Hi Gemma, i got the Holy Masses said for you today in the Friary, Wexford (for a year). God Bless you and your work. Siobhan from Wexford

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I knew 'Dr' John Campbell was part of the regime as soon as I saw his government junk science propaganda sign behind him.He brainwashed people to 'Stay apart and wear a mask' to protect themselves from a fraud pandemic while he posed as a friendly. The false narrative of the 'experimental vaccine' is pushed by controlled operatives like him and O'Loughlin. It's not experimental it's premeditated mass murder.They give the perpetrators plausible deniability that it was a consentual experiment to save lives that resulted in accidental harm. It's been known for years that Nanotech mRNA products are devastating to human health. The FDA were shown slides before the roll-out that stated the injection would trigger catastrophic illness and death. A depopulation operation was executed and Pharma blagged trillions of dollars worth of free R&D to see just how toxic their substances really are.They were paid with our stolen tax money to kill us. If it were an honest experiment they wouldn't censor the side effects. O'Loughlin has tripled down on her pro-regime propaganda. I'd like to know who writes her scripts and edits her Gardaí PR videos. She said some 'immature' people want to "defund the police". I've never heard that phrase here, is her script written by an American NGO creep? US interference in our politics is ever-present. The thrust of her hilarious propaganda is that Gemma is really Antifa and her desire to reform the Gardaí is a cover for anarchy to bring in a UN police force and 'hate speech' laws.Yikes!

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As if watching a cut heal itself over a few days isn't proof enough, but sure ignore the obvious

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But, anyway, I should add that I do have respect for Dr. Sam and her husband Mark and their message. I was thinking perhaps if it is not a virus per se, that people can expel their toxins through mucus thereby passing it on to another with a lowered immune system. Still equals contagion then.

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I stopped listening to Dr. Cowan when he got sucked into drinking his own piss by some witch named Amanda something. I can't remember her last name anymore because I have avoided her for quite a long time.

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Madonna did this too after submerging herself in a bath full of ice

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I’m not seeing you on telegram anymore. I wish to continue to receive your information. What can I do?

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