Today's trauma ritual in Munich with its predictable narrative was expected in the run-up to this month's 'selections'. The Jews needed an anti-migrant storyline to put their lesbian puppet in power
The goal in Germany was to completely destroy nationalism just as Trump's been assigned to do in the U.S. Corporation. The firebombing of Dresden and Eisenhower's mass murder in the POW camps had a major impact on the German psyche and spirit. The remaining jews with the help of their feminist cadre exacted their revenge, leaving german men castrated. The same operation is occurring in the U.S. coup... the car is said to be a mini cooper... from Wikipedia...'Cars of the Mini (marque), including several different models produced by BMW since 2000 with the "Mini Cooper" title:'...'History:... The vehicle is in some ways considered the British equivalent to its German contemporary, the Volkswagen Beetle, (my addition:associated with Nazi Germany) which enjoyed similar popularity in North America.'...the 'carnage' is strewn contrary to the apparent trajectory of the car... thanks, for the info on the AfD Gemma...what about Christine Anderson? ... God help Sri Wanka!...this is my only comment on this stack!... 😏😑😏... edit: they're called asylum seekers 'cause Europe is an asylum...jayz, heard her' talkin' on her Web site, u heard the saying 'she'd sour milk'... i mean i'm assuming i must had heard it, right?... well, here's a new one... 'that one id stale bread'! ... yeah, that be my last edit, 'cause dis comment takin wings!... ps. (not edit!) may be a good time to sell my any remaining' will to live' while it still holds some currency! if i was married to dat wan fk sake i'd be a lesbian too!...
When you make sweeping statements like " the Jews "
You are putting every Jewish person who has their own thoughts , who don't agree with these lunatics killing innocent palistinians , who didnt get jabbed etc, In the same "bracket"
It's a horrible thing to do ,just making generalisations.
Your creating the divide and conquer paradigm.
My grand parents were Jewish .
I read the ethnic cleansing of palistine years ago. Those who commited those horrors should have been held accountable for such crimes on innocent palistinian people ...
Make sweeping statements , does you no favours. Be specific against those that do wrong rother than tar
To be a "good Jew", you have to admit the holocaust is a fraud and that the Jews control the world with their central banking system. Also you have to admit that Jews have no right to live in Palestine because they are the descendants of Eastern European Khazar converts who never set foot in Palestine.
...from strictly and representing only my own perspective, i don't subscribe to such a line of all consuming anti-Jewish thought as u describe, i appreciate ur concern from ur individual and human perspective of ur feeling misrepresented by any such maligning source, and respect ur right to draw attention to ur understandable the case in point, i'm sure i've heard the author on more than one occasion, 'specify' such a distinction, as u claim has been omitted, anyway that is none of my personal business, however, commenting here, and by the same token, i emphatically would not wish my being interpreted or perceived in any manner of my being 'anti-Jewish'! i feel that i'm only a few 'pen-drops' or 'ink-drops' away from my disassociation as a mere commenter with any form of 'alternative media', not because i may disagree, or tend on any occasion to denigrate their invaluable efforts, only more so because there are so many ostensibly discreditable and intrusive influences currently
proliferating 'out there', and the worrying prospect of the real advent of AI!
Likewise crisis actor Robbie Parker smiled and grinned. Then he approached the microphone and remembered to be sad so he could pretend his child died during the Sandy Hook hoax, the previous day. I'd love to see the non-disclosure agreements which crisis actors must surely sign and the penalty clauses.
In the face of an undeniable pandemic of cognitive dissonance, people are the furthest they've ever been from reality,four outa five working flat out to defend the madness,and whether the minority like it or not, the majority rules, even if it's on a suicide mission...
The investigation of the unidentified serial killer named Mr. Mercedes whose crime was to run down a huge crowd of people standing in line at an early morning job fair in a stolen Mercedes Benz vehicle and then he just drove away and abandoned the stolen Mercedes Benz car after killing a dozen or so people and injuring and traumatizing hundreds of other people.
...this may help, in her wikipedia bio, from references under 'Personal Life', linked from [13] there... ...knew nothing of her, still don't, i had been led to believe that she was genuine three years or so ago, then had reasons for serious doubts...i don't trust her at all, Gemma would know!..
All she has to do is tell 90% truth, act as a lightning rod for dissent and go...nowhere. I don't get any sense that Anderson's voice is restricted, so she's almost certainly an EU Andrew Bridgen misdirection agent and very transparent limited hangout.
Now you’ve said it. Bridgen - what a fake but they fell for him of course. Just like some fools here grovel at the feet of McDowell who wants to steal your free speech to protect his Jewish paymasters.
I have a photo of Robbie Parker plus his family, including the resurrected child, visiting Obama at the White House a week or so after the Sandy Hoax circus. Circa 2012, Obama signed H.R. 4310 which authorized domestic propaganda psy-ops. Previously, domestic propaganda was banned under the Smit-Mundt Act of 1948.
For the record, the Austrian Painter was also controlled opposition. He was a Communist who was repurposed as a "National Socialist" and was responsible for getting the greater German people to accept the doctrines of the Nanny State. His administration was financed largely by a group of Wally Street bankers under the head of Prescott Bush- father of George Herbert Walker Bush. His rightful crusade against Bolshevik Russia was sabotaged at every opportunity- to the point where the Stalwart Carlists and the Irish Brigades of the 57th could not advance the last 15 miles to the gates of Moscow on December 7th 1941 for lack of bullets and rations, to say nothing of adequate clothing. The Austrian Painter was also a cover for the Freemasons wearing Cardinals Hats in the Catholic Church- including Pacelli- to develop their "New Mass" under the watchful eye of Odo Casel. A Mass which, as Canon Roca knew, came from the Masonic Lodges (and perhaps the synagogues of the pale of settlement) from the 1800's.
Meanwhile, America's version of the Austrian Painter, SuperTrump the Orand Messiah, continues his grand sweep of the mesmerized MAGA Hats. He is brokering an end to Ukraine Theatre. He has had "anitvaxxer" Robert Kennedy appointed to his cabinet. (Just as I predicted six months ago.) The Donald will lead America and Europe to the brink. And meanwhile, the man is a walking death switch. He has said that only the Iranians could or would assassinate him and that, therefore, upon his demise, WW3 will start. So, the death of man could set things spinning out of control at this point.
The Sacred Heart tried to warn France, but Louie 14th, 15th, and 16th paid no attention. The Immaculate Heart of Mary tried to warn the Church, but duel Piuses paid no attention. And now, we who have sown the wind, will reap the whirlwind.
Gemma, you are really growing on me. I wish your buddy EMJ would drop the few remaining scales from his otherwise brilliant eyes and see all of what you see.
E Michael Jones hasn't just removed the scales from people's eyes he has in fact taken down the veil of Jewish deception and manipulation with his thorough knowledge and forthright analysis.
Right again dearest Gemma, right again.
Thats insane , the grin on that one. Its just tooooooooo much.
"28 victims? Where’s the blood?"
It was raining, perhaps?
The chemtrails obscured everything.
The goal in Germany was to completely destroy nationalism just as Trump's been assigned to do in the U.S. Corporation. The firebombing of Dresden and Eisenhower's mass murder in the POW camps had a major impact on the German psyche and spirit. The remaining jews with the help of their feminist cadre exacted their revenge, leaving german men castrated. The same operation is occurring in the U.S. coup... the car is said to be a mini cooper... from Wikipedia...'Cars of the Mini (marque), including several different models produced by BMW since 2000 with the "Mini Cooper" title:'...'History:... The vehicle is in some ways considered the British equivalent to its German contemporary, the Volkswagen Beetle, (my addition:associated with Nazi Germany) which enjoyed similar popularity in North America.'...the 'carnage' is strewn contrary to the apparent trajectory of the car... thanks, for the info on the AfD Gemma...what about Christine Anderson? ... God help Sri Wanka!...this is my only comment on this stack!... 😏😑😏... edit: they're called asylum seekers 'cause Europe is an asylum...jayz, heard her' talkin' on her Web site, u heard the saying 'she'd sour milk'... i mean i'm assuming i must had heard it, right?... well, here's a new one... 'that one id stale bread'! ... yeah, that be my last edit, 'cause dis comment takin wings!... ps. (not edit!) may be a good time to sell my any remaining' will to live' while it still holds some currency! if i was married to dat wan fk sake i'd be a lesbian too!...
When you make sweeping statements like " the Jews "
You are putting every Jewish person who has their own thoughts , who don't agree with these lunatics killing innocent palistinians , who didnt get jabbed etc, In the same "bracket"
It's a horrible thing to do ,just making generalisations.
Your creating the divide and conquer paradigm.
My grand parents were Jewish .
I read the ethnic cleansing of palistine years ago. Those who commited those horrors should have been held accountable for such crimes on innocent palistinian people ...
Make sweeping statements , does you no favours. Be specific against those that do wrong rother than tar
Everyone with the same brush.
Your comments like that do you no favours.
To be a "good Jew", you have to admit the holocaust is a fraud and that the Jews control the world with their central banking system. Also you have to admit that Jews have no right to live in Palestine because they are the descendants of Eastern European Khazar converts who never set foot in Palestine.
...from strictly and representing only my own perspective, i don't subscribe to such a line of all consuming anti-Jewish thought as u describe, i appreciate ur concern from ur individual and human perspective of ur feeling misrepresented by any such maligning source, and respect ur right to draw attention to ur understandable the case in point, i'm sure i've heard the author on more than one occasion, 'specify' such a distinction, as u claim has been omitted, anyway that is none of my personal business, however, commenting here, and by the same token, i emphatically would not wish my being interpreted or perceived in any manner of my being 'anti-Jewish'! i feel that i'm only a few 'pen-drops' or 'ink-drops' away from my disassociation as a mere commenter with any form of 'alternative media', not because i may disagree, or tend on any occasion to denigrate their invaluable efforts, only more so because there are so many ostensibly discreditable and intrusive influences currently
proliferating 'out there', and the worrying prospect of the real advent of AI!
Likewise crisis actor Robbie Parker smiled and grinned. Then he approached the microphone and remembered to be sad so he could pretend his child died during the Sandy Hook hoax, the previous day. I'd love to see the non-disclosure agreements which crisis actors must surely sign and the penalty clauses.
Saw these coming from a mile away, I was wondering why they made this horrible programme.
Exactly, programming...
In the face of an undeniable pandemic of cognitive dissonance, people are the furthest they've ever been from reality,four outa five working flat out to defend the madness,and whether the minority like it or not, the majority rules, even if it's on a suicide mission...
The investigation of the unidentified serial killer named Mr. Mercedes whose crime was to run down a huge crowd of people standing in line at an early morning job fair in a stolen Mercedes Benz vehicle and then he just drove away and abandoned the stolen Mercedes Benz car after killing a dozen or so people and injuring and traumatizing hundreds of other people.
So, Christine Anderson?
Dream on, dear Barbara. The Chosen Ones created the AfD
I would agree Ms O'Doherty.
...this may help, in her wikipedia bio, from references under 'Personal Life', linked from [13] there... ...knew nothing of her, still don't, i had been led to believe that she was genuine three years or so ago, then had reasons for serious doubts...i don't trust her at all, Gemma would know!..
All she has to do is tell 90% truth, act as a lightning rod for dissent and go...nowhere. I don't get any sense that Anderson's voice is restricted, so she's almost certainly an EU Andrew Bridgen misdirection agent and very transparent limited hangout.
Now you’ve said it. Bridgen - what a fake but they fell for him of course. Just like some fools here grovel at the feet of McDowell who wants to steal your free speech to protect his Jewish paymasters.
That is how the shills roll on both sides of the Pond.
... yeah, it’s something like that…cul de sac!…and decoy!...
Ms Weidel does say all the "right stuff".
Shame its all a game.
I have a photo of Robbie Parker plus his family, including the resurrected child, visiting Obama at the White House a week or so after the Sandy Hoax circus. Circa 2012, Obama signed H.R. 4310 which authorized domestic propaganda psy-ops. Previously, domestic propaganda was banned under the Smit-Mundt Act of 1948.
So, is the entirety of what we see around us, at the political top level, all theatre?
Yes, and the political bottom level too
Thanks Gemma, that’s very interesting. I’ll keep reading as things don’t always add up. I’ve come to the game late; too many years of trusting power!
For the record, the Austrian Painter was also controlled opposition. He was a Communist who was repurposed as a "National Socialist" and was responsible for getting the greater German people to accept the doctrines of the Nanny State. His administration was financed largely by a group of Wally Street bankers under the head of Prescott Bush- father of George Herbert Walker Bush. His rightful crusade against Bolshevik Russia was sabotaged at every opportunity- to the point where the Stalwart Carlists and the Irish Brigades of the 57th could not advance the last 15 miles to the gates of Moscow on December 7th 1941 for lack of bullets and rations, to say nothing of adequate clothing. The Austrian Painter was also a cover for the Freemasons wearing Cardinals Hats in the Catholic Church- including Pacelli- to develop their "New Mass" under the watchful eye of Odo Casel. A Mass which, as Canon Roca knew, came from the Masonic Lodges (and perhaps the synagogues of the pale of settlement) from the 1800's.
Meanwhile, America's version of the Austrian Painter, SuperTrump the Orand Messiah, continues his grand sweep of the mesmerized MAGA Hats. He is brokering an end to Ukraine Theatre. He has had "anitvaxxer" Robert Kennedy appointed to his cabinet. (Just as I predicted six months ago.) The Donald will lead America and Europe to the brink. And meanwhile, the man is a walking death switch. He has said that only the Iranians could or would assassinate him and that, therefore, upon his demise, WW3 will start. So, the death of man could set things spinning out of control at this point.
The Sacred Heart tried to warn France, but Louie 14th, 15th, and 16th paid no attention. The Immaculate Heart of Mary tried to warn the Church, but duel Piuses paid no attention. And now, we who have sown the wind, will reap the whirlwind.
...a note not a comment..😀... : 28 days in February, as many 'victims''s worth being aware of "The Reichstag Fire Decree of February 28, 1933, suspended constitutional guarantees. Communist and Socialist deputies were expelled from the parliament. Shortly after the decree was issued, the Nazis established concentration camps for the internment of political opponents"...from... ...and two useful and informative articles... ... ...
Gemma, you are really growing on me. I wish your buddy EMJ would drop the few remaining scales from his otherwise brilliant eyes and see all of what you see.
E Michael Jones is controlled opposition, courtesy of Octopus Dei.
E Michael Jones hasn't just removed the scales from people's eyes he has in fact taken down the veil of Jewish deception and manipulation with his thorough knowledge and forthright analysis.
I think he means in terms of not swallowing political tripe and psyops
EMJ believes in the hoax "assassination attempt". Gemma, you and Kevin Barrett saw through that B.S. immediately.
Blackpill much?
What an offensive piece.