This article had to be written.

I’ve been so saddened watching people put their complete trust in doctors and then they die within months of ‘treatment’

And palliative care must now be investigated as to instigating death.

Please people, stay away from chemo , radium and morphine!

A clean diet heals the body,

A high meat, fish, eggs, chicken, lamb diet with above the ground vegetables.

All carbs need to be limited as they turn into starch or sugar, and sugars feed candida , which when over grows, can do extreme damage to the gut microbiome, which then cannot do its job in keeping one healthy.

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BRILLIANT INSIGHT , gemma - - yes the dying tissue has to be 'walled-off' to protect these poisonous , degenerating cells from flooding the bloodstream w toxins . i see it ..... u & dr cowan have opened our eyes to the simplicity of God's magic - - ' I am the Lord that healeth thee ' ........ all other 'healers' are only pretenders . blessings

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It’s not only with cancer that Western Medicine is failing miserably. All in the pursuit of MPG- Money Power and Greed principally in the hands of Big Pharma. If Western Medicine and TCM and Ayurvedic treatments joined the dots my late wife might still be alive today. It has taken me 5 years of research to discover how “blinkered” western doctors are. My research won’t bring my wife back but I have found peace in the knowledge that it was our pill popping doctors who were the real culprits. They have a lot to answer for- God help them.

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Good points. Cancer is a scam

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I agree but I would add one important thing. It's not just about our physical bodies and what we put into them. What we put into our minds is probably more important.

In other words, how and what we think is vital to our long term wellbeing.

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Completely agree apart from eating meat and fish; even if you disagree that eating them in itself doesn't cause cancer (which I'd argue it does), the longest lived people on the planet are those who eat an exclusive or near-exclusive WFPB diet.

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Brilliant article!

Absolutely on point.

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Allegedly trophoblast cells and cancer cells are the same thing.

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This is mind-blowing. I’m curious to understand - why did people still die of this disease in the past prior to current treatments? Did something in the healing process fail?

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It’s what you put into the body by way of food and drink that will determine the capability of the body to fight disease. If you have a high meat content then the immune system will be compromised. Similarly, cancer and all other diseases can be regarded as as a response to emotional stressors. Everyone ignores our “6th” Sense of Emotion. Fear is a huge stressor and Big Pharma as well as our Political leaders and religiosity use fear mongering marketing and media to instil fear into the populace. We need to stop listening to the nonsense being spread by them whose sole purpose is the pursuit of MPG- money, power, and greed. We need to focus on our True Nature and spirituality together with vegetarian biased diet.

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Dr. Natasha Campbell , physiology of the gut is a great read too

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Sep 29·edited Sep 29

Watching Dr Cowan's video, I need more actual evidence supporting his viewpoint so that I can properly consider it. Are you able to ask him for more source material?

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