This Week’s Fear Op: The Twitter Ten
In Farce News, Musk’s bad actors in Ireland are pretending they're under police investigation as 'far right' activists. The same operatives are in bed with the most insidious of NWO tyrants

The overlords’ fake-boosted assets in Ireland - aka the controlled and mortifying ‘far right’ opposition (not) - were out embarrassing themselves again this week pretending to be the target of a garda sting (oxymoron) in a classic fear/distraction op to petrify Paddies who harbour ‘harmful’ opinions towards our coloured visitors.
This gang of con artists continue to pull these laughable stunts in their desperation to make people think they’re something they’re not: ie a threat to the globalist oligarchy that has destroyed Ireland.
A long time ago, we proved they are in fact part of it, but it’s useful when they put on these shows - scripted of course by their handlers - because it wakens up a lot more trufers to their fakery and we get the chance to unpack it.
As auto-hoaxologists, when anything fake-trends on Twitter, JewTube or fakestream media now, your default position should be to promptly disregard it as a staged operation to fool the dumbed-down masses. Remember Musk and his pals at Google can make anything go viral using fraudulent algorithms, so where you see some clown getting tens of thousands of views, understand that bot accounts are promoting it and not real human beings. Waterford White Boy Michael O’Keeffe is a classic example of this: imagine having 180,000 followers yet nobody has a clue who or what you are. Twitter gaslighting at its finest.
The protagonists of the Twitter Ten skit: John ‘I’m Triple Vaxxed’ McBurk from Grift, GI Jana and De Dirish Inquiry operate as a cabal of disinformation agents with Dogbeater Dwyer and Ashill always joining in for some extra snorts. These shameless lapdogs pretend to be separate entities, but in this latest charade, they’ve come clean about the fact that they’re all scavenging out of the same transhumanist trough as they plead and fawn over Vax Daddy Trump and Brain Chip Musk to save them from the nasty Irish guards. Give me a break.
Repeat: Ireland is no longer run by any of the crisis actors in the shambolic blackmailed doyle, clown courts or gombeen guards. It’s nothing more than a vassel corporatocracy controlled by criminal corporations Palentir, Google, Intel, Twitter, FB, Pzifer and Co who call the shots on behalf of the Jewish moneymen at the top who bleed off the dumb goy below.
Getting it yet? Tick tock.
There’s no government left, no gardai, no judiciary: just a pack of moronic, blackmailed dead-men-walking who know the nation-state gravy train is grinding to a halt and their sorry posteriors are about to be kicked into Mars in an Elon (c)rocket as the One-World dictatorship replaces them with AI bots.
Never fear. We know it can only succeed with our compliance, just like Covid. That’s why they keep having to run these woeful psyops. Most Paddies are happy slaves and will obey because ‘holidays, mortgage, extension, football’. It’s your own fault if you’re not building a life away from it.
Back to Musk’s Irish handmaids: let’s remind ourselves who these grifters really are.
Vax Promoter Extraordinaire Gript’s McGuirk is handled by megastooge pseudo-Catholic Declan Ganley whose moneyman is sodomite Peter ‘I defer to Israhell’ Thiel, one of the most dangerous technocrats in the world. A rabid Zionist and mentor to US puppet VP JD Vance, Thiel is the co-founder of spyfirm Palentir - the CIA data-mining outfit which prides itself on being architect-in-chief of the AI One-World surveillance megastate. Named after the all-knowing crystal balls in Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings, it specialises in building software for spying on the public - not just your common-or-garden CCTV on a lamppost sort of illegal spookdom but finding out what someone you might have looked up once on LinkedIn had for breakfast three years ago. Plant-based, hopefully. Their big speciality is predicting who might become a thought criminal at some point in the future - for example tracking someone who might waken up one day and realise there were no German gassings or that the Catholic Church was right to keep expelling Jews from Europe and ban their sodomy and usury. During the flu lockdowns of recent years, Palentir had a field day swooping up private health data from stupid Covidians around the world and feeding it back to the powers-that-shouldn’t-be.
In his spare time, Thiel helps the Jews generate 'kill lists' of Palestinians and he’s involved in all sorts of egomaniacal dystopian endeavours including plans to have his head frozen when he dies in the hope of returning when Musk has worked out the end of death. Eyeroll.
Thiel’s Palentir - whose only client until 2008 was the CIA - funds McGuirk’s handler Ganley through his company Rivada Networks, another spy agency for the global controllers which is in the process of developing (really boring PR bit) ‘a constellation of 600 low-earth-orbit communications satellite infrastructure for governments and businesses’ - in other words the AI surveillance state a la Novus Ordo Seclorum. In other words, the retarded psychopathic control grid.
Last year, the close connection between McGuirk and Thiel’s Rivada was revealed when it emerged that he had a company email no less - just a misfortunate coinkidink of course. Nothing at all to see.
Who is funding Gript? Use your imagination. If you’re mad enough to have signed up like many deluded Catholicks, rest assured your data’s in safe hands.
What irony that Ganley - founder of the failed political intelligence entity Libertas - would be a slave to the likes of degenerate despots like Thiel! But that would be to misunderstand Ganley’s role in Ireland’s descent into globalist hell and the fact that he was always a controlled asset working for the big boys; a deep entryist like Hermoan Kelly, installed with his minion McGuirk to spy on and process data on elements within Irish society who may wish to assert their Catholic Irish identity against the tyrannical technocrats trying to quash it.
Another scorpion in this sinister web is GI Jana Lunden - daughter of a US army freemason - who was also an agent of Thiel’s shady PayPal and a dogged debt collector for Bank of America (a shadow arm of the CIA who shares banking data belonging to freedom-loving dissidents to federal agents). The matriarch of the US industrial complex in Ireland, Lunden actually called for the arrest of dissenters during the scamdemic and was a hardcore pusher of all things HSE even taking part in spying missions on her neighbours. Freedom how are you?
Jana portrays herself as the adopted mother of I-Er-Land wishing to nurture and protect all of the children of the nation blah blah. The reality couldn’t be further from the truth. She trots out cheesy lines that she will shield ‘her children at all costs’ - odd given that she went into battle with Facebook demanding that they leave pictures of her son’s naked body up online. And when the abortion frauderendum was being held, she used her own child to promote the murderous practice. Protecting children at all costs. Pull the other one.
Her sick pastime of standing on the street with giant grins and giant signs indicating to passing pervs where porn is locally available was one of her worst operations yet.
GI Jana’s political sidekick is Senator Sharon ‘Surveillance State’ Keogan whose mission in life is to install CCTV in every town, hamlet and hillside of Ireland so Paddy can be watched 24/7/365. Needless to say, she’s a rampant supporter of gimmigrants, trannies and vaxxers, and wants to use Elon’s chips on disabled children. Wholesome.
We’ll be publishing a deep dive on the dark roots of The Irish Inquiry (anything but) and frontman Stephen Kerr - also selected for the Twitter Ten scam - at a later date. Throughout the Covid scam, they revealed their true selves by trotting out disinfomation agents like Painful Cahill, Blackrock Eddie and Fat Emporer ‘Ivan The Terrible’ of ‘I’m not at all worried about the vaccine’ fame, while ignoring with a vengeance the only genuine opposition to the fraud.
Kerr also sat on explosive information about the framing of Aaron Brady, including a powerful presentation by his father Tony, for more than four years before being shamed into covering the case. They continue to ignore all of the recent monumental developments in the case including the Molly Staunton tapes.
In this week’s episode of Clownworld Ireland, Kerr - who tries desperately to be the coolboy of the squad - let the side down again when he was seen crawling to Elon with gratitude for protecting him and his fellow bots from garda intrusion. Is he on the whackybaccy or something?
The sycophantic boot-licking of eugenicist Elon by this crew of neer-do-wells is particularly stomach-churning given their hero wants the very same things they are supposed to stand against. Globalism? Tick. Carbon taxes? Tick. UBI (Universal Basic Income)? Tick. Separation of powers? Tick. New World Order? Tick. Harmaceutokills? Tick.
The purpose of this week’s fearmongering parody is to instill terror into anyone in Ireland with anti-establishment leanings that the fluorescent brigade are going to burst through their doors at any minute and swoop up their devices for tweeting about dirty trannies or invaders. Chillax. It’s all a psyop.
Wise up to the wolves in sheep’s clothing so they don’t fool you for much longer!
In our next episode: Islamic Extremists Target Holy Patron Day Of Ireland: Terrified Tricey O’Moanahey Shrieks ‘Stay Home’ as her boyfriend arms up for lockdown; Derek The Blithe Losing His Mind - What Do They Have Him On Now?; Latest highbrow Pepperology ponderings from Yisser including update on nationwide doorbell camera installations.
A lot to look forward to. Who needs St Patrick? These guys are the real heroes and are definitely coming to save you. Back to sleep for now, Direland.
Brilliant revelations, keep it up!
Absolutely brilliant as always, spot on with all the shenanigans as usual. I have to wear my tenner lady when I read your posts it’s so funny as well as deadly serious.