Synonymous with the Novus Ordo Vatican 2 Mass in Ireland 2024 is the large number of grey heads in the average congregation, most of whom were obedient maskers and vaxxers, and who virtue signal about migrants and gays at every opportunity. While churches across the country are still busy, the infiltration of parishes by left-wing priests who ramble on about climate change and ‘refugees welcome’ is a turn-off for a young generation who crave real Christianity and are sick to the core of the culture of divorce, abortion, LGBT and social degeneracy their parents have left them.
But a heartening trend in churches that have retained the traditional Latin Rite, the magnificent choral works of Mozart and Allegri, and, most importantly, respect for the Sacraments is the large number of committed young people attending: 20 and 30-something married couples with growing families, college students and many young celibates who are devoting their lives to rebuilding the faith as lay missionaries.
This Holy Week in Ireland has borne testimony to this counter-cultural revolution taking place before our eyes and in our time. Catholic retreats have been packed to capacity, Triduum services are enjoying a surge in numbers and a new vibrancy is re-energising the Church not least because of the large number of young priests and nuns coming into it with solid traditional values and true vocations.
Young people in Ireland are craving heroes and role models who are nowhere to be found in Irish ‘popular’ culture, politics or media. They are starting to see through the superficiality of sport and modern music. Increasingly, the only One who appeals to them is Jesus Christ, and His firebrand young foot-soldiers who are giving meaning and purpose to their lives for the first time. The beauty of our Catholic heritage and its core values of pro-life, virtue, morality, decency, courage and truth hold huge appeal compared to the soulless barren culture of death and debauchery associated with Varadcreep and Co.
It is up to our generation now to ensure that this continues - to nurture in our youngsters an understanding of and a love for The Faith that built our once great nation. This must be our top priority. Because it is their greatest need. The rest will take care of itself.
God has a plan for all of our lives and is in charge of human history. He allows evil to happen in order to bring about good. Tonight, we witness His victory over sin in His resurrection. He offers all of us that same victory. Tomorrow, a new day dawns. A new spring. Value every single day that He has given us until we are reunited with Him in Heaven. Lift up your cross as He did and keep fighting the good fight. The darkness that has consumed our country is lifting. As a people, we are returning to our roots and the only life worth living. Make Ireland Catholic Again.
Wishing you all a very blessed and holy Easter.
That's great news Gemma. As a people we need to be more assertive in general, like you are. Spring and, dare I say, hope is in the air. Have a great Easter Sunday.
How heartening to see so many people at a dawn mass this morning in a cold and wintry graveyard in Galway. From the embers comes renewal. A very happy Easter to you.