Ireland is the most dumbed down population of idiots,tinkers,misfits,💊 pillpoppers,crackheads,alcoholics,gamblers, liers, thieves,etc.

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Central Casting just ain't what it used to be. And how people can fall for Complete Clowns like The Donald is beyond this Barker.

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The sort that couldn't look you in the eye. Too busy reading the prepared script..

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a huge millon tanks for posting this. huge shoutout. amazing and wonderful job. huge in every way. now where did i leave them rosaries…

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This is comedy Gold Gemma , i cant understand how people dont see it. Shortly after Kieran Morrisey became aquanted with this one and Ashill, he was jailed for 2 months, so glad i refused to meet up with them. Dodged another bullet !

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Real people are now being constantly replaced by their deepfakes, so what would prevent the system from replacing crisis actors, too?


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Six fingered rubber babies are more believable

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More believable than what? The whole script is like a nightmare. :)

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Fake AL is more believable than the real fake actors, funny watching it Razzies all round.

AI is probably writing the script

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... has this character apparently designed to banish all opposing characters which has recently become unavailable due to it's 'sold out' also been transformed via numerically into physical manifestation?!... https://the-stadium-bc.myshopify.com/products/sisu-empowering-sibling-125-204-ursulas-return ... (edit: note 'Second Ability'... 'Type' - 'Triggered'... https://wiki.mushureport.com/wiki/Sisu_-_Empowered_Sibling ... of course, this bears 'no possible relation' to the context!... lol! )...

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Never go full retard in Mogadishu

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