Governments have enacted unprecedented laws to protect the so-called Holocaust from scrutiny. The truth doesn't require laws of protection — but liars with something to hide do.
Let’s try to use this comment space for constructive conversation not inane chat that doesn’t bear any fruit and is dominated by one or two individuals. Hope you understand. Thanks
If reading this information and you still don't get it.... then there is no hope for you. Sadly people have a hard time comprehending truth. They have been so accustomed to lies.
Hi Gemma, what info! Could you please expand on what you said about Paul McCartney bejng dead for ages and he having a double. Was never a fan but i am intrigued. Many thanks, Siobhan from Wexford
Let’s try to use this comment space for constructive conversation not inane chat that doesn’t bear any fruit and is dominated by one or two individuals. Hope you understand. Thanks
If reading this information and you still don't get it.... then there is no hope for you. Sadly people have a hard time comprehending truth. They have been so accustomed to lies.
Thanks for this most valuable information.
Yes Jim. They just don't get it. Thanks for all you do also.
Thanks Gemma. I show this information to some people, and they really don't want to know.
Great work.
Notorious drunk and spendthrift Churchill, was an anti-semite until a contemporary Jewish millionaire, Bernard Baruch, paid off his debts.
Hi Gemma, what info! Could you please expand on what you said about Paul McCartney bejng dead for ages and he having a double. Was never a fan but i am intrigued. Many thanks, Siobhan from Wexford