Gemma O'Doherty: S(E)lections Are For Shitizens. Voting Is Participating In Organised Crime
Until you stop feeding the beast system, we have no hope of bringing it down. If elections made a difference, they'd be outlawed. Dictators are not in the business of handing over power to the enemy
Remember the last time they lined up to get something from the State? That didn’t go so well, did it? Today is not much different. Another poison offering from the government in the form of the ballot box. Ah, the illusion that you are choosing your leaders. What a joke! As if the tyrants who have destroyed our country would hand over power to real enemies who would actually work for us! And you can be assured that anyone who does get ‘selected’ today is NOT the real deal.
There’s no easy way to say it, and I have said it before, but voting is participating in organised crime. By taking part, you are entering into a contract with a criminal mafia and feeding the beast that we need to destroy by giving it sustenance. Even by having a temper tantrum in the polling booth and spoiling your ballot, you’re giving the control grid recognition. The State loves to see messed-up ballots. It feeds off your anger. Once you keep voting, you’re keeping the rotten system alive, acknowledging it, giving it respect it doesn’t deserve, and yes, you’re supporting organised crime.
To understand why people still do this, we must return to the idea of the trauma bond. The shitizens are captured by a State who runs and oversees the fraudulent ‘selections’ in between trying to kill them, steal their wealth and turn their children into deranged order followers. Do they not detect a problem with that? But Paddy can see no other way out. He wants to believe that the monsters who despise him couldn’t possibly rig the vote. He thinks there’s no alternative.
‘Sure look at the recent referendum,’ he murmurs to his ‘far right’ friends. ‘Didn’t we win that?’ Big deal. In reality it was a nothing burger - no more than a release valve for shitizens to let off steam and set them up for being duped into voting in today’s selections. Of course they rig votes. They rig everything. Dictators are not in the business of handing over the reins to those who would usurp them and clean up their criminal institutions. Dream on.
Thankfully, only those in a state of Stockholm Syndrome will go out to vote today. Hopefully, they will see sense in time. I’ve been struck by the number of people who have contacted me in recent days to say they’ll never vote again and understand now that it is all a charade. Soon, we will reach a critical mass who think the same way and understand that the State needs to be brought down and that can only be done when people turn their backs on it. Then watch it collapse. Everything rotten eventually does so don’t be part of the vile scaffolding that keeps it standing.
Refuse to contract with it wherever you can, disobey and ignore tyrannical orders as we did in the lockdowns; avoid tax absolutely anywhere and everywhere possible; refuse to pay fines; switch off propaganda media; walk away from the HSE and other State-run criminal enterprises; and become as independent and self-sufficient as you can.
When the State collapses, the freebies will come to an end for the migrants and the other wasters who are screwing us financially. Never before have the political slime who have wrecked our country felt under such pressure. Acknowledging their illegitimate (s)elections sustains them. Choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil. No-one should be put in a position like that when it comes to the most fundamental things in life: their health, wealth, security, and futures. It’s time to disengage.
That is your most powerful protest vote. We don’t need government when all they do is lie, cheat, steal, maim and kill. Face it. That is all they do. We don’t need Leinster House, Brussels or Strasbourg. They are beyond reform. They were set up to take you down. You have to start envisaging an Ireland without them and release yourself from the trauma bond you have with them. That is the only way we can save our country.
In the video above, Sarah Plumley highlights the sham that is modern day France two centuries since the guillotine madness that brought it to its knees and broke its people, ripping Catholicism apart and introducing ‘secularism’ - Communism by the back door. Take God out and Big Daddy State becomes your authority. Happens every time. Look at where that has left us.
Tonight at 8pm, Sarah and I will continue this conversation ( Make sure to join the chat. And remember, the dog in the video has the right idea. Dump your voting card in the bin. Nobody is coming to save you, at least not through the fraud that is politics. We have a Leader. We need no other. We know what we have to do.
You can watch my stream with Sarah Plumley on this subject here:
All their manifestos are nailegeh citcelid sales pitches, if selected the only three thing they will do is:
1)Access the public purse.
2)Elevate themselves to diety status.
3) Knowingly/unknowingly? , further damage the Men and Women they'll swear to protect.