I'll take your word for it, Gemma. Yup. Two wings of the same bird. It's how we march to tyranny- Left Right Left Right... In the US, it is political volleyball. One side sets up the play, then the other side gets in and spikes the ball in your face. Universal Identifications were bad under Biden because he was going to sic the Contact Tracers after you, but their great under Trump because we can round up all those "Illegal Immigrants". While it looks like Imported Immigrants are wreaking Ireland, more Mexicans devoted to Our Lady of Guadalupe and raising solid families could only help America, where what is left of the average native family has suffered at least two divorces, are in a drunken stupor or high on their narcotic of choice half the time, attend church only for weddings and funerals, and have the highlight of the day solving the crossword puzzle or taking their pampered pooch to the park. In America, they have Grandma in a jar on the windowsill, while pooch reposes in a graveyard with a monument. God help us.

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That's like sending yourself a birthday card.

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Gript Media is pretending to oppose the anti-Irish regime to score street credibility. I suspect Gript already shares all data with their Freemason handlers.

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Dublin is Dublin, hard to get your head around it, nobody cares anymore Gerry, country is overrun with foreigners, there's a total abandonment of reality,create enough pressure and everything falls apart, and that has to be the plan, wouldn't be possible though without participants, if they started selling tickets for the scams idiots would buy them.

The white van man lol, is the public.

Beadle and co are GOVCORP taking the piss out of everybody.

The friend who set set him up is the friend who gaslights you on behalf of GOVCORP, because the news told them to.

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... 'The white van man lol....'.i've 'rrrd it' !.... 😂... seriously, well said, Raymond!...

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TERRIFIED, the fear factor , 90⁰, Nonogon, like MOL, the TOM AND MOL show, with telescopic cases and go (nowhere) fund cases.

Sabotage, betrayal, treason, better words than terrified if you're going to make a useful vid otherwise all they're doing is explaining the water people are drowning in or managing the mud flood.

There's some authority on everything again, mongoliods listening to Bonnie Tyler then making narrative based propaganda, will somebody please pull the wire out of those conveyor belts!

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... https://youtu.be/MxOC17G8-Bw?si=cFJwFxwKDis3bPhz Tracey O'Mahony fear in Galway, St Pat's day...reply with all due respect! ... https://youtu.be/pYcs0-5P0L0?si=iTRhmG5abK6EY1cr ... (edit: https://youtu.be/rV1_7R_3cXA?si=mHUDlAqbPLVIJTdv ... ) ...

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Funny funny lol.

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...it is, Raymond!... this came up just a few minutes ago, better check it's date after i post, catch up later Raymond!..2 weeks ago?... https://youtube.com/shorts/YGBaIk2PdBw?si=90KEqA6GzEX3yOma ...

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Pallets of Vials for the salmonella.

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...u know more than i do on this, been in Dublin twice in my life!...last time well over twenty years ago, twice too much, had to meet someone, ...no character or soul to the place imo, had been long time ago doubtless, btw i couldn't stand that Beadle!...(edit: i mean it's goin very much the same back along down Kerry way etc, i've not any real affinity now, sadly... btw i heard last night 📞 in parts of a town in sth K, landlords are rapidly transforming some houses into apartments, receive €800 each tax free when renting to Newkrainians, almost €5000 a month in some cases, plus,...town was mentioned in Indo recently, in terms of projects for 2025...some of these lls are not from the town...Kerry's all about this A'21... ) ...

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