No person in history has been more lied about than Adolf Hitler. There is no other world leader whom you can be jailed for praising. Could this be because they are terrified of the truth getting out?
Whenever I catch myself calling a tyrannical person a 'Nazi' I cringe. It's a passé, outdated anti-German trope.Lesser men that can't compete have twisted German diligence and excellence into a negative thing.Similarly a spotlessly clean compassionate hospital run by nuns or a Catholic school that produces studious well mannered kids is twisted into authoritarianism.High standards and merit create greatness.
Fascinating information about Hitler, thank you for sharing Gemma. This is a very interesting video that talks about the important role played by Ireland in the history of civilization :
Hi Gemma, be aware that the FBI is trained by the ADL to hunt down and crush Traditional Catholics. This post of yours if evidence. You do Trad Catholics no favor by this post. As a fellow Catholic I'm requesting you remove it, please. I beg you. What would Pope St. Pius the X say?
I don't understand why you would stick your neck out and align yourself with the likes of Hitler! I'm a follower of "assimilated" Jewish historian of hidden history, Henry Makow. He has posted evidence that Hitler was working both sides, e.g., Nazi Socialism and Communism; he was paid by Jews, etc.
I learned from Makow that you need to make the necessary distinction between Cabalist-Talmudic Jews and the average Jews who, according to Makow, are themselves victims of the Illuminati Jews.
Whenever I catch myself calling a tyrannical person a 'Nazi' I cringe. It's a passé, outdated anti-German trope.Lesser men that can't compete have twisted German diligence and excellence into a negative thing.Similarly a spotlessly clean compassionate hospital run by nuns or a Catholic school that produces studious well mannered kids is twisted into authoritarianism.High standards and merit create greatness.
It's as simple as Allies = All Lies.....
Fascinating information about Hitler, thank you for sharing Gemma. This is a very interesting video that talks about the important role played by Ireland in the history of civilization :
Hi Gemma, be aware that the FBI is trained by the ADL to hunt down and crush Traditional Catholics. This post of yours if evidence. You do Trad Catholics no favor by this post. As a fellow Catholic I'm requesting you remove it, please. I beg you. What would Pope St. Pius the X say?
I don't understand why you would stick your neck out and align yourself with the likes of Hitler! I'm a follower of "assimilated" Jewish historian of hidden history, Henry Makow. He has posted evidence that Hitler was working both sides, e.g., Nazi Socialism and Communism; he was paid by Jews, etc.
"Did Jews Help Plan the Holocaust?" "Hitler was a God send for Israel." Found in
"Cabalist Bankers Funded Hitler Via Wehrmacht."
I learned from Makow that you need to make the necessary distinction between Cabalist-Talmudic Jews and the average Jews who, according to Makow, are themselves victims of the Illuminati Jews.
"Zionism: A Conspiracy Against Jews."
"Illuminati Jews Hate Non-Satanist Jews."
Make the distinction! You fall into their trap by broad-brushing all Jews.
ADL's X/Twitter post:
"Did you know ADL trains every new FBI agent . . .?"