Just like all the other 'right leaning' politicians internationally, they have the same owners as the 'left leaning' politicians. Its the same pattern again and again, you can change the wing of the bird, right or left, its still the same bird though and it shits on the people!

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Agreed! No more voting for me, just praying, working hard, and meditating (on the life of Christ and on the Psalms etc.)! Heavenly Father I love you!

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I agree with you Gemma, from one who learnt the hard way.

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Beautifully written and to the point.

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All the numbers made up, legalese if you want to question it, no way will they talk numbers, around 30% voted sounds right 30% are GOVCORP and their nepotistic minions voting for each other.

All the council now made up from the scraps from longshangs table, how vindictive will they be now? That why in any normal reality it should be scrapped,most people know they represent no one but themselves and a 30% turnout means - them,no one wants them leading anything important!

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Thank you again for your love of our country Gemma despite all it does to undermine you. The clarity you provide is a massive help in allowing for discernment.

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Personally I have never believed in 'democracy.' It's a nice idea but is unworkable in practice because of man/woman's corrupt nature.

But if you insist on it, no one should be allowed to vote unless they can prove they have a thorough grasp of all the issues at stake (perhaps by passing an exam). The silver-tongued liars Gemma refers to would then have to work much harder to fool the people.

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A form of artificial intelligence - - is THAT what we have become ? ? .........watching the vid we are aware that Patricia McC represents actual 'reality' w attendant morality , while , sad to say , the grown men turn away not looking at her . . . . the 'essence of purposeful life' has been sucked out of them . . . . Bill Gates , Elon Musk - - ur quest for artificial life is over : Satan has achieved this already in the average garda and political figure of Ireland . ........shalom

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The system is broken,a huge machine and like most machines cannot be fixed while running, or at least parts of it.

Global non compliance, 3 months would do it and reset them!

It's not as impossible as one might think, although the majority are scared mostly and will follow along they will easily sway the other way once they see a real plan in action.

Fight the enemy where they are not.

I make no prayer but this, that by your will I be kept always, still knowing and loving you, and that I never fall away from this blessed life.

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Elections are only there in order to blame the electorate for their (s)elected ones' actions.

Other than that, no honest person is even allowed to run, so which tribe a candidate belongs to is perhaps the most revealing characteristic; not that it matters.

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