Would it be considered 'hate speech' to point out that Helen McEntee has 'a face like a bulldog licking p*ss off a nettle'?.Hateful to bulldogs I suppose. In April 2022 she said "We’re not going to put a cap on the number of people” invading Ireland.We're still waiting for her to give that spare room she offered to Ukrainian 'refugees'.She's been too busy arranging a snitching system for people to spy on their neighbour's private property and log the number of days they spend there so that replacement migrants can be planted there when that property is illegally seized.The regime think they can 'fake it till they make it'.They behave as though their attacks on us are legal and without consequences.The KGB called this disorientation, a phase that leads to the normalisation of abuse by the apparatchik.They blindsided us with the jarringly lawless Covid operation, now we're being hit with another bombardment of government criminality.Our constitutional rights can't be legislated away by a treasonous regime.When the constitutional right to life of the unborn was violently ripped away in 2018 it was illegitimate.Abortion was crowbarred into Ireland via rigging, astroturfing by US NGO demons and the hoax about the pregnant Indian woman that died from sepsis but was falsely promoted as a 'denial of abortion' death.She was never in danger of being sacrificed for her baby, Irish law already allowed for her life to be prioritised in an emergency.This happened on our watch, we could have gotten up off our couches to vote.We were so apathetic that only 416,136 people out of 4.8 million bothered to vote to save the babies, making it easy for the blood lusting witches to win with 841,233 votes to kill the babies.We will restore the the protection of the most innocent one day. Irish people consider abortion to be murder but our foreign invader replacements demand that their abortion needs are catered to.This wickedly gleeful 666 reference is next level evil. https://www.irishtimes.com/news/health/total-of-6-666-abortions-carried-out-under-new-legislation-last-year-1.4292507 Stalin's Soviet secret police boasted "Show me the man and I'll show you the crime." McEntee's ambiguity regarding what defines 'hate' is an admission that dissidents will be spied upon, framed and locked up.The deranged psychopath has dared to say that she can deny her regime's lockdown/'spike protein' injection genocide of our people but we must swallow all regime approved genocide narratives by law.Her law demands that we ignore war crimes such as the NATO terror attack on the Nord Stream gas pipelines and junkie pervert Zelensky's human rights violations, but treat Ukrainian false flag attacks to frame Russia as war crimes by Putin.The Scum of the Earth want to dictate to us what to believe and what to deny. Our precious neutrality is under threat based on lies and propaganda.Only the criminal minded could go along with this horrific fraud. In recent years, common patterns are emerging in the political persecution of independent journalists.Whatever your opinion of Alex Belfield, Tommy Robinson, Alex Jones or Gemma O'Doherty, it's worth noting some common modus operandi of our terrorist regimes. Belfield was framed as a stalker of despised BBC twat Jeremy Vine.They ginned up stalking charges to five and a half years by making him responsible for thousands of other peoples angry comments to Vine, and using other BBC staff 'victims' to pad out the charges.They even smeared him as "The Jimmy Saville of trolling".Similar to Belfield, Jones was blamed for what other people may have said to the Sandy Hook parents, who's lawyer said his objective was to "Take the bullhorn away from Alex Jones".Robinson exposed a violent Syrian 'refugee' boy who was being portrayed as a victim, suddenly a GoFundMe libel 'case' against him generated £160,000. The company said it was one of its most shared and fastest growing funds of 2018, with donations from 50 different countries.Only the likes of MI5 have the ability to flood crowdfunding sites with thousands of paying puppet accounts or perhaps GoFundMe is involved in these psychological warfare operations against civilians. Astroturfed support helps to smear the target.The nonsensical "Unauthorised Publications and Harassment" case brought against Gemma is illegally funded, the photo was used legally and she never even contacted Edel Campbell. In fact, Campbell stalked, harassed and defamed Gemma. She pestered the Gardaí with more than 50 phone calls to demand that they harass Gemma for her (or her handlers).She turned up at Gemma's home and phoned her private number in an apparent attempt to force an interaction to concoct a harassment case.She also follows The Irish Light, the freesheet that legally published her son's photo on Twitter.I noticed her illegal GoFundMe abruptly went quiet for 12 days, then a guy named Ben McCormack donated.I wonder was it this 'Nursing Home' and GAA physiotherapist? https://louiseorourkephysiotherapy.ie/team/chartered-physiotherapist-miscp/ The Irish regime announced to their press that they would mirror the Alex Jones show trial to persecute Gemma. The use of 'crying-mother-grief-porn' that was deployed in the Jones case was also used to vilify Gemma. RTE state propaganda radio show 'Drivetime' had a crying Edel Campbell help them to produce a radio hit piece last year.An RTE stooge deleted this recent tweet admitting that the motive for the court action is to codify state censorship. https://twitter.com/IrishLightPaper/status/1672920847919599617 The following piece is a classic example of how Communists frame and defame journalists who expose their crimes.RTE used a coached, hysterical, spiteful, lying "health worker" to push totalitarianism and to conceal Health Service Executive mass murder. https://www.rte.ie/radio/radio1/clips/22185630/

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So well written and understood

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WTF has happened to the mindset of the Irish people in just one generation? I am talking about the old ones not the media brainwashed young ones.

Is it the excess fluoride in the water supply backed up by the fake jabs causing docility and susceptibility to controlled media propaganda. If not, surely McAntee and her cohorts would be lynched.

The modern Irish are sure not the men of '98.

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Very well written Gemma. So proud of ya..

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Tell us what you really think Gemma!! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Wow! That's what I call TELLING IT LIKE IT IS! You go Girl!!

I have recently came upon previously suppressed info, about what happened in Germany, WWII, who Hitler was, etc. My lefty friends think Ive gone mad, but I havent. We know they have lied about everything throughout our lifetimes, ESPECIALLY THE WARS. What makes us think they didnt lie about history before we were born?

VERY EFFECTIVE INDOCTRINATION. That's what. Mine started at the tender age of 10 years, when I was herded into the "all purpose room" by our 5th grade teacher, to view video of the "liberation of the camps". Talk about child abuse! Visions of skeleton people staring through bars, and real skeletons piled to the ceiling, the crimes of the boogey man Hitler. Good Grief

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Lovely Barbara Lerner Spector might possess many 'un-nameable traits,' but it would be a most derelict representation of factuality were we to deem her insincere.

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Another Catholic duo on ordo militaris are fund raising for Catholic rights. They do a good show but are more hung up on freemasons then Jews. And they support Ukraine. The monk has been very vocal but I dont see how they miss obvious points. They seem very knowledgeble but miss alot of the obvious control groups. https://www.ordo-militaris.net/2022/12/26/who-are-the-gordons/ I have sent a message to them to listen to your information. I hope they find the truth before its too late.

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This may be a bit off topic but in this brilliant weekly newscast by my two favorite Jameses, the immanent ((or recently occurred?) destruction of 200,000 cows in Ireland is discussed.

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Jul 29, 2023Edited
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I believe Katherine Watt posted this and I listened. I dont have time to read a transcript. Is there something else that I missed? I listened to 4 tapes.

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The potato blight was a natural occurrence. The evil and inhumane acts Hitler and the Nazis performed on the Jews were not.

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Jul 13, 2023
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Wonga APR 1,876%

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Jul 13, 2023
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you can't escape anne,there's jooz over there too.

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Talentless, lol...

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