This comment is quite long (split into multiple comments) but still related to the globalist warfare engulfing France.The dregs of Irish society have united for a final offensive push for totalitarianism, using 'lawfare' to suppress the free press. An illegal malicious court action to "trigger legislative change" was declared on State Propaganda RTE Radio by Communist scum state operatives Mulholland Law. All critically thinking people know that this abuse of a journalist is to conceal the stratospheric sudden death/disability rates and average excess deaths of 20% in Ireland this year.Leninist Ciarán Mulholland's illegal fundraiser touts "landmark legal action" and fascist Dr Seamus Taylor of Maynooth University demands a 'hate speech' "landmark bill".They have pathetically engineered a crisis to connect the two abominable actions, using the former to try to justify the latter.Why does Mulholland employ Emmet Duffy, a military consultant? Is it for MI5 Psychological Operations? Ireland was in total lockstep with the UK throughout the Covid mass murder/transfer of wealth operation.The Irish regime and their corporate criminal foot soldiers were clearly co-ordinated from abroad.Luckily for us, slimy technocrats leave electronic and paper trails everywhere, so when we prosecute them the evidence will be overwhelming.
So-called 'hate speech' is a repugnant fallacy.There aren't categories of speech, there's constitutionally protected, God-given free thought and expression that are sacred.The UN occupiers are behind this maddening propaganda.They are trying to brainwash us into believing that words and actions are equal. Their 'health' wing, the WHO, has premeditatedly murdered men, women and children from the unborn to the elderly for a computer-generated gene sequence 'virus' business model.They have everything to lose from the free flow of information.The regime has what they call a 'low threshold' for reporting 'hate' to the Stasi. This is for far-left terrorists and entitled anti-Irish migrants, riled up by NGOs, to frame and defame dissidents at will, and to generate 'hate crime' statistics to fabricate a narrative. Here's an example from a few years ago.An NGO puppet African visited a Galway hotel and was accidentally given blackcurrant from a display bottle of wine instead of red wine.She then proceeded to smear the innocent staff and all white skinned indigenous Irish as racists. Her lies and racist paranoid thoughts would be protected by 'hate speech' legislation, she just has to say she had a 'feeling' and that's all that would be required to frame anyone anytime.The regime wants to continue trafficking in their foreign rapists, murderers, thieves and terrorists they call 'The New Irish' with impunity.Their objective is to overrun, usurp and replace Irish natives with beholden foreign voters. A collapse is being engineered so that a Police State can be installed just like France.The simpleton 'judge' Dignam thinks his dystopia is already installed. He bizarrely referenced WWII history knowledge as a reason for his illegitimate restraining order and propagated lies and defamation about Gemma. He should be removed from office for conspiring to poison the public against Gemma with his gutter press accomplices and for violating his oath in the presence of 'Almighty God' to uphold our constitutional rights. As our servant, we demand that he obey the rules such as ; Article 35.2 of the Constitution "All judges shall be independent in the exercise of their judicial functions and subject only to this Constitution and the law.", "2.1 A judge shall perform his or her judicial duties without fear or favour, affection or ill-will, bias or prejudice." and "2.4 A judge shall not knowingly, while a proceeding is before, or could come before, the judge, make any comment that might reasonably be expected to affect the outcome of such proceeding or impair the manifest fairness of the process. Nor shall the judge make any comment in public or otherwise that might affect the fair trial of any person or issue".
Among the small amount of illegal fundraiser top donors that aren't anonymous, there appears to be an infestation of pharma ghouls and Rainbow Mafia enforcers.They flooded the illegal fundraiser immediately, in lockstep with the Twitter bot army weekend of non-stop fake trending. It's possible some of the following list of people just happen to have the same name as the signatories to this shameful act of war.Ireland is a small country so it's easy to deductively reason and notice patterns.'Health' system murderers are funding the concealment of their crimes against humanity.Nine out of ten of the world's largest pharmaceutical companies are established in Ireland.They have a stranglehold on the nation.Comment continued in reply below this post.
Thank you again for your fascinating insights into this case. I really appreciate your efforts. It looks like many vaccinators are on board too along with anonymous MI5 donors. Fund-raising, or maintenance in legal language, is illegal in advance of a case like this so they are breaking the law. There is a lot more to this young man’s death than we are being told. Why did the priest speak about drugs and drug dealing at the funeral? Why did the deceased fill out a form for a medical card on the day before his death? What was wrong with him? His mother has said it all came out of the blue. This is not the case. Everybody should care about the facts of this case because they are going to use it to silence the Irish people. It is a wholesale attack on Irish journalism and freedom. Thank you for shining a bright light on it and please continue to do so.
No problem Gemma, every move made against our last cutting edge journalist is an attack on us all.Our government is using an extremely vulnerable fellow citizen as leverage to censor us and literally get away with murder.When I researched the top donors names I was very mindful of my own confirmation bias so I was surprised and disturbed at the picture that emerged.We must speak for the dead, as you always have.Thank you for never backing down.
Thank you dear friend, you are an invaluable boon and counter-weight to these obsequious and overtly quisling, dirty water carriers for the not so well hidden-in-plain view sanctimonious destroyers of lawful society.
Was it 'Mcnallys Pharmacy365' in Kingscourt Co. Cavan owner David Mcnally, who is poisoning people with the Covid 'vaccine' to this day, that gave an extra large €200 donation? The lowercase 'n' in the illegal fundraiser donation signature is a clue. Would Dr Geoffrey Bourke of Ballyconnell Health Care Unit in Cavan, who as a GP, would be involved in the deadly Covid 'vaccine' rollout, want to conceal mass murder? How about combination donors Aisling and Thomas Cunningham, Kingscourt Stars GAA fans from Cavan? are they related to another donor Trevor Cunningham from Dundalk based Chinese outfit WuXi vaccines? Did Cork based Lorcan Mac Muiris from J&J, that caused countless painful deaths from ruptured blood vessels and massive clots with their spike protein 'vaccine', try to hide those crimes? Would Michael Russell from Bon Secours 'Hospital' in Cork want to cover up the cardiac carnage and neurological disintegration he sees everyday from the Covid 'vaccine'? What about 'Nursing' Home manager Janet Woodward from Douglas 'Nursing' Home in Cork? How many elderly were slaughtered there? No 'Nursing' Home was spared the deadly protocols and torturous malpractice of the military attack by governments called 'Covid-19', so all staff have blood on their hands. Did Cork educated Carla Donnery, who helped to inflict Australia's most brutal Medical Tyranny, working for the Victorian Department of 'Health', conspire to silence a journalist? She would have been complicit in fraudulently classifying flu and pneumonia as 'Covid-19'. Is Elizabeth Murphy from Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, a fake 'virus' beneficiary that raked in looted tax money while cheap, safe and effective Hydroxychloroquine was withheld from respiratory patients so that her expensive junk drug could capitalise, donate to the bogus case? or was it a clinical trials manager of the same name? Is this the same Gabriel Ruiz aka Gabriel Signorelli from UCD who writes 'health' research papers, that gave the single largest donation of €250 to fund the harassment of a journalist? Did Lorna Hogan, manager at St James 'Hospital' in Dublin, mirror her Beaumont 'Hospital' colleagues in using 'lawfare' to gag a journalist exposing HSE crimes? Did this Jane O'Neill, healthcare lawyer for Mason Hayes & Curran LLP join the mob? Or was it this Jane O'Neill of Mater Hospital in Dublin who directed nurses to dance and mock their victims while hospitals were empty and patients were fatally intubated and poisoned? Does Mater 'Hospital' radiation poisoner Francis Delaney want to kill our free speech? He will have noticed the spike in sudden aggressive cancers after the Covid 'vaccine' rollout. Is pharma bigwig Thomas Finneran one of the cabal who gave one of the largest donations of €200? He could well afford it since pharma obliterated billions of immune systems worldwide.The windfall never stops. Did Mark Sugrue from Kinesense surveillance tech and 'Covidence', a web tool built in 2014 after the 2010 Rockafeller 'Operation Lockstep' wargame about a coronavirus from China that triggered the exact brutal Medical Tyranny installed in 2020, donate to the cover-up? His software is used to "bring together all the research from around the globe and turn it into trustworthy summaries of scientific knowledge".This sort of corporate gatekeeping has led to the current deadly bastardisation and inversion of science. It's highly likely this Boaz Goldstein from Google in Dublin, a company that has censored for the Irish regime for years and concealed Covid 'vaccine' mass murder, would aid this censorship effort too. What about Irish Foreign Ministry propagandist Jonathan Conlon? Probably, given his Twitter page is festooned with globalist sodomy symbols, Pedo-Biden bootlicking and a fetish Covid slave mask photo and he works for the murderous regime. Is this the same John Boyne, author of a 2019 children's sexuality propaganda book called 'My Brother’s Name is Jessica', that is trying to censor a journalist who protects children from grooming? Would Jennifer Keane, a 'Diversity Inclusion Equity' propagandist, who is paid to divide, conquer and crush the family unit and the nation-state, want to censor the truth? Would climate fraud, tax coffer capitalist Mel Gavin have an interest in censoring a journalist exposing his grubby green business scams? Would Covid enforcer publican Alan Heverin, owner of The Irish House Bar in Castlebar Co. Mayo smear a journalist to protect his government masters? He did force filthy slave masks and HSE poison 'vaccine' certificates on his customers to prop up a terrorist Psy-Op and get some looted tax coffer bribe cheques. Was it this Caroline Senior, wealthy CEO at Blackwater Distillery in Waterford, who made a donation to the illegal fund raiser? Did Stephen Devine from King's Inns School of Law in Dublin, who witnessed the stripping of human rights with illegal barbaric lockdowns to coerce injection submission and didn't oppose those biblical level crimes donate? Would Peter Morrow of Belfast PR company Morrow Communications donate to the clean- up operation of the greatest PR disaster in history? Would pronoun cultist and Chinese Communist Hazel Chu fan "He/Him" Fionn O'Toole collaborate with enemies to bankrupt Ireland's last journalist's free newspaper? It's a given that faux-male thug Ruth O'Rourke aka Izzy would donate.'Foaming at the Mouth' Antifa fascist terrorists like her have violently attacked anyone who opposes the regime, including Gemma, countless times. What about establishment ageing DJ Mark McCabe, former Head of Music at RTE 2fm, would he try to stop the exposure of a government mass murder? or this other ageing raver Neil Corcoran?
For some, self-indulgent materialism trumps saving people from a 'health' system that has gone rogue, and transformed into a Death Machine.They are Champagne Socialists dabbling in tyranny. One day they will be old and could be at the mercy of the regime that genocided the elderly for profit.Their blood sheckels won't save them from the lethal sedative injection, synthetic bio-weapon shot or killer ventilator protocols ordered by the bureaucrat Death Panel they helped to create.Communists play a long game, but 'We the People' are playing a longer game.They won't get the violence they are trying to provoke for their brazen Bio-Security economic warfare crackdown on populism they call 'The Great Reset' The globalist knuckle-draggers will keep blindly swinging their clubs in the darkness, as we the silent majority, fill our quivers with perfectly crafted arrows of knowledge to peacefully end our oppression.I saw this passage and thought of Gemma. Isaiah 49:1-4 He made my mouth like a sharpened sword, in the shadow of his hand he hid me; he made me into a polished arrow and concealed me in his quiver. He said to me, “You are my servant, Israel, in whom I will display my splendor.”
I felt hesitant to like and share this article, because the title is so provocative. However when you go through it, that Jewish lady says it herself. I shared it anyway on FB, which has already warned me that it is limiting the reach of all of my posts.
The destruction is frightening and disturbing. Hold onto your hats folks!
This model of problem, reaction, solution, is the Hegalian Dialectic. It works every time with the dumb masses being coerced into one scam after another. However this is the endgame of the Satanic overlords. The Shabbatean cult of Shabbatai Zevi, with Rothschild as their leader. The extermination of all and every threat to their perpetual rule is at hand.
13 I know where you live--where Satan has his throne. Yet you remain true to my name. You did
not renounce your faith in me, even in the days of Antipas, my faithful witness, who was put to
death in your city--where Satan lives.
Jaywalkers see people as animals, Ariel Sharon was doing a U-turn after 20 years doing massive damage,it like he was visited by God him/her self, ending up in a coma within days of his comments,making way for king bibi and his unlimited federal bank account, they're just printing money to buy bribe or bomb their way to stealing the world, they couldn't possibly be the chosen ones, God said beware of those who are marked!
Well Anne, thanks for the comment, tests aren't supposed to be easy, many have failed miserably God help them.
Symbols run the world Anne:
pentagon 10 pyramids, 5 in 5 out at 36⁰ military industrial complex,3×6.
Hexagon, Star of David, has other ancient meanings, 12 pyramids, 6 in 6 out at 30⁰.
Heptagram, 14 pyramids, 7 in 7 out, 4 for square 3 for compass 51.42⁰, freemasonry from the hospitallers.
Octagon, 16 pyramids , 8 in 8 out at 22.5⁰, the master race, from their neutral base, SwiSSy!
Nonogon, 18 pyramids, 9 in 9 out, very secret hidden hand, 5 6 7 8 9 run everything with 4 and 3 square and compass, to be the 1, yes there are family who stole houses of parliament, Kremlin, Milan cathedral etc etc the old world basically, and they all have a logo, but they will never be the logos, the created can never be better than the creator, and that will be their downfall...
ALL reports, checks, and balances,are made up nonsense, it's all numerology 3×6 3×7 3×8 3×9 embedded in everything numerical, keep an eye out and you will see.
We did not build this masterpiece, who did, who owns it now, not the people, who built the Kremlin, not us, although we all inherited the old world and all are equal in the eyes of the law, some seem to be more equal than others, I knew nothing for sure until I said different things and then suffered the consequences, true saying , I know now, who you're not allowed to criticise, all of the above .
Go into that link and see where we really came from, those building are all over the world, closed off from everyone, I wonder why...
This comment is quite long (split into multiple comments) but still related to the globalist warfare engulfing France.The dregs of Irish society have united for a final offensive push for totalitarianism, using 'lawfare' to suppress the free press. An illegal malicious court action to "trigger legislative change" was declared on State Propaganda RTE Radio by Communist scum state operatives Mulholland Law. All critically thinking people know that this abuse of a journalist is to conceal the stratospheric sudden death/disability rates and average excess deaths of 20% in Ireland this year.Leninist Ciarán Mulholland's illegal fundraiser touts "landmark legal action" and fascist Dr Seamus Taylor of Maynooth University demands a 'hate speech' "landmark bill".They have pathetically engineered a crisis to connect the two abominable actions, using the former to try to justify the latter.Why does Mulholland employ Emmet Duffy, a military consultant? Is it for MI5 Psychological Operations? Ireland was in total lockstep with the UK throughout the Covid mass murder/transfer of wealth operation.The Irish regime and their corporate criminal foot soldiers were clearly co-ordinated from abroad.Luckily for us, slimy technocrats leave electronic and paper trails everywhere, so when we prosecute them the evidence will be overwhelming.
So-called 'hate speech' is a repugnant fallacy.There aren't categories of speech, there's constitutionally protected, God-given free thought and expression that are sacred.The UN occupiers are behind this maddening propaganda.They are trying to brainwash us into believing that words and actions are equal. Their 'health' wing, the WHO, has premeditatedly murdered men, women and children from the unborn to the elderly for a computer-generated gene sequence 'virus' business model.They have everything to lose from the free flow of information.The regime has what they call a 'low threshold' for reporting 'hate' to the Stasi. This is for far-left terrorists and entitled anti-Irish migrants, riled up by NGOs, to frame and defame dissidents at will, and to generate 'hate crime' statistics to fabricate a narrative. Here's an example from a few years ago.An NGO puppet African visited a Galway hotel and was accidentally given blackcurrant from a display bottle of wine instead of red wine.She then proceeded to smear the innocent staff and all white skinned indigenous Irish as racists. Her lies and racist paranoid thoughts would be protected by 'hate speech' legislation, she just has to say she had a 'feeling' and that's all that would be required to frame anyone anytime.The regime wants to continue trafficking in their foreign rapists, murderers, thieves and terrorists they call 'The New Irish' with impunity.Their objective is to overrun, usurp and replace Irish natives with beholden foreign voters. A collapse is being engineered so that a Police State can be installed just like France.The simpleton 'judge' Dignam thinks his dystopia is already installed. He bizarrely referenced WWII history knowledge as a reason for his illegitimate restraining order and propagated lies and defamation about Gemma. He should be removed from office for conspiring to poison the public against Gemma with his gutter press accomplices and for violating his oath in the presence of 'Almighty God' to uphold our constitutional rights. As our servant, we demand that he obey the rules such as ; Article 35.2 of the Constitution "All judges shall be independent in the exercise of their judicial functions and subject only to this Constitution and the law.", "2.1 A judge shall perform his or her judicial duties without fear or favour, affection or ill-will, bias or prejudice." and "2.4 A judge shall not knowingly, while a proceeding is before, or could come before, the judge, make any comment that might reasonably be expected to affect the outcome of such proceeding or impair the manifest fairness of the process. Nor shall the judge make any comment in public or otherwise that might affect the fair trial of any person or issue".
Among the small amount of illegal fundraiser top donors that aren't anonymous, there appears to be an infestation of pharma ghouls and Rainbow Mafia enforcers.They flooded the illegal fundraiser immediately, in lockstep with the Twitter bot army weekend of non-stop fake trending. It's possible some of the following list of people just happen to have the same name as the signatories to this shameful act of war.Ireland is a small country so it's easy to deductively reason and notice patterns.'Health' system murderers are funding the concealment of their crimes against humanity.Nine out of ten of the world's largest pharmaceutical companies are established in Ireland.They have a stranglehold on the nation.Comment continued in reply below this post.
Thank you again for your fascinating insights into this case. I really appreciate your efforts. It looks like many vaccinators are on board too along with anonymous MI5 donors. Fund-raising, or maintenance in legal language, is illegal in advance of a case like this so they are breaking the law. There is a lot more to this young man’s death than we are being told. Why did the priest speak about drugs and drug dealing at the funeral? Why did the deceased fill out a form for a medical card on the day before his death? What was wrong with him? His mother has said it all came out of the blue. This is not the case. Everybody should care about the facts of this case because they are going to use it to silence the Irish people. It is a wholesale attack on Irish journalism and freedom. Thank you for shining a bright light on it and please continue to do so.
No problem Gemma, every move made against our last cutting edge journalist is an attack on us all.Our government is using an extremely vulnerable fellow citizen as leverage to censor us and literally get away with murder.When I researched the top donors names I was very mindful of my own confirmation bias so I was surprised and disturbed at the picture that emerged.We must speak for the dead, as you always have.Thank you for never backing down.
Thank you dear friend, you are an invaluable boon and counter-weight to these obsequious and overtly quisling, dirty water carriers for the not so well hidden-in-plain view sanctimonious destroyers of lawful society.
Was it 'Mcnallys Pharmacy365' in Kingscourt Co. Cavan owner David Mcnally, who is poisoning people with the Covid 'vaccine' to this day, that gave an extra large €200 donation? The lowercase 'n' in the illegal fundraiser donation signature is a clue. Would Dr Geoffrey Bourke of Ballyconnell Health Care Unit in Cavan, who as a GP, would be involved in the deadly Covid 'vaccine' rollout, want to conceal mass murder? How about combination donors Aisling and Thomas Cunningham, Kingscourt Stars GAA fans from Cavan? are they related to another donor Trevor Cunningham from Dundalk based Chinese outfit WuXi vaccines? Did Cork based Lorcan Mac Muiris from J&J, that caused countless painful deaths from ruptured blood vessels and massive clots with their spike protein 'vaccine', try to hide those crimes? Would Michael Russell from Bon Secours 'Hospital' in Cork want to cover up the cardiac carnage and neurological disintegration he sees everyday from the Covid 'vaccine'? What about 'Nursing' Home manager Janet Woodward from Douglas 'Nursing' Home in Cork? How many elderly were slaughtered there? No 'Nursing' Home was spared the deadly protocols and torturous malpractice of the military attack by governments called 'Covid-19', so all staff have blood on their hands. Did Cork educated Carla Donnery, who helped to inflict Australia's most brutal Medical Tyranny, working for the Victorian Department of 'Health', conspire to silence a journalist? She would have been complicit in fraudulently classifying flu and pneumonia as 'Covid-19'. Is Elizabeth Murphy from Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, a fake 'virus' beneficiary that raked in looted tax money while cheap, safe and effective Hydroxychloroquine was withheld from respiratory patients so that her expensive junk drug could capitalise, donate to the bogus case? or was it a clinical trials manager of the same name? Is this the same Gabriel Ruiz aka Gabriel Signorelli from UCD who writes 'health' research papers, that gave the single largest donation of €250 to fund the harassment of a journalist? Did Lorna Hogan, manager at St James 'Hospital' in Dublin, mirror her Beaumont 'Hospital' colleagues in using 'lawfare' to gag a journalist exposing HSE crimes? Did this Jane O'Neill, healthcare lawyer for Mason Hayes & Curran LLP join the mob? Or was it this Jane O'Neill of Mater Hospital in Dublin who directed nurses to dance and mock their victims while hospitals were empty and patients were fatally intubated and poisoned? Does Mater 'Hospital' radiation poisoner Francis Delaney want to kill our free speech? He will have noticed the spike in sudden aggressive cancers after the Covid 'vaccine' rollout. Is pharma bigwig Thomas Finneran one of the cabal who gave one of the largest donations of €200? He could well afford it since pharma obliterated billions of immune systems worldwide.The windfall never stops. Did Mark Sugrue from Kinesense surveillance tech and 'Covidence', a web tool built in 2014 after the 2010 Rockafeller 'Operation Lockstep' wargame about a coronavirus from China that triggered the exact brutal Medical Tyranny installed in 2020, donate to the cover-up? His software is used to "bring together all the research from around the globe and turn it into trustworthy summaries of scientific knowledge".This sort of corporate gatekeeping has led to the current deadly bastardisation and inversion of science. It's highly likely this Boaz Goldstein from Google in Dublin, a company that has censored for the Irish regime for years and concealed Covid 'vaccine' mass murder, would aid this censorship effort too. What about Irish Foreign Ministry propagandist Jonathan Conlon? Probably, given his Twitter page is festooned with globalist sodomy symbols, Pedo-Biden bootlicking and a fetish Covid slave mask photo and he works for the murderous regime. Is this the same John Boyne, author of a 2019 children's sexuality propaganda book called 'My Brother’s Name is Jessica', that is trying to censor a journalist who protects children from grooming? Would Jennifer Keane, a 'Diversity Inclusion Equity' propagandist, who is paid to divide, conquer and crush the family unit and the nation-state, want to censor the truth? Would climate fraud, tax coffer capitalist Mel Gavin have an interest in censoring a journalist exposing his grubby green business scams? Would Covid enforcer publican Alan Heverin, owner of The Irish House Bar in Castlebar Co. Mayo smear a journalist to protect his government masters? He did force filthy slave masks and HSE poison 'vaccine' certificates on his customers to prop up a terrorist Psy-Op and get some looted tax coffer bribe cheques. Was it this Caroline Senior, wealthy CEO at Blackwater Distillery in Waterford, who made a donation to the illegal fund raiser? Did Stephen Devine from King's Inns School of Law in Dublin, who witnessed the stripping of human rights with illegal barbaric lockdowns to coerce injection submission and didn't oppose those biblical level crimes donate? Would Peter Morrow of Belfast PR company Morrow Communications donate to the clean- up operation of the greatest PR disaster in history? Would pronoun cultist and Chinese Communist Hazel Chu fan "He/Him" Fionn O'Toole collaborate with enemies to bankrupt Ireland's last journalist's free newspaper? It's a given that faux-male thug Ruth O'Rourke aka Izzy would donate.'Foaming at the Mouth' Antifa fascist terrorists like her have violently attacked anyone who opposes the regime, including Gemma, countless times. What about establishment ageing DJ Mark McCabe, former Head of Music at RTE 2fm, would he try to stop the exposure of a government mass murder? or this other ageing raver Neil Corcoran?
For some, self-indulgent materialism trumps saving people from a 'health' system that has gone rogue, and transformed into a Death Machine.They are Champagne Socialists dabbling in tyranny. One day they will be old and could be at the mercy of the regime that genocided the elderly for profit.Their blood sheckels won't save them from the lethal sedative injection, synthetic bio-weapon shot or killer ventilator protocols ordered by the bureaucrat Death Panel they helped to create.Communists play a long game, but 'We the People' are playing a longer game.They won't get the violence they are trying to provoke for their brazen Bio-Security economic warfare crackdown on populism they call 'The Great Reset' The globalist knuckle-draggers will keep blindly swinging their clubs in the darkness, as we the silent majority, fill our quivers with perfectly crafted arrows of knowledge to peacefully end our oppression.I saw this passage and thought of Gemma. Isaiah 49:1-4 He made my mouth like a sharpened sword, in the shadow of his hand he hid me; he made me into a polished arrow and concealed me in his quiver. He said to me, “You are my servant, Israel, in whom I will display my splendor.”
I felt hesitant to like and share this article, because the title is so provocative. However when you go through it, that Jewish lady says it herself. I shared it anyway on FB, which has already warned me that it is limiting the reach of all of my posts.
The destruction is frightening and disturbing. Hold onto your hats folks!
This model of problem, reaction, solution, is the Hegalian Dialectic. It works every time with the dumb masses being coerced into one scam after another. However this is the endgame of the Satanic overlords. The Shabbatean cult of Shabbatai Zevi, with Rothschild as their leader. The extermination of all and every threat to their perpetual rule is at hand.
I praise you for your relentless courage to stand up to the infiltrating Jew and their lawfare case against you.
Moreover, your analytical mind and creative writing i.e. Jew not New World Order, are among the best online.
But what are we national trad warriors TO DO beyond our online voices?
And I suspect you agree with me that pushback with street demos or The Irish Light aren't enough.
Because we're running out of time.
Yet history shows how our ancestors like your IRA and my Italian-American WW II partigiani--today ANPI--never gave up.
Time we channel our fighting bloodlines and put some real p u s h in our activism.
Man up E I R E and M E R I C A !
Coming to a town near you, soon.....
Revelation 2:
13 I know where you live--where Satan has his throne. Yet you remain true to my name. You did not renounce your faith in me, even in the days of Antipas, my faithful witness, who was put to death in your city--where Satan lives.
Pergamum, Geneva...
Wow to the Pharisees, and teachers of the law.
Jaywalkers see people as animals, Ariel Sharon was doing a U-turn after 20 years doing massive damage,it like he was visited by God him/her self, ending up in a coma within days of his comments,making way for king bibi and his unlimited federal bank account, they're just printing money to buy bribe or bomb their way to stealing the world, they couldn't possibly be the chosen ones, God said beware of those who are marked!
They have huge noses and jewclaw for a reason...
Well Anne, thanks for the comment, tests aren't supposed to be easy, many have failed miserably God help them.
Symbols run the world Anne:
pentagon 10 pyramids, 5 in 5 out at 36⁰ military industrial complex,3×6.
Hexagon, Star of David, has other ancient meanings, 12 pyramids, 6 in 6 out at 30⁰.
Heptagram, 14 pyramids, 7 in 7 out, 4 for square 3 for compass 51.42⁰, freemasonry from the hospitallers.
Octagon, 16 pyramids , 8 in 8 out at 22.5⁰, the master race, from their neutral base, SwiSSy!
Nonogon, 18 pyramids, 9 in 9 out, very secret hidden hand, 5 6 7 8 9 run everything with 4 and 3 square and compass, to be the 1, yes there are family who stole houses of parliament, Kremlin, Milan cathedral etc etc the old world basically, and they all have a logo, but they will never be the logos, the created can never be better than the creator, and that will be their downfall...
ALL reports, checks, and balances,are made up nonsense, it's all numerology 3×6 3×7 3×8 3×9 embedded in everything numerical, keep an eye out and you will see.
Milan cathedral is just an example:
We did not build this masterpiece, who did, who owns it now, not the people, who built the Kremlin, not us, although we all inherited the old world and all are equal in the eyes of the law, some seem to be more equal than others, I knew nothing for sure until I said different things and then suffered the consequences, true saying , I know now, who you're not allowed to criticise, all of the above .
Go into that link and see where we really came from, those building are all over the world, closed off from everyone, I wonder why...