'Winter May Be Cold' Shock: RTE Freaks Push Climate Fear On Witless Sheep
Fakestream media reduced to scraping bottom of barrel when it comes to fear ops
The New Year has barely dawned and the inmates at the RTE Asylum are on day release exhibiting deteriorating symptoms of manic psychosis as they frantically try to keep Paddy* focused on the Next Big Scare and obeying the commands of Big Daddy Government at all times. A shot of climate fear is just what the doctor ordered on top of rolling seasonal flu and Covid boosters.
The media morons are desperate to have the useless goy on tenterhooks obsessing about the perfectly normal January chill formerly known as ‘Winter’ which may - wait for it - produce rain, sleet and even snow! All this on a desolate rock out in the Atlantic? Impossible. Even more alarming, they warn, a killer cocktail of all three might occur at once, for which, after weeks of brain(dead)storming in Wet Eireann, they’ve coined a scary new climate-hoax term known as a ‘Multi-Weather Hazard Event’. What next? Four Seasons In A Day? Unheard of in Ireland. Better turn vegan.
Witness below the certifiable antics of this barking RTE inpatient, arms in air, foaming at mouth, as she bleats about a looming weather disaster which will, as usual, turn out to be Yet Another RTE Non-Event. Climate Warning: You may choke from embarrassment while watching this mortifying clownfest.
Note to RTE retards. Winter’s cold. Trees fall. Snow may too. Winds will blow. Storms will too. Seas are rough. It might rain. A lot. This is normal. You are not.
RTE’s only function now is 24/7 social engineering of the automatons who still watch it. Four years ago, when we saw the Irish people rolling up their sleeves en masse without question to have a toxic poison injected into their bloodstreams, we knew the State fraudcaster had pretty much fulfilled its purpose in dumbing down the majority into asinine creatures who operate on childish sentiment and illogic (a la ‘I needed it to travel.)
Eavesdrop on an average conversation between normies and you may well hear them exchanging tales of weather doom cast by the RTE witches who have convinced them that sleet on a January day could spell Climate Armageddon.
Fluoridation tick. Vaccine damage tick. Obedient Statist tick.
RTE can’t get enough weather porn at this time of year and goes into full Nanny State mode at the slightest hint of winter leaving witless viewers incapacitated with fear and trepidation at the prospect of stepping outdoors should they get swept into the Irish Sea or their carbon footprint might bring on an imaginary climate catastrophe. Now that modern Paddy has discarded Christianity, he worships the Weather Gods whose diktats are delivered daily from the altar of Montrose and through which he can expiate his guilt about the state of the planet by staying indoors, putting up toxic solar panels, being a good shitizen and following inane orders.
In 2020, it came as a great shock when our fellowmen masked up and locked down like obedient slaves all around us. It seemed like those we had called our own, our tribe, were suddenly strangers to us. We knew we were no longer part of a nation who thought the same thoughts and aspired to the same ideals. It induced in one a sense of being exiled in one’s own land to discover that almost everyone else was on a completely different wavelength.
Thankfully, a lot of order-followers have now seen the light and know they were decieved on an epic scale. Sadly, many are paying a high price for their blind trust and live their lives today in a state of profound regret.
On a brighter note, there’s only so much climate hysteria RTE can shove down the throats of the sheepletards before even the slowest among them calls BS on it. That day is closer than you think.
Savour these moments of desperation from the lying monsters in the media who know deep down the game is almost up. They’re losing their grip. And while the victory is not ours just yet, we are much closer to the prize.
2025 will be another big year of mass switch-offs from the mass media and that can only mean one thing: another year of mass awakening among the Irish people.
So keep pushing your climate mania, RTE. You’re doing our job for us. Your ratings are on the floor, and with every psyop you try to pull, you drive another nail into your coffin.
Happy New Year, everyone!
Fortis Fortuna Adiuvat!
And remember to disobey every single inane order emanating from RTE and Government dictators. When they say ‘stay home’, you go out!
(Paddy*: Deluded Irish person who has yet to waken up to the reality that the government hates his guts and the media lies to him 24/7)
Scaremongering by RTE, other fake media & weather pages on Facebook telling the sheep to “stock pile for 5 days” be careful of pipes bursting etc red warnings, orange warmings & yellow warnings .. warnings warnings warnings had the docile out in force yesterday clearing out shelves in supermarkets throughout the country. Dopey fools falling for the BS lies of the fake media. It’s Winter it’s cold totally normal. It’s Winter it’s windy totally normal. It’s Winter it’s raining & windy totally normal. It’s Winter some places might get a bit of snow (how nice) it’s totally normal. Yet the sheep believed everything RTE & fake media pushed about weather they would have experienced for years & years. I’m floored people would fall for this utter crap. The gubberment must be looking on with glee thinking what a bunch of muppets the Irish public are. We can make right fools out of them & they believe all the propaganda being pushed. I looked on with sadness because these fools will drag us all down the abyss with them. Critical thinking is something that doesn’t exist in the sheep. Docile or hypnotised is the only explanation because intelligent people don’t fall for crap like this. Climate Con will be pushed big time in 2025.. will people cottoned on .. time will tell but I wouldn’t hold my breath to be honest.
God Bless you Gemma.