And of course they broke out the "Hey Hey ho ho" chant, copying the grammar of the astroturfed American protests to a tee

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yep .. the marxist chants .. of the politically "Funded"marxist movement of BLM .. same template here ..

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American - “I feel like I’ve seen this before”

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She must have no family to tell the batty egit to cop on

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I'm at a loss, I watched the video and I still don't know of what she is complaining, help anyone?.

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God love them! I think everyone knows the score there. It's truly embarrassing that she is from my home city.

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Good lord above she's tapped!

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Ah goodnight, that girl is really not well!

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One word nuts

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Coronation Street material. Doh!

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She's a smiley lass for one who's been "violently assaulted" ... even she can't keep a straight face in the midst of this nonsense play-acting.

Poor old Limerick, hopefully not tainted by association.

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Rent-a-Mob deviated off-script. They were supposed to chant "Cha-Cha-Cha". I have no idea what the deranged lady was moaning about.

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As a cousin of mine would say: “she’s a right rip!”🙄

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