Gemma, it is so hard to believe that after all these years and with all that we have seen and heard. The fact that people still go along with it all. All the lies, all the false reasoning.

It beggars belief.

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I have always wondered why some people pathologically avoid Gemma. Woods and many other Irish 'nationalists' have no interest in the cutting edge of truth-seeking where Gemma operates. She has become a bellwether for who is the 'wheat' and who is the 'chaff'. Where was Woods when Gemma and John Waters took the most important legal action against the state in Irish history? He has denied scientifically proven dangers like 5G radiation, 'vaccines', and geoengineering without any research. Reynolds described Woods as a "propagandist Youtuber" at the NP's usurpation coup ceremony. This sounds like he is a Youtube (Alphabet Inc.) approved spin doctor. His 54,000 subscriber count proves that Google owned Jewtube is very pleased with him. He also sailed right through the Covid period on Twitter/X with a current follower count of 76,000. If he wasn't banned for Covid truth then he is an impotent worm that aided an act of war against Ireland through silence and compliance. By downplaying vital issues like 'vaccines' he helps to reduce awareness of the technocratic threat. Even more disturbing than his Covid 'vaccine' promotion, is his psychopathic view that life with a fascist forced poison "Covid passport" to move freely would be "more or less how it was pre-pandemic" The educated fool buys the fallacy that 'vaccines' stop lockdowns despite all restrictions and 'vaccine' efficacy testing being derived from fraudulent antigen and PCR test 'cases'. He is unaware that the only reason why lockdowns and poison mandates stopped was because millions of brave people worldwide took to the streets and got arrested, pepper sprayed, trampled by horses and beaten. Protests didn't achieve justice but they did push back the enemy for now. You're welcome 'Stay At Home Statists'. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F7JbPY2X0AAsg13?format=jpg&name=medium Anyone that isn't shouting from the rooftops about the 'vaccine' mass murder by the Pharma State and their lockdown economic warfare has no business leading us politically. I'd like to know what 'white nationalists' like Woods think of allowing 443 million 'white' EU migrants to invade Ireland and milk us dry with welfare 'entitlements' and take our houses. The 'black versus white' false binary provides a distraction for the multinationals that slip 'brown envelopes' into our border-collapsing regime's pockets, to colonise Ireland with 'white' replacements. We know they prefer 'white' workers, as proven by Ukrainian invaders getting better prizes than brown skinned invaders. Woods's meteoric profile boost stinks of controlled opposition. We've learned from experience that sudden blow up equals PSYOP like Oliver Anthony. Woods's hero Elon Musk just promoted mRNA poison. Despite himself and his son being harmed by it he thinks it has 'promise'. He would say that, given his companies are CIA fronts just like Murderna. Is he referring to their 'cancer cure' that takes your tumor and injects copies of it back into your body or was it the heart injection that will grow new blood vessels? The rubberlike clots found in Covid 'vaccine' victims have been described as resembling a casting of the vessel walls, I wonder is this is related to the vessel construction claims by Murderna CEO Bancel? Anyway, synthetic mRNA is a no go flop because of the toxicity of the lipid nanoparticle delivery system alone. https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1706681999035928994 These insane biological weapons make chemical weapons seem pedestrian. We need a treaty to ban all mRNA 'medicine' and all 'vaccines'. While intellectual snobs like Woods and Musk were lapping up fraud and lies about Covid, ordinary people were researching actual science from the small group of PhD and Nobel level scientists that weren't corrupted by Academia Inc. They say that 'curiosity killed the cat' but I sincerely hope that Woods's and Musk's incuriosity doesn't kill them.

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I like the intellectual snob bit you the nail on the head, I always listen to what Gemma says as it hard core truth and people can’t and don’t want to hear it, Gemma is Lightholder for justice , the creeps don’t like being outed, I remember when Woods came along he to young as they say can’t put a old head on young shoulders he over played his hand you would be fool to stand along side NP they self destructed and , JB I liked and appreciated him but time moves on and the Darnel will separate when it turns black as it is doing now

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Oct 1, 2023Edited
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Hi Gerry, the total population of the EU is 448 million so in theory any of those people minus 5 million Irish could enter our country and claim welfare, work and take our houses. Anyone from planet Earth just needs to work here for five years then they can get a citizenship and welfare. Our infrastructure from hospitals to sewage systems are collapsing under the strain of the invasion. To use the parlance of the enemy, it's not sustainable.

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Not that I talk about it often, but I got the vax in Autumn 2021 and haven't had any health issues over it.

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Good to hear that Eoin, you may be one of the lucky ones, I know at least 10 people that have developed cancers and autoimmune diseases, its real and horrendous.

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I don't think it's related to the vaccine in any way. Probably just a coincidence.

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We will agree to disagree on that one, I have never heard of so many ill and sick people in all of my years, so many deaths too! Just shocking.

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You just keep on thinking then! I know for a fact. To each their own.

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Sep 30, 2023
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Protein 53, our keeper of our genetic code, working hand in hand with our pigment genes CYP450, told the story a decade ago, it's impossible for a builder to build a structure, with half his tools missing, cheap substituted material with a third of that missing and a hundred obstacles in the way, and that's why everyone are sick...

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