Zionism and bolshevism are two wings on the same bird

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I did not know they were separate wings. It's more like Zionism and Fascism are the two wings.

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Only recently realised KS's mother, Marianne, is a Rothschild.

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The difference between Musk and Schwab is that Central Casting did a much better job with Schwab, successfully depicting him as the Batman Villain the MAGA Hats think him to be. Musk, on the other hand, is supposed to be like Chuckie Darwin- sketching finches all morning and then picking stock winners from the market analysis in the paper over tea and crumpets. But whereas they successfully depicted Darwin as a Superbrain, Musk comes off as handicapped gradeschooler who cannot string sentences together, and acts like he never had a comprehensive literature course.

It buggers my brain how anybody can take the man seriously, along with SuperTrump. But I have given up trying to evangelize the masses. Prayer and Fasting on a dunghill like Job- that is the only solution for our predicament.

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A Jew is a Jew is a Jew it's a Jew

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Don’t you mean a Zionist?

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No I mean a Bolshevik a Zionist is just a front

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Get it but don’t concur. So much to learn, to understand

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I'm sorry I don't want to make too fine of a point here, but many believe Elon musk is Jewish

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But there are many Jewish people who are standing up against the atrocities and dystopian agenda which these ‘elites’ are trying to exert upon the world. There are also Christians who want nothing more than to fulfil the Zionist agenda, these being Zionist Fundamental Christians mainly in the US who are actively colluding in the destruction of other Christians such as Peter Hegseth the Secretary of Defense in the US, who is one of these fervent lunatics. I do not wish to stereotype Jewish people as all being the same as that is the same as happened to Irish Catholics in ‘The Troubles’ in Northern Ireland and indeed in the entire island of Ireland when those same Catholics went to live in the UK, who experienced bigotry, aggression and prejudice because they were stereotyped as being one and the same as the radical ones who did commit atrocities. There are sects within Judaism who openly stand up and protest against Israel’s persecution of the Palestinians and get persecuted themselves for it, one sect being the Naturei Cartae who make speeches and organize demonstrations in Israel itself as well as around the world

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You don't understand the Jews. They don't follow the ten commandments. They don't have anything similar with Christianity whatsoever.

They want you to do what you just listed above. They want you to give them the same credit that you give Catholic people. I'm certainly not going to argue with you about what they (the English) did to Irish Catholics (because the Jacobites were not successful for example.)

There's no doubt there's little Jews that are being thrown around like rag dolls like the rest of us I don't argue that. But all of it always comes back to greater Israel.

As E Michael Jones has said it was a few hundred years after Christ before they reassembled; these Jews are reflective antichrists. Reflective is much worse.

We may be going down a wrong road here. I certainly don't want to argue with you at all about the atrocities the English imposed on the Irish and their stupid religion in England causing problems for Catholics.

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There must be a time limit on how long the Jews can keep up their network of lies, even if they control Youtube and the mainstream media. Their carefully constructed version of truth seems to be falling apart at an exponential rate, it may be all over for them within a couple of decades.

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Trump/Musk is a grenade.

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Most people are zombies wandering around without a clue about the world they live in. Their world is a carefully curated set of beliefs ready prepared for them.

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