I’ve been the Irish establishment’s Number 1 threat for many years now especially since I started naming their paymaster general - the International Jew - as the key perpetrator of the crimes which are bringing about the end of Ireland and Western civilisation. As far as I know, no other high-profile person in the so-called ‘truth movement’ in Ireland is doing so, not because they don’t agree with my position but because they’re too afraid to come out and say it.
And so my name was trending on Twitter once again yesterday following the latest hit-job on me and The Irish Light, this time a co-production by the BBC and an IRA associate. Unlikely bedfellows you might think, but I hate to say I told you so. They are and have been for a long time one and the same: two puppet criminal entities run by MI5 and funded by the Jewsual suspects who are behind all so-called terrorist organisations in the world. (You may enjoy my latest series of videos on staged terror, available on my website.)
The West Belfast ‘lawyer’ (I use that word advisedly) Ciaran Mulholland, who is running the farcical case against me and The Irish Light in an effort to bring hate speech laws to Ireland, is closely connected to the IRA/MI5.
Before we go into that, please note that ALL of your favourite ‘alternative’ media sources such as Gript and The Irish Inquiry have been deafeningly silent about this case even though its objective, as stated by Mulholland and RTE, is to bring in laws stifling free speech. Aren’t they supposed to be the great advocates for freedom of expression!
Their boycott of the case vindicates my position once more: they are nothing more than controlled opposition stooges who give nuggets of information from time to time but will keep the gate firmly locked on hard truths such as the aforementioned: the facts that people really need to know which explain why we are in this diabolical mess and how we get out of it.
Back to Mulholland and Co. You may remember this latest charade stems from a November 2022 edition of The Irish Light headlined ‘Died Suddenly’ where we featured on our front page tiny pictures of about 40 young Irish people whose 2021/22 death notices said they had ‘died suddenly’. Their photographs were already widely published (ie made public) online and in the media because they had ‘died suddenly’.
We did not name them and did NOT say the vaccine caused their specific deaths but said we needed to ask why so many youngsters are dying and that this is clearly the role of journalism. We also suggested that the stark rise in sudden deaths in general in Ireland could be related to suicide as well as the vaccine.
Some weeks later, a mother of one of the young adults pictured, Edel Campbell from Kingscourt in Cavan, went on RTE where she was goaded into telling the most outrageous lies about me and The Irish Light claiming that our use of the picture of her son Diego Gilsenan amounted to ‘harassment’, ‘abuse’ and ‘hate’.
Diego, she said, died from suicide - which we had said was a possibility - she forgot to mention that of course - and that we were somehow abusing her by repeating a fact that was already all over the media - ie that her adult son had died suddenly.
It was obvious to anyone listening with a hint of discernment that the woman being paraded around the lying media was not of stable mind and was being exploited by Mulholland, the state fraudcaster and other media whores who could use her volatile demeanour to cover up the vaccine genocide.
This situation is now so out of control that I have predicted that the powers-that-shouldn’t-be may go as far as to sacrifice or ‘suicide’ her to bring about their insidious objective. I say this in the hope that it might stop them from doing so and as a warning to anyone who knows her to try to protect her as she is clearly in the ‘care’ of some very dangerous people who are using her. Be in no doubt, the lies these blaggards have told about me for nine months are so preposterous and blatant, they are capable of anything. Putting her through this sick pantomime in itself is no doubt causing her extreme stress and adding to her poor mental health.
You can read the background here if you haven’t already and why this case is so dark, involving a Garda/State/Coroner cover-up of Diego Gilsenan’s death, a shambolic inquest and a litany of lies.
The most sinister aspect of this entire fiasco, apart from the cover-up of Diego Gilsenan’s death, relates to Ciaran Mulholland whose Belfast firm has an office in the Communist Party Of Ireland HQ in Dublin’s Temple Bar. He has stated clearly he is using the case to bring about a change in the law to end free speech, hence my concerns about the well-being and use of Edel Campbell.
While his Communist connections are illuminating enough - excuse the pun - we have since discovered that this dissident leftist is closely allied with the former Chief of Staff of the Army Council of the IRA, Ivor Bell. In fact, this mobster was the political agent for Mulholland several years ago when he ran for election on a hard-left platform.
Mulholland’s ability to go into the courts of this country, get ridiculous injunctions based on profound perjury and deceit, and stalk me in my home indicates that he is clearly not working on his own and the funding of his grotesque attack on me is obviously coming from deep pocket sources. He has sought several committal orders to have me jailed because I have dared to respond to the scurrilous lies he has told about me and the paper.
In recent weeks, the MI5/BBC disinformation agent Marianna Spring - who bears all the classic hallmarks of a deranged MK-Ultra cult member - started working with him and began harassing me about the case claiming she was coming to Dublin and wanted to meet me. Some chance! I ignored her tedious emails while investigating her back story and learning that she spends her days going around the UK trying to destroy the lives of actual journalists who have risked everything to expose the vaccine genocide.
You can learn more about her from the links below or just put her name into a search on Bitchute to see some of the other people whose lives she has tried to ruin: https://www.bitchute.com/video/I127s6bs7xsQ/ https://www.bitchute.com/video/nLWoKO4kiiPo/ https://www.bitchute.com/video/UCaiaX2PJ0qD/
Yesterday, she released her shameless hit piece on me which she did in cahoots with bullyboy Mulholland. I’m sure even the most stupefied members of the British public would be surprised to learn that the BBC is now using IRA colluders as sources. The reaction against the nonsensical piece has surprised even me and I am grateful to see that apart from some fake trolling accounts - possibly run by Marianna herself as she has admitted to using anonymous accounts to entrap ‘far right conspiracy theorists’ - virtually nobody has fallen for the hoax.
Needless to say, the egregious allegations against me are utter lies. Spring made the absurd claim that I have been ‘abusing Campbell relentlessly.’
I have never so much as contacted or even attempted to contact Edel Campbell although we did have to block her when she started stalking us. A Twitter account in her name with her son’s picture on the profile was pumping out lies about me recently in the middle of the night. As always: straight from the Marxist playbook: Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty. When we respond to the malicious lies they churn out about us in the media, they call it harassment and go straight back to court to try to silence us. Evil projection at its most sinister.
The courts KNOW this is an illegal case because it is being funded by third parties - which is forbidden in Irish law - but have nothing to say about that.
We take great satisfaction from the fact that the BBC have had to travel over to Ireland and concoct a litany of fabrications about me and the paper. It is rock solid proof that we are having a huge impact not only in Ireland but abroad. They would not feel the need to target us if we were not.
Their vacuous agent Marianna Spring has become the laughing stock of the fakestream media and that’s saying something, given the level of competition involved. Her funders (Mr Vaccine Gates for one: see below) will have her discarded soon as she is bringing more ridicule on the BBC than perhaps anyone in its history.
Either way, we continue our work. The new edition of the paper is coming soon. We grow stronger and stronger, and our team of dedicated distributors are wakening up their parishes and neighbourhoods every day, delivering thousands of copies to homes nationwide.
Our sister paper in the UK is proving that The Light is leading the way in exposing the totalitarian regime and how we bring it down. See the findings of this survey below.
Most importantly, remember, it is not me they are after, but you. I am well-protected and fear nothing except God. My assets are secure and I have never lost as much as a cent nor any sleep on any of the fake legal actions taken against me through the years to try to silence me. Either way, we are not governed by money or materialism and these matters have no concern to us whatsoever. I believe God’s providence has and will look after us.
We will never back down on the truth or fear the consequences of telling it. We know that we will be persecuted, abused and lied about in this world for speaking it.
I will say I’ve received a co-ordinated series of death threats - about 100 - in the last 24 hours as a direct result of Mulholland and Spring’s lies about me. The vulgar language in them is identical - clearly coming from some form of MI5/CIA bot farm in the Negev Desert. I laugh when I see them flooding in because it shows how frightened they are of me and are investing so much time, money and effort trying to silence my journalism.
If they kill me, which would be their worst mistake as it would create an element of martyrdom around me and the paper, I am ready to die and have been since I took on this work and the threats that go with it. Death is, after all, the high point of the Christian life when we are reunited with Christ in His eternal home, providing we have lived according to His will.
The whole purpose of this latest anti-Gemma exercise is to attempt to frighten others into silence, submission and being afraid to question why so many healthy young people are dropping dead. Don’t buy it. Fear is the most powerful weapon they have to control the masses. Once you lose it and pass all of your earthly concerns over to God, only then can you experience true freedom and real results.
When you see the attacks coming in on me, know it is because we are having a huge impact and are winning the information war. And once that is won, and the masses come out of their coma and start behaving like a moral people again, not robotic NPCs who put their trust in sleazy journaliars and politicians, we can look forward to a new dawn where the criminals in the media and Leinster House are taken down for once and for all and they lose their grip over the Irish.
Tonight at 8pm, I will do a livestream to discuss this entire matter and speak to other victims of Marianna Spring.
I hope you will be able to tune in.
Thank you and God bless.
Follow me on Gettr, Bitchute, Telegram and @irishlightpaper on Twitter.
'Hate Speech' laws are exactly like royal privileges.The Thai monarchy enjoy 'publication laws to protect the image of the government'.This is the real covert objective of the war on freedom of expression.The planned tyrannical Communist 'Sustainable Development Goals' resource rape declared in 2015 can't happen without controlled opposition to engineer consent and provoke violence to smear populist dissenters. I took Gemma's advice and gave all of the Big Mouth Dubs corralling every protest a wide berth.Phillip Dwyer's affable demeanor belies a sadistic bastard that abuses dogs. He kicked a friendly wagging collie in the head with a steel toe boot and also kicked another dog. https://www.independent.ie/irish-news/postman-tells-tribunal-he-only-kicked-dog-after-attack/28812389.html At the launch of the Covid War Andy Heasman burst on to the scene sounding like a parrot trained to mimic Gemma's talking points.That viral bus video put the fear in people that they would be randomly arrested for assault if they didn't wear a mask.With all respect to Gemma I must share something that I saw on Heasman's livestream that shows he is a disgusting pervert.He sabotaged one of Gemma's epic speeches at an Anti-lockdown protest by degradingly filming her breasts in a light summer top from the neck down for around 10 minutes. I wouldn't trust him around females.Dee Wall 'The Gatekeeper' was livestreaming from the Convention Centre during lockdown and captured a revealing interaction between herself and the Gardaí. After 'angrily' shouting at them for a few minutes she suddenly started laughing, joking and bantering with them.A Garda said to her "you were telling me you love me when the camera was off" to which she replied "don't tell anyone that" At best, she's not a serious person, at worst, she's a controlled opposition plant.Working class people are often naturally good at improvisational acting.
I noticed Mulholland is tight with scruffy MEPs Wallace and Daly. Communist scum tends to coalesce https://twitter.com/LAWMulholland/status/1681767461446725634 What a pair of NWO pharma whores they were promoting filthy masks last month, a symbol of allegiance to WEF UN enemies of Ireland and humanity.They are 'Wolves in Sheep's Clothing' posing as anti-war saviors.Infiltration by any means necessary is their mission.Every cringey attack on Gemma is water off a duck's back.Her faith gives her a serenity that repels all pathetic Marxist demoralisation attempts.
God bless you Gemma, and thank you.