You are an inspiration, Gemma.

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An absolute joy to read your work Gemma 🍀

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The organised crime outfit known as 'An Garda Síochána' escalated their political persecution of Gemma by smacking a phone into her face at a dodgy votes depot and later unlawfully arresting her, causing an agonising shoulder injury, as she legally displayed a bridge banner that warned of the looming HSE injection democide.Mobs of men, including Police State operatives and gay Marxists, would threaten to punch, beat and kill Gemma with impunity when she was allowed on Twitter.Pro-government NGO terrorists have pelted her with eggs with the tacit approval of the Gardaí, thrown a brick through her window and many other violent attacks.We're especially grateful for her dedication to battling the replacement of the native Irish with U.N trafficked fake refugees, displaced by NATO war criminals.Gemma should represent Ireland on the world stage instead of the snake-tongued crooks that use their disarming Irish lilt to wage globalist warfare such as WHO's obese killer communist 'Dr' Mike Ryan, smug 'Tax-Free-Foundation' capitalist Bono, 'Foreign-Rapist-Invader' advocate Michael D. Higgins and deindustrialisation for SDGs propagandist Mary Robinson.The gallant effort to obtain a judicial review by John Waters and Gemma at the beginning of the 2020 illegal de facto Marshall Law was not in vain.Their thorough and solid case exposed the massive Medical Tyranny crimes of the regime and drew out the Parasite Class 'judges' who are nothing more than enemies within, posing as a functioning judiciary.WHO's own regulations state that the human rights to travel and trade are protected during Plandemics, so the case had to be sabotaged. As a bona fide journalist, Gemma exposes anti-Christian World War II history fabrication Psy-Ops and the Soros funded NGO occupation that lures armies of Third World barbaric cultures here to debase and bankrupt our nation.The fascist censors will have to cut out our tongues to silence our 'Gift of the Gab' and we will continue to laugh at their self-induced death-spiral of absurdity.The meek Christian heart that characterises The Irish will ensure our rightful inheritance of our ancient homeland.

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Gemma you are one of the greatest Journalists in the world and that's why they are so afraid of you.

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Great article Gemma and welcome to substack. Many great articles to look forward to 👍

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"The pen is mightier than the sword". Never give up writing. May Our Blessed Lady protect you.

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Wonderful read.

When one has no fear one becomes truly free.

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Always so in awh of Gemma, she is the only journalist I listen to and read these days. It truly is a corrupt country we are living in. May Jesus always keep her safe.

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When the establishment tries again and again to take you down you know you're doing something right. Keep up the fight, the ones who don't agree with you now eventually will.

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God Bless you Gemma. May God be by your side always. The boys club think they are in the know, the Jews will eradicate those that cannot be trusted. People that will steal for you will steal from you.

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Everyone thinks they're great and honest but faced with a choice with implications, they go into wages pension mode and they couldn't care less after that.Fact!...

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Photo Gemma 2012 with Higgins . In 2008 Era as a typical dumb political twot with labour party met Higgins and asked him a quaestion on Labour policy on side kick issue .He stormed off he doesnt do taking questions from the great unwashed.My experience of meeting many communists in far flung countries in Europe and Africa is YOU DO NOT QUESTION TOP DOG COMMUNIST SYSTEM .Only being a pinky socialist at that time i decided Labour run by these types of hard core communists was not the party for me and latter I became involved with sovereignty and constitution rights etc .

Since then Higgins has gone on to be the president promote communist agenda the UN and never in speeches will he ever say the history of Ireland and present day and was built on Christianity as he hates that as any good communist does as godless critter he is he want all Irish dead asap and will do his best to help that come about . Before he was President he set himself up for Funerals for other non God believing dead as the speaker for thier goddddless service . One woman I know complained he was crap at the job .I said what do9 you expect him to say PADDY JOE was born farted died and good riddance to him is about all a Atheist type Goddess people can say at funerals . .Without God the life was a waste of time and space .Second time around to be president it took a whole day for Higgins to say the Oath of office to be president OBLIGATARY REQUIRED under Irish Constitution as trying as satanic type he found it virtually impossible to say the Oath with words swearing under the Trinity to God as most types cannot that stuff so he should have been thrown out of office of president as the Atheist he is and not the agnostic he claims to be . Experiment's in death row prisoners' groups for first degree murder divided into satanic practise groups and whacko non satanic groups were offered jail rewards better food etc if they could say we loive the trinity of God and most of all the holy spirt . Whaco type non religion type murdering prisoners could say that and get the rewards . However satanic worshiper murder prisoners never were able to say that even they really wanted to say it to get the rewards in the prison system . Higgins can waffle for hours about art or culture but avoids anything to do with Christianity . Even RTE said that Higgins was TESTY .Higgins just wants all Irish peoples DEAD clear as day to me as he continues to be a multible closet ......

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Your work is having a positive effect on Ireland and the Irish People.

From the United States, I've been following you since 2019.

"The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why." – Mark Twain.

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Great, great work Gemma, I am following you from Arizona.

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Brilliant and shocking truth

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Very informative and appalling to hear what you have been put through in your quest for truth and justice . Keep it up as knowledge and trust through honesty and truth is the only a society can function.

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