PDF file probably named wrong:


I'm using the URL link on your front page here


Fabulous work as always.

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Now corrected. All good :-) Wonderful even..


From a linux command line (for those so inclined):


wget https://irishlightpaper.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/The-Irish-Light-22.pdf

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More useful linux techniques. To extract one page from that PDF:


pdftoppm The-Irish-Light-22.pdf RoadsideRemedies -png -f 17 -singlefile

ls -ngtr

convert -resize 50% RoadsideRemedies.png RoadsideRemedies-smaller.png

eog RoadsideRemedies-smaller.png

history | cut -c8-

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Want to create a two-pager meme/ extract from the PDF? Here ya go:

"+append" does concatenate side-by-side horizontally. Minus would be vertical.


mkdir pix

pdftoppm The-Irish-Light-22.pdf -png -f 14 -l 15 pix/TheyReLaughingAtU

find ./pix -iname '*.png' -mtime -1 | feh -f - -q -d -F

find ./pix -iname '*.png' -mtime -1 -exec ls -ngtr {} \;

convert -resize 33% ./pix/TheyReLaughingAtU-14.png ./pix/TheyReLaughingAtU-14-smaller.png

convert -resize 33% ./pix/TheyReLaughingAtU-15.png ./pix/TheyReLaughingAtU-15-smaller.png

find ./pix -iname '*.png' -mtime -1 -exec ls -ngtr {} \;

convert ./pix/TheyReLaughingAtU-14-smaller.png ./pix/TheyReLaughingAtU-15-smaller.png +append ./pix/TheyReLaughingAtU-2pages.png

feh pix/TheyReLaughingAtU-2pages.png

history | cut -c8-

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This coordinated crisis hearkens to when a historically purported traitor Don Julian, who in a fit of vengeance conspired with mutual enemy forces to infiltrate the Iberian Peninsula (Modern Spain) and ruthlessly sparked off the 800 years of Moorish empire expansion/invasion in Europe.

Causing innumerable suffering and unspeakable sacrifice accumulating to centuries of fratricide, bribery and corruption before a Reconquista was organized and which (supposedly) drove the invaders out.

We can agree history is authored or plagiarized by its conquerors and cannot be taken literally on its multi-sided face; unless heaven and hell have been inverted, what has changed is mostly superficial. Don Julian's single corporeality might have festered, but apparently his vengeful spirit never transitioned. We have unrepentant disloyal Don Julians controlling the bulk of rope in this uncompromisingly hostile anti-human versus pro-human tug of war match today:

whether it will be adjudicated by a divine hand, or a diabolical one is presently unanswerable.

Victory does not convey favor to the desperate,

it is desire that commands its attention.

Cause and effect constantly interacting, the blistering rope tugging resumes,

humanity arises perforce to rally

whereby an inevitable Second Reconquista precipitates.


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