SCATHING - WITHERING , honest journalism as it ought to be - - is there an organization (non-profit) out there that would like to take on mailing a copy of the IRISH LIGHT to every household in Ireland (some 2,124,590 as of '22 census) ? ........a charity group amongst the Irish Catholic Church or a Business man of character / purpose of life , even perhaps an anti-social individual of inherited wealth wishing to 'stick-it-to-the-man' as his 'raison d'etre' ? ! .....'The MAN' aka the corrupt civil / elected servants of the Republic are ripe to their 'total-falling' , amen. ..........blessings to the light bearers

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Amazing lady.

Thank you from Spain.

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Just no end of the torment for you people I feel so badly for you; the only ones I feel worse for is the Japanese. The Germans are long gone and hopelessly lost in the memory hole of time otherwise I would feel worse for them

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I have not read the English Light Paper but I suspect the exposure of the Jews in it will be conspicuous by its absence. The English like to be respectable above all else.

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So you're saying that they live in a category of their mind that's fair

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