentaries have been spewed out that deal with the Holocaust™. How people understand the past and how they view the world and themselves as members of society is set by the agenda of those who hold power. That's why in the media & education system, the Holocaust™ takes precedent over the other 60 million who died in WWII; the 10 million that died in the Ukrainian genocide, the 14 million Germans who were forced to flee from Europe, and the 200,000 thousand Germans who were incinerated in Dresden in the real Holocaust™.
The attack on Cobart Towers was by Jews. The attack on the USS Cole was by Jews. The London subway attack was by Jews. The Madrid bombing was by Jews. The Bali & Morocco bombings were by Jews. All suicide attacks on Israelis are by Jews. Al Qaeda is a fake organization created by the Jews. ISIS = Israeli Secret Intelligence Service. Jews assassinated Benazir Bhutto & Martin Luther King. Jews attacked Hitler & caused WWII. Jews holiest book "The Talmud" condones pedophilia and teaches that non-Jews are sub-human.
HELLSTORM (The Documentary)
Source: The Holocaust - An Indispensable Ideological Weapon
Join Gemma O’Doherty next Tuesday night at 8pm with Dr EMJ to discuss his new book on the biggest hoax of all.
Catch up on her latest streams on fake terror exposed on, Gettr and Bitchute..
That was a great crash course on the lucrative Holocaust™ racket. I thought I'd heard it all when I learned that Dr Mengele's smile was loved by the camp residents then I saw this account of the girls having a major crush on him Roseanne Barr said that her Ukrainian Jewish older relatives used to say to her as a child that 'little girls just like you were hung on meat hooks' in the camps. It's no wonder she's a total kook now.Hitler adored his German Shepherd Blondi but we're supposed to believe that his SS selection process involved raising a Shepherd pup for 6 months before slashing it's throat to show callousness. Is there any end to the contradictions of the WWII story written by the victors?
Excellent article, but I think we should stop calling the Ashkenazi Khazars Jews, they are not Jews, nor Semites, nor do they come from Abraham, they are descendants of Japheth and related to Gog and Magog, they are a Tartar people who comes probably from Siberia. Their claim to consider themselves the chosen people is ridiculous and the source of all the evils that afflict us. And this statement does not imply racism, I do not believe that all Khazarians are evil, they can be even saints if they convert like Edith Stein, who by the way died of typhus like so many others during the second world war and was not assassinated as some claim, but many Khazarian leaders in the Rothschild entourage (and their gentile minions, many of them aristocrats who have sold their souls to the devil in order to preserve their status), have fallen into satanism and intend to drag all humanity down with them. The Khazars should discover their true origin and reconcile with it.