The NY Times is the CNN of print media; seditious, CIA-scripted Mockingbird organised criminals that have deliberately destabilized the US.There's a lot of denial among Jews themselves.They are struggling to reconcile the fake eugenics Holocaust narrative of WWII with the overt complicity of Israel in the Covid injection mass murder of Jews.I saw an interesting conversation between two Jews regarding this thorny subject. One of them is a twice mRNA injected Canadian lawyer and the other, to his credit, is an Anti-Vaxer for twenty years.Through some mental gymnastics they conclude that 'Operation Paperclip' from 1945 - 1959 must have infiltrated the Israeli regime so therefore Time Travelling German scientists are responsible.They also gave a Strawman Argument that because Pfizer started in Germany in 1849 ergo the Germans are responsible for Jewish-Greek Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla's crimes against humanity. Here's a link.The relevant 8 minutes of cognitive dissonance is from 15 minutes in until 24 minutes.


I would add euthanasia to the list of diabolical cultural impositions rammed down our throats.The usual false demand Astroturfing is flooding the media.The people who just murdered millions are demanding Death Panel powers to play God.WHO Corporate Communist puppet Tedros always reads a script about 'Universal Healthcare For All'.It's a business model based on robbing Western tax-payers money to enrich Pharma worldwide.The Covid Psy-Op attack was a beta test for Death Panels and international drug sales projections.During the murderous fraud Covid Death Certificate harvest of 2020 DNRs were placed on people with Down Syndrome and others deemed worthless or disposable.The overflowing 'free' health centres in the Third World will require a lot of very difficult triage decisions.

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