
Tonight on Gemma O’Doherty, we continue our exposé of American Jana’s ‘Think Local’ #Ireland circus, run by foreigners, and how it is a Godless backdoor route to the Great Reset and globalist totalitarianism.

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This came in overnight from a reader. Worth a look. I have mentioned the global connections to Think Local in my streams. It is of course another route to the 15 Minute City.

Please post any other research you have done yourselves.

Hi Gemma

I have checked out their conference day details, in particular - 13:30-13:45 Launch of SOURCE IRELAND, a World Council of Health Project. Germaine Staley, Nic Robinson, World Council for Health.

On the World Council for Health website https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/. When you check out the steering committee members, there is a Dr Tess Lawrie - Director of E-BMC Ltd . Check out her credentials and she is also a member of the BIRD group (worth looking at) who is affiliated to many dubious organisations https://bird-group.org/bird-affiliates/. One being the World Doctors Alliance. Their symbol on the gives them away as part of the WHO. However if you look at the website of the World Doctors Alliance https://worlddoctorsalliance.com/?fbc, it seems they are anti lockdown. It is all a rabbit hole!

With regards to Mark Attwood, these clips have just yesterday come up on bitchute where a woman is promoting his crypto club - https://www.bitchute.com/video/GZnfjWpZ17XN/ Here he is promoting his setting up of a healing centre in Ireland. https://www.bitchute.com/video/ikWYUscnJQjP/.

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It is only prayer that will solve this world problem now, essentially of kicking God out. Cardinal Burke's latest message about the "synod" is unnerving, and yet we know that things have got to get a lot worse before God chastises the world Himself. God is leaving us to our own devices now. This is only the man made part of the chastisement. Fatima is still unfolding. God's world and His Church will be purified. Only increased prayer will fortify us. So many, many suicides taking place. And yet prophesy also tells us that we are coming into a great Era of Peace. The world is not as strong as it looks and God ALWAYS wins.

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God Bless you Gemma. I have followed you since your first long form chat with John Waters on YouTube back in 2018. You have helped me piece so many things together and while I never left the faith I have immersed myself more in it these past three years. All who have mocked and ridiculed you these past 10 yrs will one day acknowledge your courage to speak out on what has happened our beloved Island and regret their delusions of greed and grandeur!

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Aug 23, 2023·edited Aug 26, 2023

Going forward we must sharpen our discernment in recognising both the unwitting and the wanton servants of the enemy.They will lead us off a cliff unless we steamroll over their operations. Soros admitted that 'the tide has turned on globalism' and his criminal foundation has just announced that they are pulling funding from the EU so there's a major strategic realignment afoot.They are abandoning their EU-run 2014 Ukraine coup and I assume that their tens of thousands of Irish NGOs with their six-figure salary administrators will go away too.The bankers want to absorb, manage and capitalise on the emerging anti-globalism marketplace.They think we're so stupid that all they have to do is rebrand 'global' as 'local' and we will be Neuro-Linguistic Programmed into submission.'Think Local' want to have their cake and eat it too by using a homogenized multicultural artwork devoid of real culture and religion while claiming to represent local Irish heritage.Their multipurpose graphics format is just like the 'fill in the blank country' drivel in all EU documents.The soulless mocha-faced people are the result of crappy AI-generated art. I can tell this by the headless bodies, six-wheeled car, out of scale buildings and the creepy guy looking like his hands merge with his crotch. It's very apt that transhumanists would use inhuman art to depict us.Their reference to climate change is enough of a giant red flag because we believe that Weather-Worriers are either insane or liars.The classic fairy tale image of the wolf dressed as the grandmother in 'Little Red Riding Hood' keeps coming to mind when I see these operatives.The problem with Dr McCullough and others like him is that they have a conflict of interest in the form of 'alternative treatments' they sell for a 'virus' that has never been isolated and therefore can not be tested for.What part of PCR fraud do they not get? They aid the fear Psy-Op. Marianna Spring has a very strange origin story. She was a schoolgirl that won an Oxford Uni competition for a 'report'.They were so impressed with this 18 year old genius that they gave her a place to study Russian. https://www.holdthefrontpage.co.uk/2014/news/young-reporter-scheme-helps-schoolgirl-win-oxford-place/ Next thing she's a Moscow correspondent with no journalist qualifications.She was groomed to destroy real journalists and judging by this photo she has the right assets to be an intel agency asset. https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fas39n1hzyz271.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3D8171465aa659635f86c9a49ab7daeb80cc8e4ff4 This site says Spring "has gone on to influence the policies of social media sites and the government" https://www.oneyoungworld.com/oneyoungworld.com/oyw-journalist-year-award/2022/shortlist The disgraceful MI5-run Edel Campbell fundraiser is still growing.She said no solicitor would touch her case until IRA connected Communist Ciarán Mulholland offered to do the dirty 'lawfare' pro bono. So presumably the €24,000 is a financial incentive or bribe from the pharma government criminal gang to Campbell to attack Gemma. Nothing will stop Gemma and The Irish Light from flushing out the rats that have infiltrated OUR country.

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RemovedAug 24, 2023·edited Aug 24, 2023
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A big Jewish psyop. You should be able to see through them by now

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