Loopy Ronan Lupton Needs A Booster For His GDS (Gemma Derangement Syndrome)
The GIT is at it again!
Guess what! Obsessed and deluded Ronan ‘The GIT’ Lupton (above) was back in the Low Court again yesterday.
Can you believe it! Yes, begging once more of the beleaguered bench to have his nemesis silenced. Preferably permanently this time.
And next week, while we’re all roasting chestnuts on open fires (Jewtune? Check), he’ll be trundling down the quays again in his sinister cloak to try to finish off the job. Poor demented Ro SC (Seek Counselling).
I believe the vultures call them ‘super injunctions’. I’m now in the same league as Giggsy! Class.
As you know, Loopy Lupton does a nixer as the GIT (Government Internet Tsar) and his Twitter account @ronanlupton reveals how he is actively trying to have all of you silenced too. In cahoots with Vladkreep, you say? Just another coinkidink!
Ronan needs to get a life and fast. Are he and his family going to have ‘A Christmas’ at all this year or is he just going to plague me 24/7? At this rate, he’ll be in a Home for The Bewildered by New Year’s Eve munching Valium with Gobnait O Lúnasa.
It seems he’s abandoned all festive duties since his big loss a few weeks ago and is obsessing night and day over Gemma, concocting schemes to gag her for good and put her in ‘The Joy’ with Enoch for Christmas.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder does not cover the mania of this ambulance-chaser who is completely overwhelmed by a new and virulent strain of GDS - the dreaded bug known as Gemma Derangement Syndrome endured by many in the wigged class.
Booster quickly, Nurse!
But who is funding this bogus court case?
I have to admit I smelt the nose brigade were involved some time back. I mean who has such deep pockets to finance a five-year campaign of lawfare against me only them?
I know you say Jimmy found €10 million in his shed so he’s an obvious candidate. Certainly plausible, as the Garda investigation into the ‘Baldoyle pot of gold’ stank to high heaven. (“I called the Assistant Commissioner and he looked after it.”)
But even Jimmy’s resources and will to sustain this pitiful charade must be dwindling by now.
The awkward body language throughout the clown court fiasco of recent weeks intimated to me that ‘Councillor’ Guerin wished he was anywhere else but the Low Court - even the darkest alleyways of his constituency Blackbriggan would offer better refuge - because who in their right mind would want to keep drawing attention to the fact that their brother is one of the biggest child predators in Ireland?
(Above: Less Happy Times: Councillor Jimmy ‘The 10 Million’ Guerin at the Low Court dreaming of Blackbriggan)
No. Now it is clear that red-faced Lupton - who goes into cardiac arrest at mere mention of GO’D - is the real driver of this comic sketch along with his money-grabbing minions Kieran ‘Sunday Worst’ Kelly and Sinead ‘Jury Lashes’ Lardner from Perjury Experts Flynn O’Driscoll ‘Solicitors’ who have nothing better to do all day than tell lies to judges and juries, and harass a journalist who is trying to save her country from the hell into which it is plummeting fast.
The only problem for them at this stage is that if they want to silence me, they’ll have to kill me - judges included.
To be fair, they have tried. Because of them, I’ve received death threats to my home and a brick through my window. But the good Lord has spared me to fight another day, much to their dismay.
If this crew of crooks were any use as lawyers, they would have sat Jimmy down some years ago (maybe with a bottle of Ronan’s Valium) and said:
‘Jimmy. Everybody knows Gemma was talking about Martin in her tweet, not you, you fool. And because your brother is a filthy paedo, rather than trying to silence a journalist who’s exposing him and his Garda protectors, you should crawl back under your rock with your Garda mates and hide for a few years until the shame he has brought upon the Guerin family subsides, if it ever does.’
Unlikely now because I plan to keep talking about this big ugly cover-up as often as I see fit.
But back to the nose connection. Many thanks to some loyal supporters who have been taking a closer look at Loopy Lupton and his Jewy (💰💰) friends and it seems they are aplenty. Imagine our surprise!
In fact he is so far up their usurious posteriors, he’s been caught retweeting ‘The World Jewish Relief’ (‘Climate Resilient’ 🙈) fund no less, whose mission statement aims to bring ‘life-changing action to people in crisis around the world.’ We dread to think what that means but have a fair idea: Mass Emigrate. Fluoridate. Decarbonate. Vaccinate. Eliminate.
Now what’s a member of the prestigious and ever virtuous Bar (pronounced Boar while holding one’s nose no matter how big it is) of Ireland doing mixed up with these charlatans? It wouldn’t be that they also run a nixer called ‘The Lupton Relief Fund’ (LRF) which gives corrupt puppeticians and their lieyers a stash of cash like Jimmy’s to take down annoying anti-Semite scribblers in their midst? Perish the thought!
Anyway, never to let a week go by without haranguing her in The Low Court, Loopy Lupton is cantering back in next week in search of some judicial masking tape for Gemma that might be neatly parcelled under the Freemasonic tree.
(Note to masons: No fake flames this year, please. Fire brigades are overwhelmed with the vaccine injured. Ambulances also at full capacity so please call 999 in advance as the Lupton blood pressure will be at fever pitch yet again.)
All wigged creatures, read my lips. This mouth and the words that come out of it are staying firmly under the control of their owner who will continue to expose the rotten, avaricious and crooked black-gowned profession as it descends deeper and deeper into the burning pits of Hades every passing day.
Have a blessed Christmas, Ro. Remember life is short. Hopefully one day you will find your soul and start to put it to good use. Because right now, you’re about to outdo even Brendan Grehan SC (Seek Counselling) as the biggest clown in the Law Lie-brary.
(Note to all my subscribers: please share widely in advance of super-injunction to achieve Streisand Effect. Who knew! Jews have their uses! )
I could warm my cold winter hands off that flamethrower of a verbal takedown! It was a riveting sample of what Gemma's autobiography could look like. In 2019 Lupton said 'Education must begin at home, and censorship isn't the answer' regarding the access to sado-sexual content by the 14-year-old murderers of Ana Kriegel. Now he's the one of the main soldiers of the censorship attack on the Irish people. That's the life of a prostitute, he'll be whatever you want him to be for the right price. His ilk cannot fathom that money means nothing to people like Gemma, their lawfare tactic is futile. Just as the scribes of our ancient monasteries conserved knowledge, we too will ensure that the logos isn't obscured by enemy invaders.
this 'legal' system is a joke, 'democracy' is a joke, the entire system of corporations controlling people and countries has got to change or be changed,of course i mean, sick joke.