GIT (Government Internet Tsar) Ronan Lupton Tries To Silence Gemma O’Doherty…Again!
Overnight, the Official State Censor who thinks his black cloak gives him cover to tell lies has thrown his toys out of the pram again and is seeking to have The Irish Light removed from Twitter
The GIT (Government Information Tsar) Ronan Lupton has been having another of his tantrums and threatening my free speech once again. He’s in full panic mode and has been in active talks with Twitter to remove the Irish Light’s tweets regarding the twisted lies he told about me in the High Court.
Lupton can tell all the lies he wants about others but when they tell the truth about him, he runs for cover. A coward of a man. And not the brightest bulb in the chandelier.
Because the media sided with him during the farce hearing - obviously - nobody heard how he concocted a deceitful but comical story about me regarding my commentary on rampant paedophile Martin Guerin - brother of murdered journalist Veronica Guerin and North Dublin councillor Jimmy Guerin who has been gang-stalking me with Lupton for five years. This is because I disclosed the fact, along with several others including The London Independent, that the Gardai were involved in the murder of Veronica Guerin.
As you know, Martin Guerin walked from the court of Garda/Judge Martin Nolan (see below) in 2019 despite being convicted of possession of almost 1000 sexual abuse images and 146 videos of children as young as two. Interpol uncovered his sordid pastime in 2014 or earlier and informed the Gardai, who sat on it for almost five years. Protection racket.
Guerin’s paedophile activities were well known all over north Dublin. His marriage broke up over them and he was forced to resign from local sports clubs he was involved with, but during the recent High Court hearing, his brother Jimmy claimed he knew nothing about Martin being a child predator until the matter came to court in 2019. Looks of amazement from the Jury.
The same puppetician has senior gardai on speed dial when he finds €10 million in his shed, as you do. Handy that, so you’re not subjected to a normal investigation - the one that took place in his shed was a farce and obviously a cover-up. And we’re expected to believe that none of his friends in ‘The Branch’ thought of calling Jimmy in five years to let him know the crimes of his brother were about to be aired across the nation. More looks of bewilderment from the jury.
In his warped case against me, Guerin’s sleazy lawyer Lupton (above) actually told them that I contrived a scenario whereby I purposely wanted to mislead my large audience into thinking that Jimmy not Martin was the paedophile, when I was clearly writing about Martin Guerin’s immunity from prison on the day he walked.
For four full years, they have banged down my door, endangered my life, sent threatening emails and letters to me, lied on oath about me in front of several judges and carried out fraud, deception and attempted extortion because of one tweet I wrote about Martin Guerin on the day he walked from court, a convicted paedophile.
See below:
The story was all over the news that day and almost everyone online in Ireland who cared about child safety was talking about it. Every media outlet covered it but most of them used the headline: ‘Brother of Veronica Guerin convicted…’. (see samples below; this is standard journalistic practice). I stated clearly that it was her paedophile brother and gave six identifying features to that effect. Nobody thought I was talking about Jimmy Guerin. Nobody thought anyone was referring to Jimmy. Not even Jimmy himself or his corrupt lawyers Sinead Lardner, Kieran Kelly and Ronan Lupton. And they could not find one single credible witness to bring to court who thought it either.
The red faces of the bought and paid for media as they watched Lupton’s circus in the High Court was a sight to behold. They knew if fair was fair, at least by Lupton’s low standards, they would all be in the dock but because we have had to do their jobs for them in recent years, they sided with evil once again and tried to make silk out of the GIT’s giant porkies.
Salivating with venom, Lupton told lie after lie about me to the Jury claiming I had somehow wanted to bring these years of gang-stalking by him, Jimmy Guerin and his other legal creeps upon myself, that I would try to seek to lose my home and hard-earned savings with a nefarious plan to defame the puppetician when it was clear to a blind man that I was talking about Martin Guerin.
What we are uncovering against the backdrop of this High Court racket are some of the darkest secrets of the State. Veronica Guerin, though naive in her trust of wicked Gardai, was trying to expose them before the State had her killed. Now Ronan Lupton is trying to assassinate me - my character, body of work, my personal wealth and personal safety - because I am lifting a veil on the filth too and obviously having an impact.
Who is funding Ronan Lupton in his efforts to destroy me? They have spent a small fortune by now. Ask yourself that question.
Watch this man. Very dangerous. Very mad. Very dumb. And determined to shut your speech down.
You can learn more about this Clown Show on Go to Guerin in Video Playlist.
Lupton is just the latest in a long line of traitorous, subversive criminals to be exposed by Gemma. Great job.
When the flak is heaviest ,it means you are over the target.
The Regime,its Judiciary and Garda are polluted with sleazeballs, who form an inner cabal that controls Ireland.